Lost and confused

I’m the same way when it comes to vaccines, LoL 😂 anytime someone has ever brought it up to me I ask them “Are you sure you want to talk about that with me?” LoL 😂 I believe I was vaxx injured by the MMR vaxx as a baby. Shortly after that vaxx, my mother told me I began having full body tremors (uncontrollable shaking), I regressed with my walking and talking and had to have physical therapy for both, though I only remember the walking therapy.... had the tremors my whole life and was diagnosed when I was 14 with “nervous tremors” and then two years later when I was 16 I had my first grand mal seizure and was then diagnosed with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, which are basically stress induced seizures. I have suffered from chronic brain fog all my life, I’m actually very intelligent but to speak to me in person you’d never know it, LoL 😂 I communicate via writing the best, sadly my family was not a big fan of my “letters” so they never understood me at all and they all think I’m stupid.... joke’s on them! LoL 😂 Anyways, I figured out that my condition might be from the MMR vaxx after reading a book called “The Vaccine Safety Manual” by Neil Z. Miller shortly after my first daughter was born. All my kids are vaxx free and they are so much more healthy overall than I am or ever was. We homeschool and they are well informed about all vaccines and pharmakia products.
Awesome...(not awesome you were vax injured...LOL.) When i was a kid there were only 3 or 4 vaccines. My wife was never vaccinated, and after we got married I did all the research, so when we had kids, they have not been vax'ed either. 10, and 5. So the vaccine push by the GB was a nuclear deal breaker for us, including my wife, although she doesn't want to say so publicly.

I have posted here on this forum many times, "I cannot control if i get sick, and or exposed to a virus, but I can control whether I get sick or injured from a vaccine I do not take." (That is of course ignoring shedding...but that kind of dilutes the point...LOL...)
Oh also BTW @DoubleThink333 There is no way POSSIBLE you could claim "you are no part of the world" and claim JW's do not have a religious objection to vaccines, when vaccines are only needed "in this world." Did Jesus need vaccines?
Part of the problem we have, is these 8 men have decided they are in fact the "master's of our faith" by dictating our conscience to us! Just like the beard thing, "faithful in small things..." they have taken it upon themselves to decide what is acceptable to God. Well, are then going to stand before Jehovah and say, "No it's not his fault he got that wrong, he was wrong because we told him that" ? Yeah, the answer is NO!
Is the GB really coercing people into taking the vaxx now?! I thought they were just not so subtly encouraging “good Christians” to take the vaxx...
Full time workers had the option to vax or leave full time work unless they had a medical reason to not get vax’d. As far as coerced, that is my opinion because they dismissed the question of what do the GB know about the vax and said ”wrong question, what does Jehovah know?” That was Spane and then Morris ended one of his video updated with “get vaccinated! if possible.” Now with the requirement of vaccination to attend the pioneer school and elder school and whatever, that really sounds like coercion to me.
I’ve asked this same question previously. I’ve not received a satisfactory answer.
And we won't for awhile.
Recall that religious organizations as well as other social welfare groups were richly rewarded according to participation levels in jab promotion and that was documented somewhere in this forum awhile back. Would the GB - whose ties to the political world are also well documented, have turned down a bundle of cash and not bragged about their virtue? Not likely.

They not only promoted it, they brought vaccines on site at Bethel to the tune of 99%, and bragged repeatedly. They coerced (.."if you want to stay in the land of the living.." D. Splane) compliance worldwide at their satellite Bethels and also repeatedly bragged that they even obtained and distributed the stuff themselves when others could not get it. (Suspicious enough in itself).
NOBODY else in this insane world is thinking this is good except perhaps the WEF dominated organizations (it is now being touted as the "crime of the century" by the rest)
Talk about being on the wrong side of history!

So short answer is a specific money transfer to the GB has not been traced yet, but one day it will if someone finds the name of the shell company or third party investor they hide deals in.
Hi @coinlady, not disagreeing with this statement, but have been trying to find concrete evidence to show this is true. I've found a few financial statements showing investments in varying businesses, but nothing to show they rec'd money. In general, yes, many religious orgs rec'd money for promoting the vx, but specifically have not found anything showing the WT did, have you or anyone else? Please share links, docs or records, thanks. DM me if you prefer.
I believe it has to do with their 501c (3) status. If they don't tow the line they lose tax exempt status. That would be a disaster if they're concerned about money and not Jehovah's name. But that could never be the case. /s

Look, we know they have this status. It's a matter of record. We also know the government has the ways and means to take it away. That is a matter of record. It doesn't take a genius to draw the line. No, you'll probably never have evidence they were threatened with the revocation. But it may have been an unstated threat. There are plenty of those in this world. When money is your god you'll do anything to get it and keep it.
"the updates did not recommend any particular vaccine" thereby, couldn't anyone reply, "yes, I'm vaxxed",
I've used this on occasion. If someone asks if I'm vaxxed, I say, "of course". If they meant the Stroke poke, well they should have been more specific, now shouldn't they...or maybe don't ask me questions that are none of they're flippin' business. What a clown world.
But Jesus did not say before.
That's true but early Christians wouldn't have been condemned for leaving early...years early. As long as they could have maintained their spirituality. They could have traveled to Laodicea or any of a number of Christian fields. Then when the bulk of the Bros left Jerusalem, when they saw the disgusting thing they could have a place prepared for them or at least welcomed them.
Hi Goldie, I will tell you about my experience but the only thing that I want to “encourage” is for each person to search the scriptures, pray and wait for Jehovah’s spirit to lead you to resolve this question so that you can have complete peace of mind. I also think it is important to be careful not to give prominence to have our opinion be right, but instead to honestly analyze from what we know about our God and what he has revealed to us in his word, how he feels and what he wants us to do based on his principles.

First and foremost, I was found by the witnesses around 1989 in the door to door work as an adult single mother of 3 children but I was raised as a Catholic. I was an eyewitness of blatant hypocrisy in most religions and religious people and was disgusted by that. I actually would never have become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses if it had not been for the fact that we all have bibles and we look up scriptures during our meetings and so I wanted to be sure no one would ever trick me again into believing nonsense. Knowing the bible was to me a protection against wolves in sheep’s clothing. I thought that by always looking up scriptures to verify the points being made at the meetings and in publications was a great safeguard against religious error. That was really an integral part of my deciding to become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

There were doubts along the way, but the doubts were about the imperfect men and women in the organization and never about the scriptural truths that I was learning. I gave a lot leeway to issues that I saw or that I suspected because we wait on Jehovah, right? So, I’ll list the few that I overlooked but still had logged in my memory. The UN NGO debacle that I was aware of from around 2013 but if I remember correctly Lett did a video addressing that where he said it was just to obtain a library card and they had resigned and it was just a honest mistake. In my mind at that time, I didn’t know if that was true but at the same time I couldn’t prove anything nefarious and I didn’t hear anyone else making accusations either. So, I just logged it but continued in the org.

Also, they seemed to constantly change the definition of what a generation was. That just made no sense to me and I would consider what if they are wrong about 1914. But being wrong about a prophecy date does not negate the bible and so that just wasn’t an issue that would make me want to leave the org.

Then COVID came along and the updates regarding the vaccine. I knew I did not want an experimental vaccine, but before I knew anything concrete about the vaccines, I did think that if my job required it then I would go ahead and get it. My job did not require it and I continued investigating it. When I found out that it damages the blood that is when for me, I decided it was a clear defilement of the flesh and since blood is sacred to Jehovah I could never get the COVID vaccine. Also, I wasn’t sure about the aborted fetal cells but I now am convinced on that too. The more I learned about the vaccines, the more I realized how deadly they are. Also around that time, I saw the jw.org website feature an article about misinformation. That article was nearly identical to articles being printed in worldly news sites and it seemed like a part of operation “mocking bird”. If you haven’t heard of it, that is the CIA trying to control public opinion. Of course I had no real evidence but again, it made me watchful of what else might come through the org.

For me the video updates were devastating. I waited to see if the org would backtrack and apologize, even though Meditator told me they would never apologize. They even contradicted their previous stand on health matters and those prior stands of being neutral regarding health matters were solidly based on scriptural principles. I literally cried for 2 months and could barely work during that time.

Meditator and I felt obligated to at least communicate our feelings along with the scriptural principles to the Elders in our congregation and we wrote a letter to them. We were nearly DF’d last year and to be honest, we did say that we thought it was looking like the GB was becoming an evil slave. So, that statement alone is probably enough to get us DF’d. They did not DF us initially but then they came back around to try to meet with us again. By then, we just decided to not engage with them any longer and I quit the meetings. But as I said I am now “free range” and so I look at the JW app pretty much every day and try to stay aware of what the org is doing and saying. I am obviously on this forum every day and I try to keep up with the e-Watchman site too. I’ve read Robert King’s book and listened to it on audio numerous times and I still witness informally at every opportunity particularly to the friends who still talk with me.

In summary I came to conclusion that for me, I cannot attend the meetings without telling the truth about what the GB, the Elders, etc are doing that violates the scriptures. And, I not only could not promote the 1914 fraud but I would have to verbally call it out when it was mentioned. So, I don’t think that stirring up arguments honor Jehovah but I also don’t think that sitting like a lump on a log while others push fraudulent prophecy interpretations to unsuspecting and vulnerable people is honoring Jehovah either. But that is my conscience. And, when they praise the GB in prayer, which they do often, I cannot say amen to that. Just sitting silently in my opinion would be further ”support” to their fraud. I just can’t do it. However, I did make an honest attempt to go back to the meetings in person when they opened up and I had an emotional breakdown again. So, I honestly believe Jehovah does not want me there. I pray every day for his guidance and it isn’t that I’m not willing to suffer for worshipping him in truth and spirit but it would hurt my conscience to sit silently at the meetings where all sorts of false religious error is being promoted.

Hope this helps.
So much of this beautiful post mirrors my feelings!
I believe it has to do with their 501c (3) status. If they don't tow the line they lose tax exempt status. That would be a disaster if they're concerned about money and not Jehovah's name. But that could never be the case. /s

Look, we know they have this status. It's a matter of record. We also know the government has the ways and means to take it away. That is a matter of record. It doesn't take a genius to draw the line. No, you'll probably never have evidence they were threatened with the revocation. But it may have been an unstated threat. There are plenty of those in this world. When money is your god you'll do anything to get it and keep it.

I've used this on occasion. If someone asks if I'm vaxxed, I say, "of course". If they meant the Stroke poke, well they should have been more specific, now shouldn't they...or maybe don't ask me questions that are none of they're flippin' business. What a clown world.
Actually, I've been speaking with (and doing Bible studies with) Mark Martin, former JW elder, who now has his own ministry to try to reach people with truth. We talked about the jab and the GB promoting it, and I brought up could they be doing it to maintain their 501C3 status? He said that he himself is 501C3, as the govt forces any church to be in that box, and he said he has never once tried to promote the jabs in his sermons.
That's true but early Christians wouldn't have been condemned for leaving early...years early. As long as they could have maintained their spirituality. They could have traveled to Laodicea or any of a number of Christian fields. Then when the bulk of the Bros left Jerusalem, when they saw the disgusting thing they could have a place prepared for them or at least welcomed them.
And we won't for awhile.
Recall that religious organizations as well as other social welfare groups were richly rewarded according to participation levels in jab promotion and that was documented somewhere in this forum awhile back. Would the GB - whose ties to the political world are also well documented, have turned down a bundle of cash and not bragged about their virtue? Not likely.

They not only promoted it, they brought vaccines on site at Bethel to the tune of 99%, and bragged repeatedly. They coerced (.."if you want to stay in the land of the living.." D. Splane) compliance worldwide at their satellite Bethels and also repeatedly bragged that they even obtained and distributed the stuff themselves when others could not get it. (Suspicious enough in itself).
NOBODY else in this insane world is thinking this is good except perhaps the WEF dominated organizations (it is now being touted as the "crime of the century" by the rest)
Talk about being on the wrong side of history!

So short answer is a specific money transfer to the GB has not been traced yet, but one day it will if someone finds the name of the shell company or third party investor they hide deals in.
I completely understand your entire post. And in the end, you could be completely right. Unfortunately, all I’ve seen thus far is circumstantial evidence. Correlation does not imply causation - I need more. At least that’s my take on things.

However, I understand that some people don’t need that level of proof to draw their own conclusion, or they weight things differently. I’m okay with that.