Should I Give up on Dating?

These guys have also seen friends and family members get absolutely fleeced in a divorce when their new - formerly promiscuous wife - decides to go back to her old ways and cheats - which blows up the marriage. (I’ve heard this one several time - and I just want to say: “Duh!”)

This worries me too. It's a real risk that I'll have a baby with someone who will leave me, never let me see my kid, and then be forced to pay child support from a distance. Possibly even alimony. So yeah, marriage and having kids is extremely risky.
These guys say that any woman not in these groups, would actually be considered to be a unicorn and such a young woman doesn’t actually exist. I tell them that they are too young to be that bitter. And to keep looking.
Yeah. They're called NAWALTs. Not All Women Are Like That. The mythical unicorn. I've heard of these things. I for one believe there are true good women out there just like there exist good men. But even the good ones are flawed. The problem is people today are not willing to work through problems because "love" to them is merely a feelings, not actual work.
This worries me too. It's a real risk that I'll have a baby with someone who will leave me, never let me see my kid, and then be forced to pay child support from a distance. Possibly even alimony. So yeah, marriage and having kids is extremely risky.

Yeah. They're called NAWALTs. Not All Women Are Like That. The mythical unicorn. I've heard of these things. I for one believe there are true good women out there just like there exist good men. But even the good ones are flawed. The problem is people today are not willing to work through problems because "love" to them is merely a feelings, not actual work.
I don’t doubt that there are good women out there. That’s why I encourage these young fella’s to keep looking. But the same issues I mentioned keep coming up over and over again with them. I can see how frustrating it is for them. These are smart guys with good careers. They aren’t looking for hook-up’s (well, a few of them are) but most originally were just wanting to find a marriage mate and have a family.
I've been married twice. First marriage was a witness so is my 2nd wife now. First wife was just unbelievable. Let's just say slut. The wife I am with now, been with her 20 + years. It has not been a picnic either. The problem with most people even in marriages that work, is every one of us tends to think too much of ourselves, and it lends to problems no matter what.

@BillyRay hits the nail on the head with every he said. I think if I was having to look for a wife now, I'd look for someone who comes from a "christian" family background and try to find some middle ground. I think that being a JW just lends itself to problems, because of the built in mind control coming from the org.

Not much help from me, I'm dealing with trying to raise young kids at what looks very likely like the brink of Nuclear war, and I have friends I went to school with who, have grand kids the same age as my kids! Billy Ray and I are probably pretty close to the same age!

But Jahrule, you did manage to make me feel like I have things pretty good in-spite of all my problems!;)
This is something I pray about a lot. I'd really like to start my own family someday. But the more I try the less likely it looks to work out. Some of you couldn't even make it work with another JW. The chances of me finding anyone is starting to look pretty hopeless. If people can't even make it work with other believers, what chance do I have with women on the outside? I've had a couple dates. But they usually are just looking to "hook up", and I'm not going to say I've never done that. I am still human, and if someone throws themselves on me I'm probably not strong enough to resist the temptation. I'm not.

This actually happens a lot up here. But regardless, that's not what I want. I understand that's a sin, and I shouldn't be putting myself in those situations. Again though, there aren't a lot of options. It's either put myself out there to find the right person, which will likely mean a LOT more dates, or devote myself to celibacy, which is almost certainly not going to happen, or just marry anyone who says yes, which seems like a terrible idea considering the women I've dated recently.

I have crippling anxiety. I'm eat up with insecurities. I get older every day. I'm kinda starting to panic a little. I'm almost 40 and I got nothing to show for it. On the other hand, I couldn't afford a family anyway, so maybe this is all a blessing in disguise. It's just that being alone, completely alone, every day is really starting to take a toll on my ability to function normally. I feel like I'm just surviving. I don't feel like I'm alive.

Sorry for the rant. I don't have anywhere else to go.

Hope all is well.

There are sixty four faults that every person on earth has. Of those 64, there is an infinite combination just as there are moves on a chessboard. To calculate how to be successful in playing the game then, is simply one of strategy. Like the faults, the strategies to contend with them are equally limitless and so to survive, contend and enjoy the game, takes wisdom. If you choose another partner to play the game, you still have the same odds of success or failure. It is clear then, that in approaching the game, something other than superficial ‘compatibility’ is required if one is to stay in the game across the board from your opponent.

The first move, is to love yourself. If you cannot love yourself, you cannot love another, because the concept and construct of love depends upon understanding the attributes of love. The bible lists those attributes and encapsulates them in that one word, and which, also defines them in three applications for family, partner and God. One may also add self. Introspection on values within your life are critical to any relationship because being malleable within set parameters both scriptural (because that is a requirement unless you want to be yoked to the world) and physical, because love demands sacrifice. Thus to play the game demands the same degree of altruism in both contenders to accommodate the moves of the other yet remain strictly in the same game.

Thus if the coveted similarities (legitimate values in love) exist in each contender, then the relationship rests on negotiation of the love one has within them selves. It is the depth and quality of that love that determines the outcome of the game and it is this then, that one looks for and determines in their partner. Of course, searching for that depth of love, requires equal depth of character in the one doing the searching. Indecision then, is a factor in the game that has to be overcome, because strategy demands a full introspection of one’s self, because if we cannot love ourselves, then history will repeat itself.

Therefore, potential partners will have a degree of empathy that being mature, can understand and cooperate, sacrifice and endear, to the importance of compromise and negotiation that has to be traded daily between partners so that both can co-exist in happiness. The scripture cited at 1 Corinthians 13 is key to success and its success is defined in reciprocation. Is it not? What you give, is in equal proportion to that which you receive back and what you receive back, is the joy and security of giving it in the first place. Is that not so? Yes, it is.

This strategy is neither simplistic or futile, and the game is not chess, but life. We should expect our partner to make the best move. And what joy there is in our hearts when they do and more so, when unexpected. It seems almost impossible to find a partner, because in this day, our lives are so burdened with the onslaught of fear and distress, that it is nigh impossible to find another not affected adversely from it, and fragile in their depth of trust and reciprocation - until one realises the same issues in themselves. Then it becomes a little easier in breaking down the barriers.

There are millions of people out there who are looking to give of themselves, and giving of one’s self as the scripture notes, is the factor. It is not loose compromise, but considered sacrifice of self, - certainly not ethical or faithful standards, but in appreciation of the proper use and insight within such qualities. These are highly prized by like minded people, just as the scripture points out.

And even if you find this person outside of your spiritual needs, what joy there is when that one on experiencing your love, finds it also in the creator of love. There is no need for you to be anxious. I do not mean to trivialise the condition - it is a hell of a burden, and very debilitating, yet through it all, Jehovah knows your needs. The more you rely on Jehovah to meet those needs, the greater your reward will be. And you will be rewarded for your faith, and it will be far greater a reward than you have ever hoped for. Experience the open hand of Jehovah for yourself and may He bless you in your faith.
There are sixty four faults that every person on earth has. Of those 64, there is an infinite combination just as there are moves on a chessboard. To calculate how to be successful in playing the game then, is simply one of strategy. Like the faults, the strategies to contend with them are equally limitless and so to survive, contend and enjoy the game, takes wisdom. If you choose another partner to play the game, you still have the same odds of success or failure. It is clear then, that in approaching the game, something other than superficial ‘compatibility’ is required if one is to stay in the game across the board from your opponent.

The first move, is to love yourself. If you cannot love yourself, you cannot love another, because the concept and construct of love depends upon understanding the attributes of love. The bible lists those attributes and encapsulates them in that one word, and which, also defines them in three applications for family, partner and God. One may also add self. Introspection on values within your life are critical to any relationship because being malleable within set parameters both scriptural (because that is a requirement unless you want to be yoked to the world) and physical, because love demands sacrifice. Thus to play the game demands the same degree of altruism in both contenders to accommodate the moves of the other yet remain strictly in the same game.

Thus if the coveted similarities (legitimate values in love) exist in each contender, then the relationship rests on negotiation of the love one has within them selves. It is the depth and quality of that love that determines the outcome of the game and it is this then, that one looks for and determines in their partner. Of course, searching for that depth of love, requires equal depth of character in the one doing the searching. Indecision then, is a factor in the game that has to be overcome, because strategy demands a full introspection of one’s self, because if we cannot love ourselves, then history will repeat itself.

Therefore, potential partners will have a degree of empathy that being mature, can understand and cooperate, sacrifice and endear, to the importance of compromise and negotiation that has to be traded daily between partners so that both can co-exist in happiness. The scripture cited at 1 Corinthians 13 is key to success and its success is defined in reciprocation. Is it not? What you give, is in equal proportion to that which you receive back and what you receive back, is the joy and security of giving it in the first place. Is that not so? Yes, it is.

This strategy is neither simplistic or futile, and the game is not chess, but life. We should expect our partner to make the best move. And what joy there is in our hearts when they do and more so, when unexpected. It seems almost impossible to find a partner, because in this day, our lives are so burdened with the onslaught of fear and distress, that it is nigh impossible to find another not affected adversely from it, and fragile in their depth of trust and reciprocation - until one realises the same issues in themselves. Then it becomes a little easier in breaking down the barriers.

There are millions of people out there who are looking to give of themselves, and giving of one’s self as the scripture notes, is the factor. It is not loose compromise, but considered sacrifice of self, - certainly not ethical or faithful standards, but in appreciation of the proper use and insight within such qualities. These are highly prized by like minded people, just as the scripture points out.

And even if you find this person outside of your spiritual needs, what joy there is when that one on experiencing your love, finds it also in the creator of love. There is no need for you to be anxious. I do not mean to trivialise the condition - it is a hell of a burden, and very debilitating, yet through it all, Jehovah knows your needs. The more you rely on Jehovah to meet those needs, the greater your reward will be. And you will be rewarded for your faith, and it will be far greater a reward than you have ever hoped for. Experience the open hand of Jehovah for yourself and may He bless you in your faith.
That was some heavy stuff and valuable. What I have to say is that I an absolutely fascinated at just how open, raw, honest, confessing, empathetic and non judgemental everyone has been thus far in their comments w/in this post and understanding of the single persons plight. It can be one hell of a thorn of the flesh...
That was some heavy stuff and valuable. What I have to say is that I an absolutely fascinated at just how open, raw, honest, confessing, empathetic and non judgemental everyone has been thus far in their comments w/in this post and understanding of the single persons plight. It can be one hell of a thorn of the flesh...
I think that what you say is essentially true of all of us, and that is why there is a sensitive pool of experience in the matter. I have trodden Jahrule’s path several times through death and divorce and though I do not like to reminisce on such trials, I would be lacking somewhat in duty if I did not speak out to a fellow in similar straights. It would be as though I, we, walk past the injured one of Jehovah as the priest did of the Samaritan. I have always been amazed by the limitless responses in feeling and emotion that we all have in common problems in life. No one person senses or interprets the same events common to all of us, exactly as another does. Thus we cannot touch soul to soul with certainty, but we can hold an outstretched hand and our doing so, can help a person heal themselves. It is not always the problem that needs repair, but the sense of companionship and understanding, that allows the suffering one their pathway to not just carry on in life, but also in companionship along that road. That is the horrific side to humanity in these days of faith in that we are increasingly living alone in company. Isolated in our thoughts, searching for Jehovah in a fading dusk of evil and strife, loneliness and the continual stripping away of all that is holy and of value. If we are able to comfort one another, even though thousands of miles apart, unseen, faceless, a character within a computer, iPad or phone, it is nothing more than a miracle of Jehovah that we are able even just to attempt to do so. At least, that is what I draw from all you friends here = a beautiful sea full of fishers of communication in a sea of truth.
Many older ones that are married usually say to me that they are glad they found that special someone earlier. They know how crazy it be to go on dates currently. Being judged constantly, online dating not being natural. It was especially tough during the pandemic where I had little contact, I'd prefer dating witness women but it was hard to make any real connections when lockdowned for 2 in a half years. And that loss of social communication does affect you after sometime. I met a few women on dates but it ended up feeling more platonic than anything and it was getting time consuming and expensive going out to eat every so often. But it also taught me a good lesson. You have to have a relationship with someone that has the same worldview with you. Women outside the truth just seem very troubled and lost, they're looking for rich men, because they care for money more often. I'm taking a break from dating as it was just causing too much anxiety and pressure and I can't afford to go out as much. But yes, it's especially a challenging time to go out on dates with all the craziness from this world, I feel like it's dividing men and women away from each other on purpose. Probably, by design, to lower birthrates for their depopulation agenda.
Aye loneliness can be exasperating at times.. allthough we have family and friends there still is this deep hunger inside most of us for the love and intimacy from having a husband/wife.. its been around 12 years since my exwife kicked me out , sold off my things and moved in with another to have our second kid.. i havent dated at all.. (the full extent of crazyness i will spare you from suffice to say my paranoia in this regard goes deep)..🤪got taken by surprise by some stalker chick who drank me under the table and then folllowed me wherever i moved for 2 years while i fought to see my kids.. it truly can be a challenge at times.. esp if you then after a natural celibacy of 8-10 years suddenly have girls you had a crush on since childhood come and tell you they felt the same way - after you both went on and started a family🤪 irony of life indeed! It felt as if Satan himself just wanted me to see that all my bad choices was him pushing me on so that i would come to this moment in time and realize how i ruined everything in my life to the point of no return. instead i chose to see it as a reminder from the most high to understand how things could have been if i only had trusted him and that even the trainwreck my life had become there were still purpose for me.
i have come to the conclusion that i have to keep focus on taking care of my family first of all and staying close to Jehovah.. Everything else just distracts and for my youngest kid i still can make the diffrence for that i was denied with the eldest.. if it means putting life on hold for the time then so be it. and if Jah sees that there are a woman out there who would fulfill me and i her, then at the proper time he will make it so we meet.. at least it helps me from getting too worked up about it.. allthough from time to time we all get impatient😅😉
Here is some advice directly from an apostle: "Moreover, this I say, brothers, the time left is reduced. From now on, let those who have wives be as though they had none, and those who weep as those who do not weep, and those who rejoice as those who do not rejoice, and those who buy as those who do not possess, and those making use of the world as those not using it to the full; for the scene of this world is changing. Indeed, I want you to be free from anxiety. The unmarried man is anxious for the things of the Lord, how he may gain the Lord’s approval. But the married man is anxious for the things of the world, how he may gain the approval of his wife, and he is divided." -- I Cor 7:29-34

Certainly, the time left is reduced and the scene of this world is changing. Even people who have no faith can see that. The world is going to be a whole different place very soon, and not an improvement. It is going to be hellish. We are talking about world war. It is not the time to start a family.
It seems people today are just hedonistic. It doesn't help that feminism & the manosphere have been huge factors. What they have turned into nowadays, it seems is that they are militarizing the sexes. It sounds crazy but the hate is so immense that it's just a matter of time when the red horseman gallops through that they'll seek the opportunity to kill one another. I mean we see it with the racial, political, & religious, so who can say that gender won't be another factor.
Oh the manosphere that wouldn't exist without feminism and it has at least 3
wildly different factions? If that's how you feel what next joining the masses of people in there eugenics revulsion calling for every man that hasn't had success with women in the past six months to be shot? Plenty of Christian manosphere channels

There are good women there's a perceived absence because 1. Both propotionately and numerically they were far more common in earlier generations 2. The young ones settle in stable long term relationships early on.
I've been married twice. First marriage was a witness so is my 2nd wife now. First wife was just unbelievable. Let's just say slut. The wife I am with now, been with her 20 + years. It has not been a picnic either. The problem with most people even in marriages that work, is every one of us tends to think too much of ourselves, and it lends to problems no matter what.

@BillyRay hits the nail on the head with every he said. I think if I was having to look for a wife now, I'd look for someone who comes from a "christian" family background and try to find some middle ground. I think that being a JW just lends itself to problems, because of the built in mind control coming from the org.

Yes If you date inside you can't teach them before marriage the truth about the truth/Robert's perspective without supervision and the congregation/elders discovering you're an "apostate" you also can't evaluate if their allegiance to you as spiritual head exceeds worship of GB and/or the collective.
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I've always wanted my oldest kids to be born on this side of armageddon so they're not spoiled and know exactly what this system is like vs the new one and how good the new system is as well as how awful Satan is firsthand so they're less vulnerable to the final test at the end of the millenium. I always heard married brothers and sisters not have kids using the don't want them to go through the tribulation excuse but no one knows the day or the hour and that excuse could've been used by anyone at anytime the past two thousand years if everyone used that excuse a century ago none of us would be born it was always clear the couples I observed make that excuse were simply conserving funds from being child free to elevate their standard of living nicer cars, gadgets, trips to Disneyland, vacations to other countries etc
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I hate been on my own, but I'm trying to be strong. I think relationships are hard to navigate. I found growing up in the Watchtower talking to brothers was frawned upon if you were single, they thought you were after them. In th world they dont do the old fashioned courting. My parents courted 4 years before they got married. You cant say sorry no intimacy - I'm a Christian with values - they would laugh at you. I do pray to Jehovah. I think I might get a cat - a dog cant be left all night - working night shifts.
I've always wanted my oldest kids to be born on this side of armageddon so they're not spoiled and know exactly what this system is like vs the new one and how good the new system is as well as how awful Satan is firsthand so they're less vulnerable to the final test at the end of the millenium.
See, my solution to that would be: just don’t have children or get hitched at all until the thousand years are done and over with. The 2nd resurrection wont happen until then anyway.
A Man and a woman becoming 1 flesh... I think there is still a lot that we dont understand about this... In ancient days, right after marriage a woman had to prove that she was a virgin...with the blood on the bed sheets etc. Why was there so much importance in the Bible around the topic of virginity of women?

I read this article some time ago. I was shocked.
This might explain the brother-in-law marriage in the Mosaic Law.
A Man and a woman becoming 1 flesh... I think there is still a lot that we dont understand about this... In ancient days, right after marriage a woman had to prove that she was a virgin...with the blood on the bed sheets etc. Why was there so much importance in the Bible around the topic of virginity of women?

I read this article some time ago. I was shocked.

I remember the story of Jesus meeting this woman at the well. Jesus knew she was promiscuous and had multiple husbands. That didn't mean she was actually married by law to those men but was married in the flesh by those men through sexual intercourse. At that she knew Jesus was the Messiah.

There is also the idea of pair bonding. Something in your hormones takes place, especially with women and you take on the likeness of your spouse and it's like you can understand your spouse without even saying anything or completing their words or thoughts for them. Like you become in sync with one another. It can feel scary sometimes cause it can feel like your wife can read your mind at times. Lol.
I remember the story of Jesus meeting this woman at the well. Jesus knew she was promiscuous and had multiple husbands. That didn't mean she was actually married by law to those men but was married in the flesh by those men through sexual intercourse. At that she knew Jesus was the Messiah.

There is also the idea of pair bonding. Something in your hormones takes place, especially with women and you take on the likeness of your spouse and it's like you can understand your spouse without even saying anything or completing their words or thoughts for them. Like you become in sync with one another. It can feel scary sometimes cause it can feel like your wife can read your mind at times. Lol.
The DNA grants her cells a measure of access to your biohologram cloud folder.
This is something I pray about a lot. I'd really like to start my own family someday. But the more I try the less likely it looks to work out. Some of you couldn't even make it work with another JW. The chances of me finding anyone is starting to look pretty hopeless. If people can't even make it work with other believers, what chance do I have with women on the outside? I've had a couple dates. But they usually are just looking to "hook up", and I'm not going to say I've never done that. I am still human, and if someone throws themselves on me I'm probably not strong enough to resist the temptation. I'm not.

This actually happens a lot up here. But regardless, that's not what I want. I understand that's a sin, and I shouldn't be putting myself in those situations. Again though, there aren't a lot of options. It's either put myself out there to find the right person, which will likely mean a LOT more dates, or devote myself to celibacy, which is almost certainly not going to happen, or just marry anyone who says yes, which seems like a terrible idea considering the women I've dated recently.

I have crippling anxiety. I'm eat up with insecurities. I get older every day. I'm kinda starting to panic a little. I'm almost 40 and I got nothing to show for it. On the other hand, I couldn't afford a family anyway, so maybe this is all a blessing in disguise. It's just that being alone, completely alone, every day is really starting to take a toll on my ability to function normally. I feel like I'm just surviving. I don't feel like I'm alive.

Sorry for the rant. I don't have anywhere else to go.

Hope all is well.

Been der, done dat.

20s: Wanted to marry desperately
30s: Pretty much the same but desperately is getting more intense
40s: Starting to give up...
50s: Given up but...

It was meant to be that way. Jehovah saw something, he prevented it in my case. Maybe it's because I'm a jerk. Kidding...or am I? Maybe it's because I didn't really have the maturity needed to succeed. Whatever the reason, it was denied. I certainly wouldn't blame the gals. There were good ones.

I'm pretty happy now. I'm alone...but not lonely. I'm glad how it turned out for one reason alone: Read RK's comment.

This may be your fate as well. Again: Read RK's comment...again, and again, and again. Now is not the time to be looking for a wife. Batten down the hatches and get ready to fight for your life.

Another thing to consider: Satan loves to use the ones you love against you. Count yourself lucky. Imagine coming home to see your beloved wife being herded into a truck heading for an extermination camp? It would almost kill you. But you are being kept safe by Jehovah, you won't have to face that. You will have eternity in the new system to find a wife. In that system Jah will open his hand and satisfy your desire, fully, completely, perfectly.

Oh and did I mention, read RK's comment.

ETA: I should add that it's really up to Jehovah and you in the end. If you wait on him he may bring a mate to you in this system. I've heard that if it's right, it will happen and it will probably broadside you out of nowhere. No one knows what's around the corner except God. Leave it in Jah's hands but don't bother expecting or waiting for anything.
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