Trump's imminent arrest next week.

his real father was actually, Frank Marshal Davis,
Look at the cover of the book I posted. Obama looks just like Frank Marshal Davis and nothing like Barrack Obama Sr.
It's even more convincing when you own the programs used to make this forgery. There's a difference between knowing something, and believing something. I know Obama's "birth certificate" is fake...BTW, I still have it! And like I said, it was like they left all the layers on purpose just to mock people who knew as if to give everyone the middle figure and say, "there's nothing you can do about it." The other thing that could have happened is the person who made it, left the layers as a "whistle blower" but the reason I am not inclined to think that is because it would be impossible for that person to remain anonymous.

As far as why they kept it secret, I think the most likely scenario however was not the Obama was born in Kenya but that his real father was actually, Frank Marshal Davis, a well know communist and the ties his mother had to the CIA. Obama was a real CIA cut out!

I have heard before that Frank Marshal Davis was his father, but I can’t believe that because his half brother looks EXACTLY like him and they only share the same father.
And you have got to be kidding! Just who is it that you think you are? Eyes & Ears can say whatever she pleases just as you can. I’ve seen your cruel, mean comments on other occasions and let it pass. Not this time - she has now left the forum. Gee I wonder why. Take a look at what you wrote, you self righteous creep. Oh God save us from “worldly people “ Ok Watchtower

I'm curious as to which cruel, and mean comments in the past you are referring to Jennifer. Can you point them out to me please. To be honest, normally I wouldn't pursue such a remark, but your reaction and ensuing accusation leave me wondering what it was I've said in the past that was so vitriolic to warrant such an emotional reaction from you, that you just couldn't let it pass this time.

Regarding Eyes and Ears comment...I said nothing that was not true.
I'm sorry but you sound like a political leftist, with an agenda, on a non political website. That won't go very far here. Maybe you just testing the waters, but in this environment your comments seem extremely worldly.
There was no attack here, merely an observation of the way her two cent rant(her own description) came across. I don't know E&E, for all I know she could be 30 year old man with nacho cheese in his beard typing away. And honestly, thats fine with me to. I don't care. However when somebody wants to make statements like she did, then she should back them up with facts. If I want to hear about Trumpie and Pukin I'll watch CNN.
Let me remind to you all that Trump and Biden and Putin and all that people are part of the same system. A system whose strings are pulled by the same people, the same elite that has governed this world for centuries. They are just different players of the same game that belongs to the elite. They love to divide people in right and left, racism, for the money they have and all of that, but everything and all the politicians are part of the same thing, the same beast. They are just pawns of the same chess board. That's why I don't trust any of them or say that I'm from the left or the right or conservative or liberal or that I'm more inclined to one side or the other. They are like a coin, which has two "different" sides, but it's the same coin, the same system, the same thing. And that's something I really like about Jehovah's witnesses, or at least their beliefs, that we should be neutral in all of that because it's the same thing.
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Let me remember to you all that Trump and Biden and Putin and all that people are part of the same system. A system whose strings are pulled by the same people, the same elite that has governed this world for centuries. They are just different players of the same game that belongs to the elite. They love to divide people in right and left, racism, for the money they have and all of that but everything and all the politicians are part of the same thing, the same beast. They are just pawns of the same chess board. That's why I don't trust any of them or say that I'm from the left or the right or conservative or liberal or that I'm more inclined to one side or the other. They are like a coin, which has two "different" sides, but it's the same coin, the same system, the same thing. And that's something I really like about Jehovah's witnesses, or at least their beliefs, that we should be neutral in all of that because it's the same thing.
Perfectly stated !
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I haven't mentioned this in a few minutes but it bears repeating. Trump was a former Democrat and long time friends of the Clintons.
This is all for show. Perhaps they are trying to instigate another protest so they fill more prisons. Eventually they will run out of targets and come looking for their desired targets and I think we all know who that is.
I haven't mentioned this in a few minutes but it bears repeating. Trump was a former Democrat and long time friends of the Clintons.
This is all for show. Perhaps they are trying to instigate another protest so they fill more prisons. Eventually they will run out of targets and come looking for their desired targets and I think we all know who that is.
I think you have great instincts on this one. They are all the same. I just don't know if Trump is purposely the same or if he being lead there by lies. I get the impression that he wants to do what HE thinks it's best for the country. But anyway, Jehovah will sort it out.
I'm curious as to which cruel, and mean comments in the past you are referring to Jennifer. Can you point them out to me please. To be honest, normally I wouldn't pursue such a remark, but your reaction and ensuing accusation leave me wondering what it was I've said in the past that was so vitriolic to warrant such an emotional reaction from you, that you just couldn't let it pass this time.

Regarding Eyes and Ears comment...I said nothing that was not true.

There was no attack here, merely an observation of the way her two cent rant(her own description) came across. I don't know E&E, for all I know she could be 30 year old man with nacho cheese in his beard typing away. And honestly, thats fine with me to. I don't care. However when somebody wants to make statements like she did, then she should back them up with facts. If I want to hear about Trumpie and Pukin I'll watch CNN.
That's why we need to see who we are talking to. Put your picture on here. I know some can still use a different picture then theres. But really, on this site. Come on show your face.🤪
Let me remind to you all that Trump and Biden and Putin and all that people are part of the same system. A system whose strings are pulled by the same people, the same elite that has governed this world for centuries. They are just different players of the same game that belongs to the elite. They love to divide people in right and left, racism, for the money they have and all of that but everything and all the politicians are part of the same thing, the same beast. They are just pawns of the same chess board. That's why I don't trust any of them or say that I'm from the left or the right or conservative or liberal or that I'm more inclined to one side or the other. They are like a coin, which has two "different" sides, but it's the same coin, the same system, the same thing. And that's something I really like about Jehovah's witnesses, or at least their beliefs, that we should be neutral in all of that because it's the same thing.
I don't believe in tribal politics and I also don't believe in neutrality. You are lying to yourself when you say you are neutral. A better wording for it is being apolitical, not being involved in politics but knowing something's are right or wrong morally as set out in the scriptures. I personally know a lot about politics. You are partly right though in there being a "uni party". In the grand scheme of things it goes beyond republican vs democrat and it's more like nationalism vs globalism. The iron and the clay represents not so much the party of republican or democrat but of the ideology of nationalism or globalism. George Soros has the agenda for an open borders society which promotes globalism. Donald Trump aligns with nationalism. We shouldn't be fighting in foreign wars and we need to build up manufacturing in America. Iron is what builds up a nation and makes it strong but clay weakens the foundation of a nation. The current system has to be destroyed to build a new globalist system or dare I say, a new world order. Elon Musk said at the World Government Summit.

That globalist system of authoritarian control is coming regardless. And since the whole world population would be subject to it. That would eventually cause our extinction. From mass vaccination programs going wrong and preventing us from having children, to biochemical warfare, and genocide on certain groups of people that don't follow the antichrist direction. It's like the tower of Babel all over again but in its future form. Jehovah wanted humans to spread out around the earth and make nations and borders for themselves. Having a centralizing global government like Nimrod and his chief counsel had would be detrimental for God's word to be established as they could ban the bible and jail anyone against their tower of Babel project. Don't you think that Jehovah would want us to be spread out all around the world like he originally planned in paradise after Armageddon? A global government could only work in God's kingdom but we would still have territories marked and paradise won't be a central location. This is longer than I wanted it to be but going in depth on the subject had to happen.




WARNING! The pictures above were made with computer AI.... (fake)
Could anyone see the difference between real and AI nowadays?
I haven't mentioned this in a few minutes but it bears repeating. Trump was a former Democrat and long time friends of the Clintons.
This is all for show. Perhaps they are trying to instigate another protest so they fill more prisons. Eventually they will run out of targets and come looking for their desired targets and I think we all know who that is.

Let me remind to you all that Trump and Biden and Putin and all that people are part of the same system. A system whose strings are pulled by the same people, the same elite that has governed this world for centuries. They are just different players of the same game that belongs to the elite. They love to divide people in right and left, racism, for the money they have and all of that, but everything and all the politicians are part of the same thing, the same beast. They are just pawns of the same chess board. That's why I don't trust any of them or say that I'm from the left or the right or conservative or liberal or that I'm more inclined to one side or the other. They are like a coin, which has two "different" sides, but it's the same coin, the same system, the same thing. And that's something I really like about Jehovah's witnesses, or at least their beliefs, that we should be neutral in all of that because it's the same thing.

Love love love this - we’re all being played IMO
I'm curious as to which cruel, and mean comments in the past you are referring to Jennifer. Can you point them out to me please. To be honest, normally I wouldn't pursue such a remark, but your reaction and ensuing accusation leave me wondering what it was I've said in the past that was so vitriolic to warrant such an emotional reaction from you, that you just couldn't let it pass this time.

Regarding Eyes and Ears comment...I said nothing that was not true.

There was no attack here, merely an observation of the way her two cent rant(her own description) came across. I don't know E&E, for all I know she could be 30 year old man with nacho cheese in his beard typing away. And honestly, thats fine with me to. I don't care. However when somebody wants to make statements like she did, then she should back them up with facts. If I want to hear about Trumpie and Pukin I'll watch CNN.

I just saw this Christo. It’s extremely late here in Oz but I’ll get back to you tomorrow
Jezebel was a deranged murderer and an immoral prostitute ....kinda like the left liberal democrats who are always pushing for abortion rights, etc..
Honestly, I’m not sure if Trump is a modern day Jehu…although he could very well be. But one thing’s for sure…for the past few years now you could see Hillary Clinton was like the deranged Jezebel and it’s the same with the rest of those left libs.
I think we all feel that we are not taking sides in the world’s politics and yet we cannot help but observe what is happening in society because these issues are what is being used to break it down. And, I think we all have a sense of what justice is. Regardless of whether a person has a “clean” history or a history of crimes, we still like to see people who suffer, actually suffer from the things they actually are guilty of and not false accusations. So, while it may seem like taking sides, sometimes it is just observing what we observe and interpret. I just hate injustice on every level. But I have to remind myself of this scripture.

Proverbs 26:17: “Like someone grabbing hold of a dog’s ears Is the one passing by who becomes furious about a quarrel that is not his.”

I do think, as an honest observer, that Trump has been pursued by those hating him. And, they are using any means to get him. But at the same time, he is a part of this system by his own choice. And, it appears that he will defend human rulership to the end. So, it is his fight for justice not mine. But, I don’t like to see injustice on any level.