It's even more convincing when you own the programs used to make this forgery. There's a difference between knowing something, and believing something. I
know Obama's "birth certificate" is fake...BTW, I still have it! And like I said, it was like they left all the layers on purpose just to mock people who knew as if to give everyone the middle figure and say, "there's nothing you can do about it." The other thing that could have happened is the person who made it, left the layers as a "whistle blower" but the reason I am not inclined to think that is because it would be impossible for that person to remain anonymous.
As far as why they kept it secret, I think the most likely scenario however was not the Obama was born in Kenya but that his real father was actually, Frank Marshal Davis, a well know communist and the ties his mother had to the CIA. Obama was a real CIA cut out!