update #2

Thanks for that info Susan. Personally I think they put the newbies into the GB for a reason, perfect yes men for what's coming. Luv to know what happened to Morris the 3rd. For what its worth, I cant help but continue to think that Louche is an hidden apostate extraordinaire. I believe he is working with the feds for the eventual takeover of the Watchtower. Can't prove it, its just a gut instinct.
You never know…but it’s very possible. I wouldn’t doubt what you’re saying @KevinB.
Thanks for that info Susan. Personally I think they put the newbies into the GB for a reason, perfect yes men for what's coming. Luv to know what happened to Morris the 3rd. For what its worth, I cant help but continue to think that Louche is an hidden apostate extraordinaire. I believe he is working with the feds for the eventual takeover of the Watchtower. Can't prove it, its just a gut instinct.
The feds wanting to take over watchtower?!!! What would they want with a kids’ ice-cream money when they have the banks?
This is totally unrelated to this thread but how do you send a PM.
Click on the little envelope icon in the upper right corner. Then select the recipients you want to send a message to. Then just fill in the dialogue box like you would writing a post comment. BTW, I cannot read private messages between forum members unless I am included as a recipient.
Click on the little envelope icon in the upper right corner. Then select the recipients you want to send a message to. Then just fill in the dialogue box like you would writing a post comment. BTW, I cannot read private messages between forum members unless I am included as a recipient.
Thanks very much 👍
I watched a bit of it too. I was curious to see if they mentioned the Hamburg killings. Maybe they did. I shut it down when they were interviewing the two Bethel boys turned Governing Body members. Couldn't take any more. Perhaps the program was pre-recorded before the Thursday night massacre; still, though, there are hundreds of people working at Bethel and they can't do an update that is more updated? I'm just a guy with a laptop sitting in an over-stuffed chair in my jeans and hoodie and I posted the Kingdom Bulletin a couple of hours after I heard the news. :(
It does occur to me that they still haven't figured out how to touch that subject until they can get the proper spin on it. They still want to look like Jehovah's untouchables in the eyes of the sheep, not the recipients of his ire.
Like some previous posters, I tried to watch the whole update (or is it downdate?) but it proved truly somniferous. However, I'm glad I found something that will help with my insomnia. Will the next update address the disappearance of AM3? I doubt it somehow. Some things are just swept under the rug, and this seems one of those things. Anyway, thanks to those who were able to watch the whole thing and give some comment on it.
It is strange that they are ignoring the Ohio desaster. There was/is a kingdom hall in the midst of that town. But then, when the most destructive tornado to ever hit western Kentucky completely flattened several towns we got NO news or updates from the brothers, not even our circuit overseer whose visit was the following week. (We are located just a couple of hours from the desaster zone.) That was another nail in their coffin for me. As long as local people and agencies are using their own resources it is if no concern to the billionaire org. 😉
They did mention some great scriptures and so I am reminded of Jesus’ instructions to his followers regarding the Pharisees at Matthew 23:3: “Therefore, all the things they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but they do not practice what they say”.
That’s always been my thinking on matters pertaining whether or not to do something they’ve instructed us to do. Great counsel from Jesus to keep in mind.
That’s always been my thinking on matters pertaining whether or not to do something they’ve instructed us to do. Great counsel from Jesus to keep in mind.
We all know that Satan would like to get us to reject Jehovah’s word and perhaps one way of doing that is to taint the messenger. So, even though sometimes the source of the information is less than desirable I try to concentrate on the message from God’s word because that is still perfect and lovely.
bringing or inducing sleep, as drugs or influences.

*related to that same word is the synonym; SOPORIFIC which seems to apply even more in this case.


: causing or tending to cause sleep
soporific drugs

b : tending to dull awareness or alertness

: of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy
It is strange that they are ignoring the Ohio desaster. There was/is a kingdom hall in the midst of that town.
It occurs to me, that they cannot spin it to blame Russia "the King of the North", push the vaccine, or push some other NWO agenda. The Ohio disaster was clearly done on purpose and when all the altenative media really ramps up the exposure to the government's involvement, WT's handlers will be calling that "misinformation" and "conspiracy theory". NO way WT want's to be on the wrong side of that fallout, that is to say on the right side!
For a God who never changes, like the two witness rule, he sure seems to change a lot about the "pioneer hour requirement" and "what a blessing that is from Jehovah"... for you raped children, "a blessing"...not so much. Just wait on Jehovah. Apparently the requirement for the title of "pioneer" is more important.
For a God who never changes, like the two witness rule, he sure seems to change a lot about the "pioneer hour requirement" and "what a blessing that is from Jehovah"... for you raped children, "a blessing"...not so much. Just wait on Jehovah. Apparently the requirement for the title of "pioneer" is more important.
You said a lot Nomex…in just that one statement! 😄
I watched a bit of it too. I was curious to see if they mentioned the Hamburg killings. Maybe they did. I shut it down when they were interviewing the two Bethel boys turned Governing Body members. Couldn't take any more. Perhaps the program was pre-recorded before the Thursday night massacre; still, though, there are hundreds of people working at Bethel and they can't do an update that is more updated? I'm just a guy with a laptop sitting in an over-stuffed chair in my jeans and hoodie and I posted the Kingdom Bulletin a couple of hours after I heard the news. :(
I have at last caught a dose of covid. It’s the Jewish strain, called ‘David’ because it ‘passes-over‘ more quickly. Even so, it’s not to be sneezed at. It’s a bit worse than man-flu, though, I have to say.
You can also hover your mouse icon over the person's name, and right above that there is an option that says, "Start Conversation", just click on that!
👍 👍
Hmm 🤔 I wonder why they haven’t mentioned the disaster in Ohio. Do you or does anyone have any ideas why they haven’t?
Just my little meat and potato thoughts. Some R & F most likely voicing concerns over these things. I can just imagine letters being sent to DEADquarters, I mean headquarters with concerns.

First it would cause more concern about field service and sitting in cars. If they don't address it hopefully talk about it will quietly go away and back to business as usual until the next horrific incident. 😔 Their usual non feeling way of doing things unless it serves their agenda.

Their answer will be through WT articles and last days of the last days
comments in every Sunday meeting, assembly, convention, updates, broadcasts with emotional music and interviews.

This will be droned into the minds of jw's until
things quiet down and those who want to leave leave.

They don't want too much attention spent on these things they really don't have any new answers. Just same old responses.

They will start off by saying, we are not inspired or infallible...we can't answer why........
Then the examples :
Why during a disaster is one house destroyed, but another is not touched......

On and on. Friends will sit there in a trance just like I used to thinking it makes sense. 🙃 🙃

I don't believe anyone will wake up unless they want to. You have to want truth and dig for it, pray to Jehovah to give you understanding. Ask for his holy spirit and then follow what he opens up to you through his word and association with other like minded jw's.

I do believe Jehovah leads such like ones to that place of refreshment during these challenging times if they keep on knocking and don't leave Jehovah and the example set by his son Christ Jesus. He did with us. We did not leave Jehovah did we.

MT 7:7
Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking and it will be opened to you.

For everyone asking receives, and everyone knocking it will be opened........

Jehovah sees their doings and he will address their mess in due time as we all know. It is not a good thing when Jehovah turns his attention to those misleading/ mistreating his loved ones.

Don't fool with Jehovahs

I am not a profound intellect, just burger and fries type individual.
I know we all are aware of these things.

But it is so nice to be able to share with others our thoughts no matter how simple they appear ☺
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