Warning about latest Smartphones and Tablets

I'm terrible sorry Barnaby if I offended you, that was certainly not my intention.View attachment 3911I use that saying when I'm unable to get my thoughts correctly across, even in Dutch. So please forgive me, View attachment 3913 I do value your comments dearly and appriciate your compliment, thank you for that View attachment 3912
I'm terrible sorry Barnaby if I offended you, that was certainly not my intention.View attachment 3911I use that saying when I'm unable to get my thoughts correctly across, even in Dutch. So please forgive me, View attachment 3913 I do value your comments dearly and appriciate your compliment, thank you for that View attachment 3912
Huh? What saying do you mean? I’m certain barnaby was not offended.
I am no ”big boy”. I have little academic grasp of scripture. Certainly I understand the basic scriptures as taught by Jesus, but I neither pretend or make pretence at matching that of a sage and I prefer not to be imbued with qualities I neither have or aspire to. Creation is the master of instruction for those that cannot delve into the higher echelons of prophesy and meaning - creation and the simple message. That is the only ground I would presume to lay claim to. If there is one scripture that reflects our general position in understanding, it is the words of Jesus to Thomas. “You have seen and believe. Greater still are those that have not seen, yet believe.” That is our test is it not? That in itself is no special honour, but at a guess, a remark by Jesus on the somewhat blatant, in-our-face comment on the evidence of Jehovah that there is to be seen in our very being, and in the glory of remnants left to us of creation. Take for example, the giant sequoia tree that can draw up water and nutrient 300 feet and more through tubes the thickness of a hair - compare that with the machinery required for us to propel water the same distance, or even for our heart to pump blood in a circle of just 6 feet. What of a leaf that turns sunlight into sugars via a cell no bigger than the tip of a needle - a process that could we mimic it, could feed the world for free! There are no big boys here EVW; we are all in the same boat and your praise and thinking and understanding are of the same value as the next person here in the life boat, if not more, for you have, like the rest of us, have “not seen, but believe.“ That is the greatest of credit before Jehovah. So hang on to that thought, and think nothing more of those that argue whether the sun will come up tomorrow. It is spurious, though elegant to argue. It is our purpose, though we die and are forgotten and through out the ages, one can can count on one hand, those that have left behind learning of value. If you want a quality that is of value, then offer love to Jehovah. It is folly to think we can argue successfully His attributes of hand or mind. We should hear more from you, not less, if not for the very reason that you appear to grasp the very issue of what is of value to Jehovah. That is rare indeed - real “big girls stuff”.


28 Have you not come to know or have you not heard?+ Jehovah, the Creator of the extremities* of the earth, is a God to time indefinite.+ He does not tire out or grow weary.+ There is no searching out of his understanding.+ 29 He is giving to the tired one power;+ and to the one without dynamic energy+ he makes full might abound. 30 Boys will both tire out and grow weary, and young men themselves will without fail stumble, 31 but those who are hoping+ in Jehovah will regain power.+ They will mount up with wings like eagles.+ They will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not tire out.”+


33 O the depth of God’s riches+ and wisdom+ and knowledge!+ How unsearchable his judgments+ [are] and past tracing out his ways [are]! 34 For “who has come to know Jehovah’s* mind,+ or who has become his counselor?”+ 35 Or, “Who has first given to him, so that it must be repaid to him?”+ 36 Because from him and by him and for him are all things.+ To him be the glory forever.+ Amen.​

I am even less qualified, so, i won't get involved in the big boys' conversation anymore ;)
But thank you for your answer.

The man who fears Jehovah is qualified...​


34 At this Peter opened his mouth and said: “For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial,+ 35 but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.

Job 34:19

19 [There is One] who has not shown partiality to princes And has not given more consideration to the noblea one than to the lowly one,For all of them are the work of his hands.b
I'm terrible sorry Barnaby if I offended you, that was certainly not my intention.View attachment 3911I use that saying when I'm unable to get my thoughts correctly across, even in Dutch. So please forgive me, View attachment 3913 I do value your comments dearly and appriciate your compliment, thank you for that View attachment 3912
There is no offence EVW, in the least, or even crossed my mind. I was concerned for you by what you said in thinking that you may be ”less than“ others. There is so much inequality in this world not least for women, the disabled and sections of society. The two scriptures that BKevin quoted in his reply above are exactly the issue to hand in that none of us can claim any insight of any consequence into the workings of Jehovah. If we are diligent, our salvation is to be found in our love of righteousness and all the tangents that rest upon that. Until clarity is given us, we should be prepared to tolerate - even welcome, and politely consider as much as we can, the opinion of others as they do so for us. That and an appreciation of the Holy Spirit and its values are what keeps the doors of communication and healthy argument open and the trolls on the run. In the interim between now and the end of this system, we should place our faith in Jehovah and celebrate His love for us by grasping it with both hands, one to one, and not allow ourselves to feel “less than“ certain that somehow, we are of less value than our peers, or the sparrow that falls to earth - for that is counted by Jehovah too and noted for its contribution. As I said, you perhaps should join in with your contributions as they are important and add to the flow of spiritual insight. Even then, our only value is if we can share the essence of the Spirit, for of our own thinking, there is little that can enlighten others. The spirit speaks that way, even through donkeys that turn to their master and ask why they are being beaten by them, when there is clearly something hindering its progress that they should see? Being a donkey is a good job to have - not only does one get enlightened as to the road ahead, but also get to have the master sitting on their back showing them the way into the holy city? Donkey-type humility is a strength if genuinely seeking of its oft painful practice in exchange for the long term value of acquiring a place amongst equally humble people. It’s not a weakness, but can be if not fully understood. We all choose to sit on the lowest table, in acknowledgment that it is our rightful place. We sit with each other. So you/we/me are of equal value.
I'm terrible sorry Barnaby if I offended you, that was certainly not my intention.View attachment 3911I use that saying when I'm unable to get my thoughts correctly across, even in Dutch. So please forgive me, View attachment 3913 I do value your comments dearly and appriciate your compliment, thank you for that View attachment 3912
I doubt very much you offended Barnaby but be very careful what you say about his dog!. Every offense against Barnaby will be forgiven but not his dog...Lol...
I'm terrible sorry Barnaby if I offended you, that was certainly not my intention.View attachment 3911I use that saying when I'm unable to get my thoughts correctly across, even in Dutch. So please forgive me, View attachment 3913 I do value your comments dearly and appriciate your compliment, thank you for that View attachment 3912
Never mind: soon no more the fear of tripping over each others sensitivites..or perceptions of!
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There is no offence EVW, in the least, or even crossed my mind. I was concerned for you by what you said in thinking that you may be ”less than“ others. There is so much inequality in this world not least for women, the disabled and sections of society. The two scriptures that BKevin quoted in his reply above are exactly the issue to hand in that none of us can claim any insight of any consequence into the workings of Jehovah. If we are diligent, our salvation is to be found in our love of righteousness and all the tangents that rest upon that. Until clarity is given us, we should be prepared to tolerate - even welcome, and politely consider as much as we can, the opinion of others as they do so for us. That and an appreciation of the Holy Spirit and its values are what keeps the doors of communication and healthy argument open and the trolls on the run. In the interim between now and the end of this system, we should place our faith in Jehovah and celebrate His love for us by grasping it with both hands, one to one, and not allow ourselves to feel “less than“ certain that somehow, we are of less value than our peers, or the sparrow that falls to earth - for that is counted by Jehovah too and noted for its contribution. As I said, you perhaps should join in with your contributions as they are important and add to the flow of spiritual insight. Even then, our only value is if we can share the essence of the Spirit, for of our own thinking, there is little that can enlighten others. The spirit speaks that way, even through donkeys that turn to their master and ask why they are being beaten by them, when there is clearly something hindering its progress that they should see? Being a donkey is a good job to have - not only does one get enlightened as to the road ahead, but also get to have the master sitting on their back showing them the way into the holy city? Donkey-type humility is a strength if genuinely seeking of its oft painful practice in exchange for the long term value of acquiring a place amongst equally humble people. It’s not a weakness, but can be if not fully understood. We all choose to sit on the lowest table, in acknowledgment that it is our rightful place. We sit with each other. So you/we/me are of equal value.
Thank you for your kind words; I will save them and try to remember them, when I feel again 'out of my league' so to speak ;)

Infrared thermometer built into the phone. I wonder if this is going to turn into detecting vaccinated vs non-vaccinated with tracking features?
Don’t buy one! You can get a hand held thermometer which can take your temperature in any orifice you like - the google pixel 8 can’t do that….though I suppose it could if you shoved it hard enough!

-Avoid all Apple devices
-If you need a Smartphone get one that's old. Mine is from 2015 and only supports up to Android version 6. Usually Android phones stop support after one update. So mine started with version 5.
-If you need a Smartphone you can't be ignorant. You need to educate yourself. Make sure you get the oldest Android version supported possible.
-Turn off updates and make it manual.

Do not be fooled, this is location tracking that works even when it's "off" via some ultra-low power circuitry. They can very much be used to track you since it's a Find My Device function. It works conjunction with location of the phone. They are not going to hide this from you, because it's advertised as a good feature.

The reason I'm telling everyone to "avoid all Apple devices" is because they support much longer OS updates, while Android devices usually stop pretty short. You do need explicit hardware support to get this feature working, so if you get an old enough Android phone you'll be fine.

With Apple you might need to get something really old like iPhone version 8 at the latest.

Modern Trojan Horse.
They also have a "health" feature that they put on their to track your steps, pulse, heart rate, menstrual cycle (if you are female of age) and all sorts of other data. They are getting people ready for "surveillance under the skin" that Yuval Noah Herari talked about. They literally want to know EVERYTHING about you, not just your location. They want to know your genes, physiology, thoughts, it's not only mind control, but TOTAL control
I really do not know why people worry so much about world events. It’s natural to fear the unknown, but to dwell on it and allow it to get under our skin is only going to detract from our resolve. We look forward to the end. What a contradiction that is! Where to live, what to eat. Are we to be promised deliverance and left to starve? That’s what the Israelites said. From what I have come to understand from the end game scenario, we will all be left with one choice - have faith or die. We will be totally dependant on Jehovah for the necessities of life. We may prepare all we want, but it will come down to that at some point. One thing for sure, and that is to ask ourselves the ultimate question - do we want to live in this world as it is? I try not to concern myself more than necessary, having resolved that question.
I needed to hear this. So true and so good. We really do need to make it a Bible study project to meditate on Jehovah's miracles and his promises to have a great crowd of Armageddon survivors.

On that note, do you think that non-Witnesses/disfellowshipped (wrongly) ones/right-hearted people in other religions will also survive? In the Exodus, there was a "mixed crowd" that went out with the Israelites. I wonder if the WT's teachings that ONLY Witnesses will survive is true. Any thoughts?

Also, do you think significant numbers of Witnesses will be killed in the World War, famine/pandemic coming or in the great tribulation? How many do you guess might actually survive?
When Jesus was arrested the apostles we're totally confused and had abandon him and Scattered, they were obviously fearful and Afraid not knowing what to expect next, this event occurred before the Holy Spirit was poured out on them however after the Holy Spirit was poured out on all of them they became Fearless even to death upholding their faith to Jehovah, so with that being said I imagine Jehovah will do the same for us during the tribulations we must endure so that we can be faithful even to death just like the apostles were .
We're not going to be able to endure the tribulations and remain faithful if Jehovah does not pour out His holy spirit on us.

None the less he will help us with a little help.​


And as regards those having insight+ among the people, they will impart understanding to the many.+ And they will certainly be made to stumble by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plundering,+ for [some] days.* 34 But when they are made to stumble they will be helped with a little help;+ and many will certainly join themselves to them by means of smoothness.> https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/bi12/books/daniel/11/

28 “And after that it must occur that I shall pour out my spirit*+ on every sort of flesh,+ and YOUR sons and YOUR daughters+ will certainly prophesy. As for YOUR old men, dreams they will dream. As for YOUR young men, visions they will see. 29 And even on the menservants and on the maidservants in those days I shall pour out my spirit.+ Read more> https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/bi12/books/joel/2/#v29002029

And we knew this prophecy at Joel is in reference to our day because Jesus had referenced it several times

30 “And I will give portents in the heavens+ and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke.+ 31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness,+ and the moon into blood,+ before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah.+ 32 And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe;+ for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will prove to be the escaped ones,+ just as Jehovah has said, and in among the survivors,* whom Jehovah is calling.”*+
I'm loving this thread. I'm copy and pasting it into a Word document to memorize and stay calm like Isaiah 30:15 tells us to do. Easier said than done. I think I've found my tribe here. Good stuff. Keep it coming. :)
"by means of smoothness", or "by those who are not sincere".

Most certainly the phrase 'keep your friends close but your enemies closer' comes to mind when we contemplate this verse. That is, of course, if we look at from the perspective of those who are not sincere. Perhaps it is to try to silence that which brings hope to mankind. Perhaps it is to squash that which represents the only true God from sprouting more. It's the weeds and the wheat, is it not? Subtly coming in amongst us, through smoothness, representing themselves as though they are Christians, yet in their heart their motive is to disrupt and deceive, and most certainly to manipulate. How can we tell the difference between those who truly want to worship the only true God Jehovah, and those who manipulate us to believe that they do as well?

You can't...Thats the power of a lie.

Nobody wants to be lied to, not even those who lie. So how can we tell the difference between those who are sincere, and those who aren't? It doesn't matter. Thats right, it doesn't matter...because Jehovah knows, and that is ALL that matters. Jesus told us to love our brother as we love ourselves, and that's what we do, regardless. Even when we KNOW who is against us, we choose love over hate, we choose hope over fear, we choose to look beyond that which presents itself now, a lie. This world is going to end, and WE get to be a part of it. Be excited for what is to come, because it is going to be way better than this piece of s**t world than Satan has produced.
This is the best thread ever. Lovin' it.
I needed to hear this. So true and so good. We really do need to make it a Bible study project to meditate on Jehovah's miracles and his promises to have a great crowd of Armageddon survivors.

On that note, do you think that non-Witnesses/disfellowshipped (wrongly) ones/right-hearted people in other religions will also survive? In the Exodus, there was a "mixed crowd" that went out with the Israelites. I wonder if the WT's teachings that ONLY Witnesses will survive is true. Any thoughts?

Also, do you think significant numbers of Witnesses will be killed in the World War, famine/pandemic coming or in the great tribulation? How many do you guess might actually survive?
Obviously guessing at numbers of survivors is pure speculation. It is far more productive, rather, to consider the depth of scriptures speaking about the attributes of Jehovah. These speak of His love for us and it is this singular factor that gives us the furthest insight into His motivation. In this respect, Jehovah says that “He will not test us beyond our endurance - or what we can bear.” One might assume that this would include death, and it may well do so, but as time moves on, one may also reason that the greater faith and appreciation we gain now through contemplating upon the attributes of Jehovah and in applying them in our lives, the need to test one to the point of death may reduce pro-rata with our degree in applying these attributes to ourselves. If we prove ourselves faithful, then why would Jehovah need to press us further in our frail understanding and efforts to reflect these qualities in our lives? Surely the more stubborn we are in fending for ourselves beyond what is wise and prudent and placing faith in ourselves as do the watchtower - ”making an agreement with the grave…” the more Jehovah will have to sieve our motives for serving Him, will He not?

Enter the attribute of mercy. Surely, if love is the basis from which all attributes grow - “if you have not love, you have nothing…”, then it is our love of Jehovah’s attributes and our willingness to paint that picture with the colours of the other attributes, and thus to gain, understand and live (apply) the others, then the fruits of these attributes will not stand in the way of the final test in faith so much. Death for the anointed is a reward and its cost has been made clear since the bible was written. “….flesh cannot enter the heavenly realm…” therefore they know and can prepare. That is a mercy far greater than the trial in its power to aid faith. For those whom life on earth is our hope, then our uncertainty of salvation is used as a provocation to show ourselves worthy of life. It is therefore beholding on us to understand that we must, if we are to receive mercy beyond what is required in this test, that we make ourselves worthy by “putting on the armour of faith” before hand if we are “not (to be) tested beyond what we can endure. It is pointless to speculate how many will die. “Jehovah‘s ways are not our ways”. Look how far Abram was tested over sacrificing his own son - the blade already on the downward stroke before the Angel stayed his hand. Thus it is clear, the onus is upon us, not upon our speculation of Jehovah’s purpose for us in our test. Therefore study not your own fears, by asking how many will survive, but by our own ability in understanding the attributes of Jehovah. They alone give statistics you can rely on.
They also have a "health" feature that they put on their to track your steps, pulse, heart rate, menstrual cycle (if you are female of age) and all sorts of other data. They are getting people ready for "surveillance under the skin" that Yuval Noah Herari talked about. They literally want to know EVERYTHING about you, not just your location. They want to know your genes, physiology, thoughts, it's not only mind control, but TOTAL control
When there is a test, Jehovah says that He will provide the way out. Recent talk here about the coming digitising money and tracking has one loophole that can be exploited. If you do not buy a tracking device (phone) before then, and if you are not going to sign up to digitised money, then you cannot buy one either, can you? You are now free to barter with like minded people, or preferably, wait on Jehovah for deliverance. It has been done before with His people, notably with the sea in front of them and a blood thirsty Egyptian army behind. What happened next was beyond anyone’s imagination. I must admit though, I prefer His earlier solution to the worlds problems when he got a bloke to build a giant boat on dry land, filled it up with animals and told him to wait a while because He was going to “make it rain”. Watchtower have cottoned on to this: they tell us to wait on ”strange directions” from them that may appear unreasonable. Probably for once, they have got something right. The problem for them though is that they are not on the boat, but have come instead to criticise those upon the boat. They have made their own arrangement with rain.
Obviously guessing at numbers of survivors is pure speculation. It is far more productive, rather, to consider the depth of scriptures speaking about the attributes of Jehovah. These speak of His love for us and it is this singular factor that gives us the furthest insight into His motivation. In this respect, Jehovah says that “He will not test us beyond our endurance - or what we can bear.” One might assume that this would include death, and it may well do so, but as time moves on, one may also reason that the greater faith and appreciation we gain now through contemplating upon the attributes of Jehovah and in applying them in our lives, the need to test one to the point of death may reduce pro-rata with our degree in applying these attributes to ourselves. If we prove ourselves faithful, then why would Jehovah need to press us further in our frail understanding and efforts to reflect these qualities in our lives? Surely the more stubborn we are in fending for ourselves beyond what is wise and prudent and placing faith in ourselves as do the watchtower - ”making an agreement with the grave…” the more Jehovah will have to sieve our motives for serving Him, will He not?

Enter the attribute of mercy. Surely, if love is the basis from which all attributes grow - “if you have not love, you have nothing…”, then it is our love of Jehovah’s attributes and our willingness to paint that picture with the colours of the other attributes, and thus to gain, understand and live (apply) the others, then the fruits of these attributes will not stand in the way of the final test in faith so much. Death for the anointed is a reward and its cost has been made clear since the bible was written. “….flesh cannot enter the heavenly realm…” therefore they know and can prepare. That is a mercy far greater than the trial in its power to aid faith. For those whom life on earth is our hope, then our uncertainty of salvation is used as a provocation to show ourselves worthy of life. It is therefore beholding on us to understand that we must, if we are to receive mercy beyond what is required in this test, that we make ourselves worthy by “putting on the armour of faith” before hand if we are “not (to be) tested beyond what we can endure. It is pointless to speculate how many will die. “Jehovah‘s ways are not our ways”. Look how far Abram was tested over sacrificing his own son - the blade already on the downward stroke before the Angel stayed his hand. Thus it is clear, the onus is upon us, not upon our speculation of Jehovah’s purpose for us in our test. Therefore study not your own fears, by asking how many will survive, but by our own ability in understanding the attributes of Jehovah. They alone give statistics you can rely on.
Thank you so much. Wise words that I will prayerfully meditate on. I am struggling with my resentment towards the friends for their betrayal and spiritual blindness and I feel guilty for that. I need help in transforming that into a more understanding attitude like Stephen and Jesus had. It's been hard with not being able to talk things out with someone without fear of being judged/put out of the organization. Any suggestions/scriptures that might bear some light on this? Thanks in advance.
When there is a test, Jehovah says that He will provide the way out. Recent talk here about the coming digitising money and tracking has one loophole that can be exploited. If you do not buy a tracking device (phone) before then, and if you are not going to sign up to digitised money, then you cannot buy one either, can you? You are now free to barter with like minded people, or preferably, wait on Jehovah for deliverance. It has been done before with His people, notably with the sea in front of them and a blood thirsty Egyptian army behind. What happened next was beyond anyone’s imagination. I must admit though, I prefer His earlier solution to the worlds problems when he got a bloke to build a giant boat on dry land, filled it up with animals and told him to wait a while because He was going to “make it rain”. Watchtower have cottoned on to this: they tell us to wait on ”strange directions” from them that may appear unreasonable. Probably for once, they have got something right. The problem for them though is that they are not on the boat, but have come instead to criticise those upon the boat. They have made their own arrangement with rain.
What might the content of that "strange direction " be? Have you seen the 2023 drama yet where they are encouraging "obedience to direction" by fleeing to refugee camps during civil unrest? Do you think that is wise direction or a trap to avoid? Or do you think that Jehovah would protect us even if we follow unwise direction and are trapped somehow? I am perplexed as to what to do. For the vaccine, even though it was "strange direction" and a lot of pressure was applied with great social costs, I knew in my heart that it would be wrong to follow it.
Thank you so much. Wise words that I will prayerfully meditate on. I am struggling with my resentment towards the friends for their betrayal and spiritual blindness and I feel guilty for that. I need help in transforming that into a more understanding attitude like Stephen and Jesus had. It's been hard with not being able to talk things out with someone without fear of being judged/put out of the organization. Any suggestions/scriptures that might bear some light on this? Thanks in advance.
What might the content of that "strange direction " be? Have you seen the 2023 drama yet where they are encouraging "obedience to direction" by fleeing to refugee camps during civil unrest? Do you think that is wise direction or a trap to avoid? Or do you think that Jehovah would protect us even if we follow unwise direction and are trapped somehow? I am perplexed as to what to do. For the vaccine, even though it was "strange direction" and a lot of pressure was applied with great social costs, I knew in my heart that it would be wrong to follow it.
And when do you think this direction will come and then the WT falls? During the great tribulation when the UN is ruling or before when WW3 is raging? I am trying to figure out a timeline for all of this. Do you think that there will be a split in the Witnesses by those following the direction and those not just like with vaccine? And thus the "brother against brother"? And then we will hear "Jehovah's voice behind us" with direction for us instead of the GB?
Thank you so much. Wise words that I will prayerfully meditate on. I am struggling with my resentment towards the friends for their betrayal and spiritual blindness and I feel guilty for that. I need help in transforming that into a more understanding attitude like Stephen and Jesus had. It's been hard with not being able to talk things out with someone without fear of being judged/put out of the organization. Any suggestions/scriptures that might bear some light on this? Thanks in advance.
There are others far better than I for reasoning on the scriptures. I would suggest that you contact Bkevin, Susan B or Meditator PJ45 Robert , Mick or a host of others who have scriptures to hand to help you. They can put scriptures to your questions along with their reasoning on the scripture. I’m a retired social worker and ex-JW. 👍
What might the content of that "strange direction " be? Have you seen the 2023 drama yet where they are encouraging "obedience to direction" by fleeing to refugee camps during civil unrest? Do you think that is wise direction or a trap to avoid? Or do you think that Jehovah would protect us even if we follow unwise direction and are trapped somehow? I am perplexed as to what to do. For the vaccine, even though it was "strange direction" and a lot of pressure was applied with great social costs, I knew in my heart that it would be wrong to follow it.
I would suggest that you turn to the bible and take advice from that for your ‘direction’. By all means ask of men in that direction but you must check it out from the scripture. If you no longer trust the Org, then ask for biblical help here and seek to apply it. You know as well as I do that you put your trust in Jehovah, not men. So ask, and read what is written.
And when do you think this direction will come and then the WT falls? During the great tribulation when the UN is ruling or before when WW3 is raging? I am trying to figure out a timeline for all of this. Do you think that there will be a split in the Witnesses by those following the direction and those not just like with vaccine? And thus the "brother against brother"? And then we will hear "Jehovah's voice behind us" with direction for us instead of the GB?
Don’t worry about timelines, look to what is written.