Morris no longer on GB

That's true, but given the brevity of the announcement and that there is no mention of, or appreciation, for his length of service which made me wonder what was behind this. I guess it's human nature to speculate. At least when I read the announcement the first thought I had was " I wonder why"? But maybe that's just me.... Anyway maybe in time we will be given more information. Or maybe not. It depends on the reason I suppose.
Very good point you made about no mention of, or appreciation for his length of service.
Lots of interesting guesses coming out on this announcement. Things I cannot verify but if true could add up to a huge bombshell and why I think they’re pushing hard to make the leap to fully online subscription worship - the new 700 club.
- reports of the GB members also being served subpoenas by Pennsylvania DA which of course only got as far as the gate house
- still no Bethel tours. Very suspicious they’re still in a lockdown
- Morris was the one that looked straight in the camera and said “Get vaccinated…(long pause)…if possible “.
- just a blunt announcement without a “thank you for your service” kinda odd
- They could be distancing themselves from him as a scapegoat
Idk they ALL pushed the vaccine!
Remember when it was said that all members of the governing body MUST work in unity?

A few months later, two new members join….. And then Morris leaves without even thanking him for being there.

When someone who has been expelled says "he is no longer a Jehovah's Witness" and nothing else is said

It seems as if they had taken him out of there with the same coldness
This could be HUGE!
I remember posting when Tony was caught with the scotch; I remarked that perhaps the Australian Royal Commission had took it's toll? I also said if any of them looked right for repentance it was Tony! Let's hope he survives to become a JW YouTube dissenter his following would be phenominal! It would pay his scotch bill too!
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The announcement is reminiscent to the 1980 August Our Kingdom Ministry Announcement:
*** km 8/80 p. 2 Announcements ***
● Literature offer for August: Two of the older 50-cent books for $1.00. This does not include Choosing, Commentary on James, Family Life, Truth or School Guidebook. If your congregation has any 384-page books in stock, special efforts should be made to use these first. September: HOPE tract along with any pocket-size book. October: Awake! subscription for $2.50. November: My Book of Bible Stories.
● As soon as the AUGUST report is compiled, the form (S-10) for supplying the Society with the activity of the congregation should be completed and sent promptly to the Society. Be sure to double check all information for accuracy. Keep the duplicate in the congregation file.
● Pioneer report cards and forms for use by the congregation during the coming year are being mailed in August.
● The Literature Inventory forms should be completed and forwarded to the Society no later than September 6.
● This is a notification that Raymond Victor Franz is no longer a member of the Governing Body and of the Brooklyn Bethel family as of May 22, 1980.
● A memorandum concerning American citizenship is being sent to each congregation. Any publisher desiring information on the subject can see the secretary of the congregation.
● Frequent requests are received by the Society for regular pioneers to be given a leave of absence due to health or other reasons. There is no arrangement for regular pioneers to take a “leave” from the pioneer work, but what is available to one who becomes sick for a short period of time is explained in the insert of the February, 1978, Our Kingdom Service.
● Any publisher or pioneer who wishes to serve where the need is greater should submit a letter to the congregation service committee including information on page 135 of the Organization book. Any not recommended by the committee should be told why in a kindly way. When sending the letter to the Society, the service committee should either sign the letter or attach one of their own. (Same basic arrangement as outlined for pioneers on page 137 of the Organization book.)
Something on my mind about all this. Perhaps, he couldn't deal with all the things going on anymore & his conscience bothered him on how things have been going. For all we know, he may have been checking out Robert's site & the information on prophesy struck his heart so to speak & wants to get it right with Jehovah & Jesus. I know this is giving the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to individuals, repentance is possible. Just some food for thought.
Something on my mind about all this. Perhaps, he couldn't deal with all the things going on anymore & his conscience bothered him on how things have been going. For all we know, he may have been checking out Robert's site & the information on prophesy struck his heart so to speak & wants to get it right with Jehovah & Jesus. I know this is giving the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to individuals, repentance is possible. Just some food for thought.
You know all those talks recently about UNITY "even" for the brothers on the committee (if memory serves me, Bro.Losch made a direct mention of that)? If you look at the most recent lawsuits and settlements, the publicizing of the Austrailian Royal Commission, the loss of status in Norway and the subpoena of all congregational records statewide in Pennylvania, staplers and notebooks could have been flying in those closed door GB meetings :LOL: Good time to get out of the frying pan...
(Now if they would stop investing in real estate ventures and dubious stocks and become a charitable organization instead...)
Something on my mind about all this. Perhaps, he couldn't deal with all the things going on anymore & his conscience bothered him on how things have been going. For all we know, he may have been checking out Robert's site & the information on prophesy struck his heart so to speak & wants to get it right with Jehovah & Jesus. I know this is giving the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to individuals, repentance is possible. Just some food for thought.
That would be awesome!