Our first time speaking out and experience!

Some really excellent thoughts My Brother.... Really a lot of excellent points!
It has been extremely difficult... Definitely had some dark moments and feeling almost lost ....But what I fear most is the Fear of displeasing God by not doing "the right thing" and following men and not "Our Lord and King and Jehovah God"... Thats what really bothers me the most... Based on what i know and have learned...Am i moving quick enough with "drawing my line in the sand....and showing God whose side I'm on and who I follow...

It's also been a challenge with what I should do with my kids... It's difficult enough as it is for them having friends and the Halls are the only place i know where I can at least put them in a foundation of Learning about God and loving him... But I also don't want them to learn to follow and trust men.. and be taught Lies and being deceived ...and the message of following them (GB) no matter what is just getting stronger and stronger.

I also got nowhere trying to tell my family and close friends about the Dangers of the Vaccines...As they quickly turned it into "if you're against the Vaccines your against The GB and Jehovah" virtually causing me to go silent on the matter...at least with the Brothers and Sisters. It really is a "package deal" as you said... If you say anything bad about the Org...they've made it so that your saying something bad about Jehovah...

As regards to the CSA... At least from my perspective ...it was handled I believe in the right way... The elders had her family report the crime...He was arrested and served many years in Prison. The cracks my wife has seen though...was how many of the friends never really believed what happened ...(he was a pioneer). They kind of took his side early on... These accounts of CSA can easily be attributed to individuals..."bad apples" and they can be anywhere ...I can accept that ...but what can't be ...Is Why does the Org cover it up and how much money have they paid out defending and paying hush hush money? How can appointed men (by God) according to the GB commit these crimes and not report these crimes? How widespread is this problem? How much money has been paid out? So many more questions ... But what Does Jehovah and Jesus think about the "faithful slave' and how its handled these cases...

You have not overstepped in any way ... I'm putting it out there for recommendations and help and appreciate any ideas and thoughts ... and at the end of the day its probably is as simple as "praying to God for help" and "putting my faith in him that he will set matters straight" ...But it’s nice to have a group to express your open and honest feeling with....without the fear of harsh judgement and shunning as a repercussion.
Totally understand where you’re at. If I may offer a little perspective now that we’re a few years into waking up. My husband and I have massive regret that we allowed ourselves to be silenced about the vx! We were speaking up about it early on but as the updates became bolder and then the elder gag letter and my husband was an elder at the time we completely stopped - huge mistake! I am so pissed at myself that I allowed these powerless, fake ”appointed men” that much control and I sat silent while my own brothers, nieces, best friends, all went to obediently get the vx. We have buried some now.
This organization is no more real than the Disney magic kingdom. There is nothing there to fear. This is not Gods organization. Nothing happens to you when you stop serving these men. You don’t suddenly lose Holy Spirit and become godless as they want you to believe. In fact the longer you stay in the more damage you sustain. My husband has three sons from his first marriage that are now in their 30s and 40s. Two were never even baptized but the borg still has huge control of their brains. We certainly didn’t help the situation with us shunning them for years as they struggled with guilt and fear their entire lives. Now that we are awake it has really messed with their heads - why did we all suffer from a fake organization. It has cost these boys marriages, opportunities, happiness. We are trying to repair as much as we can.
In our opinion there is nothing good that comes from the borg and the longer you are in the worse it will be. Yes I know these are strong words but if no one says it and we all keep tip toeing around afraid to call them out the more lives are chewed up by them.
We spent years “waiting on Jehovah “ to fix things and the reality is that’s just a con phase to control you and keep you powerless sitting on your hands while the years slip away waiting for someone or something to change.
WT needs to burn 🔥 to the ground.
Totally understand where you’re at. If I may offer a little perspective now that we’re a few years into waking up. My husband and I have massive regret that we allowed ourselves to be silenced about the vx! We were speaking up about it early on but as the updates became bolder and then the elder gag letter and my husband was an elder at the time we completely stopped - huge mistake! I am so pissed at myself that I allowed these powerless, fake ”appointed men” that much control and I sat silent while my own brothers, nieces, best friends, all went to obediently get the vx. We have buried some now.
This organization is no more real than the Disney magic kingdom. There is nothing there to fear. This is not Gods organization. Nothing happens to you when you stop serving these men. You don’t suddenly lose Holy Spirit and become godless as they want you to believe. In fact the longer you stay in the more damage you sustain. My husband has three sons from his first marriage that are now in their 30s and 40s. Two were never even baptized but the borg still has huge control of their brains. We certainly didn’t help the situation with us shunning them for years as they struggled with guilt and fear their entire lives. Now that we are awake it has really messed with their heads - why did we all suffer from a fake organization. It has cost these boys marriages, opportunities, happiness. We are trying to repair as much as we can.
In our opinion there is nothing good that comes from the borg and the longer you are in the worse it will be. Yes I know these are strong words but if no one says it and we all keep tip toeing around afraid to call them out the more lives are chewed up by them.
We spent years “waiting on Jehovah “ to fix things and the reality is that’s just a con phase to control you and keep you powerless sitting on your hands while the years slip away waiting for someone or something to change.
WT needs to burn 🔥 to the ground.
Everything you said here is so true Citrine. I couldn’t have said it better. So many of us have been damaged to some extent. Some more than others. We were in it for 37 years, involved in the many activities. Our family was affected in a negative way. Out of four children only 1 who left the org years ago and we‘re close. Because I questioned the GB about their handling of the vax, one of my daughters who’s the only one still a witness and married to an elder, hasn’t spoken to me in two years and right after we lost her dad. So much for caring for widows. WT doesn’t want that unless the widows are kissing up to them.
All their repetitive use of certain words and phrases is part of the mental conditioning we received from them in addition to the “gaslighting.” They’re sickening and one day WT will burn 🔥 down to the ground.
huge mistake! I am so pissed at myself that I allowed these powerless, fake ”appointed men” that much control and I sat silent while my own brothers, nieces, best friends, all went to obediently get the vx.
I know exactly how you feel, and I understand, and I have had some of the same feelings, BUT...none of them would have listened to you anyway. If I had any doubt to the truth to that statement, it was cleared up very early on, even before they overtly began pushing the vax, when I asked a sister, who was walking around an empty parking lot with a mask on, and we started talking about it, keep in mind I knew they would be turning their noses up at me because I refused to participate in this lie, (her and her husband work together), so I asked her, "are we going to start taking medical advice from the GB now?" And the look on her face, is exactly what you would expect. She looked like she was about to cry!!! So I refuse to regret the decisions I have made in that regard because I know in a very high percentage nobody would listen to you, and you'd get a fast track to the back room, and DF'ing.
In fact the longer you stay in the more damage you sustain.
Could not agree more.
My husband has three sons from his first marriage that are now in their 30s and 40s. Two were never even baptized but the borg still has huge control of their brains. We certainly didn’t help the situation with us shunning them for years as they struggled with guilt and fear their entire lives. Now that we are awake it has really messed with their heads - why did we all suffer from a fake organization.
For this reason more than any other, I have stopped taking my kids to the meetings, (and myself to of course, that and the overt GB worship.) The minute the congregation found out even a hint of where we stand, they would be going behind my back trying to get control and brainwash my kids!

We spent years “waiting on Jehovah “ to fix things
Yeah, haven't we all. And now looking back we realize it was all part of the scam. Oh, but wait, those who are still "waiting on Jehovah" to fix things, they are in for a real shocker when he does step in! Something I can hardly wait to happen!!! And with the internet it is only a matter of time before the dam breaks on all of WT's lies. The GB will regret "waiting on Jehovah" to fix things because all those scriptures they apply to Christendom, little do they know, were all directed at the "slave" left in charge over the masters belongings, and the parable of the slave who buried his talent in the ground, that IS THE GB... waiting on Jehovah to fix the problems they have caused.
The GB will regret "waiting on Jehovah" to fix things because all those scriptures they apply to Christendom, little do they know, were all directed at the "slave" left in charge over the masters belongings, and the parable of the slave who buried his talent in the ground, that IS THE GB... waiting on Jehovah to fix the problems they have caused.
That's the part we missed in all of this "mess".
The "anti-type" application of prophecy which WT abandoned a few years ago was discarded for the sole reason that the GB could no longer support their application of it to Christendom...so, "Lo and Behold"; it has no future application...certainly doesn't apply to the modern-day prophets. :mad:
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That's the part we missed in all of this "mess".
The "anti-type" application of prophecy which WT abandoned a few years ago was discarded for the sole reason that the GB could no longer support their application of it to Christendom...so, "Lo and Behold"; it has not future application...certainly doesn't apply to the modern-day prophets. :mad:
In the words of one of our CO’s who said of an individual formerly in our family, but I say, as to the WT, they’re “a piece of work” plus more.
The price is high... They do make you give up everything and everyone you know and love... But definitely can't help but think of Matthew 10:37-39
"Whoever has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and whoever has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his soul will lose it, and whoever loses his soul for my sake will find it."

Thats really the biggest reason they've held onto the shunning and disfellowshipping policy for so long... as a control tactic...
The price is high... They do make you give up everything and everyone you know and love... But definitely can't help but think of Matthew 10:37-39
"Whoever has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and whoever has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his soul will lose it, and whoever loses his soul for my sake will find it."

Thats really the biggest reason they've held onto the shunning and disfellowshipping policy for so long... as a control tactic...
Es el precio que se paga por terminar siendo el hombre del desafuero o convertirse en ser un apóstata llevando la delantera. Se han ido cultivando durante años. Se convierten en piedras de tropiezo. Recuerdo que conocí los escritos de Robert hace unos 15 años cuando no existían pandemias ni vacunas. Me dije, mira! alguien que se atreve a hablar del trato que recibimos los que sufrimos abusos! Me empezó a caer bien en ese momento. Lo mejor vino mientras leía su visión en Jehová mismo ha llegado a ser Rey. Darle una patada a 1914 y a su generación, poder unir los ingredientes de la ensalada bíblica que tenía en mi cabeza tras pasar por la WT para masticarla y que tuviese un buen provecho fuese algo delicioso. Aún lo saboreo cuando veo que alguien más se une al foro y ha probado esa ensalada divina. El madero de tormento desaparece en cuanto te alejas, Jehová hace el resto, Jesús es quien realmente lleva la carga. Nuestra familia es celestial, al final es un privilegio. El busca a sus ovejas. Una vez que te das cuenta que los pastores no lo son y que son lo contrario, lo que te espera es que Jehová te encuentre. Es en ese punto en el que hay que centrarse. Y el espíritu te hace reaccionar a esa llamada, Jehová y tu. Quién quiere pastorcillos si puedes tener al pastor excelente. La familia en este sistema entretiene mucho y la Biblia nos advierte de eso, enemigos- casa. Atentos!! Es un shock!! Bueno si, pero ahí estaba escrito en la Biblia y no lo podíamos ver. Nos lo han echo pagar caro por un tiempo. Luego hemos dejado la leche, y se vinieron la ensaladas con aceite de oliva y esa variedad de ingredientes infinita... mmm...que sabrosas!!! quieres una?? Se que para algunos aún es pronto y que se han atrevido a pensar por si mismos hace poco, pero solo hay que añadir ingredientes y recordar Juan 17:3-Esto significa vida eterna: que lleguen a conocerte a ti, el único Dios verdadero, y a quien tú enviaste, Jesucristo. Conocer a Jehová y a Jesús, que su organización la tendremos después de que aten al diablo y podamos al fin respirar. Saludos, mis hermanos!!💙
Excellent. I may add that as well as Jehovah and Jesus being there when we wake up, they also actively come looking for us - at least it feels that way to me.
Los hemos sentido tanto en mi familia que hasta los que no creían, ahora creen. Y eso es muy grande querido Barnaby. Los no creyentes se han hecho creyentes tran sentir la mano de Jehová. Están por aquí, en el foro, silenciosos, creyendo que no tienen mucho que aportar por no venir de la WT y no tener un conocimiento muy amplio de Biblia, aunque yo creo que aprendieron la verdad de la verdad y eso es muy bueno. Tenemos un Dios potente!! Esperemos estar a la altura condo se baje el telón y empiece la fiesta.

Spanish to English

Ana Said.​

It is the price you pay for ending up being the man of lawlessness or becoming an apostate taking the lead. They have been cultivated for years. They become stumbling blocks. I remember learning about Robert's writings about 15 years ago when there were no pandemics or vaccines. I said to myself, look! someone who dares to talk about the treatment that those of us who suffer abuse receive! I started to like him at that moment. The best came while reading his vision of Jehovah Himself Has Become King. To give a kick to 1914 and its generation, to be able to combine the ingredients of the biblical salad that I had in my head after passing through the WT to chew it and have it be something delicious. I still savor it when I see that someone else joins the forum and has tried that divine salad. The torture stake disappears as soon as you walk away, Jehovah does the rest, Jesus is the one who really carries the burden. Our family is heavenly, in the end it is a privilege. He looks for his sheep. Once you realize that pastors are not pastors and that they are the opposite, what awaits you is that Jehovah will find you. It is on that point that you have to focus. And the spirit makes you react to that call, Jehovah and you. Who wants little shepherds if you can have the excellent shepherd. The family in this system entertains a lot and the Bible warns us about that, enemies-house. Attention!! It's a shock!! Well yes, but it was written there in the Bible and we couldn't see it. They have made us pay dearly for a while. Then we left out the milk, and came the salads with olive oil and that infinite variety of ingredients... mmm... how tasty!!! want a?? I know that for some it is still early and that they have only recently dared to think for themselves, but you just have to add ingredients and remember John 17:3-This means eternal life: that they may come to know you, the only true God, and whom you sent, Jesus Christ. Know Jehovah and Jesus, that we will have their organization after they bind the devil and we can finally breathe. Greetings, my brothers!!💙


Come to me, all YOU who are toiling and loaded down,+ and I will refresh YOU. 29 Take my yoke+ upon YOU* and learn from me,*+ for I am mild-tempered+ and lowly in heart, and YOU will find refreshment+ for YOUR souls.* 30 For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.”+


16 “‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to YOU people of these things for the congregations. I am the root+ and the offspring+ of David, and the bright morning star.’”+17 And the spirit*+ and the bride+ keep on saying: “Come!” And let anyone hearing say: “Come!”+ And let anyone thirsting come;+ let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.+


Spanish to English

Ana Said.​

It is the price you pay for ending up being the man of lawlessness or becoming an apostate taking the lead. They have been cultivated for years. They become stumbling blocks. I remember learning about Robert's writings about 15 years ago when there were no pandemics or vaccines. I said to myself, look! someone who dares to talk about the treatment that those of us who suffer abuse receive! I started to like him at that moment. The best came while reading his vision of Jehovah Himself Has Become King. To give a kick to 1914 and its generation, to be able to combine the ingredients of the biblical salad that I had in my head after passing through the WT to chew it and have it be something delicious. I still savor it when I see that someone else joins the forum and has tried that divine salad. The torture stake disappears as soon as you walk away, Jehovah does the rest, Jesus is the one who really carries the burden. Our family is heavenly, in the end it is a privilege. He looks for his sheep. Once you realize that pastors are not pastors and that they are the opposite, what awaits you is that Jehovah will find you. It is on that point that you have to focus. And the spirit makes you react to that call, Jehovah and you. Who wants little shepherds if you can have the excellent shepherd. The family in this system entertains a lot and the Bible warns us about that, enemies-house. Attention!! It's a shock!! Well yes, but it was written there in the Bible and we couldn't see it. They have made us pay dearly for a while. Then we left out the milk, and came the salads with olive oil and that infinite variety of ingredients... mmm... how tasty!!! want a?? I know that for some it is still early and that they have only recently dared to think for themselves, but you just have to add ingredients and remember John 17:3-This means eternal life: that they may come to know you, the only true God, and whom you sent, Jesus Christ. Know Jehovah and Jesus, that we will have their organization after they bind the devil and we can finally breathe. Greetings, my brothers!!💙


Come to me, all YOU who are toiling and loaded down,+ and I will refresh YOU. 29 Take my yoke+ upon YOU* and learn from me,*+ for I am mild-tempered+ and lowly in heart, and YOU will find refreshment+ for YOUR souls.* 30 For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.”+


16 “‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to YOU people of these things for the congregations. I am the root+ and the offspring+ of David, and the bright morning star.’”+17 And the spirit*+ and the bride+ keep on saying: “Come!” And let anyone hearing say: “Come!”+ And let anyone thirsting come;+ let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.+

Gracias por la cita. Me hace pensar en cuanto tenemos que aprender a templar nuestro genio. A sufrir entendiendo que lo que se pretende cuando se hiere es, que pierdas la mansedumbre y transformar al otro hacia el declive. La promesa es contundente y si echa raíces tiene mucho poder. Tenemos que trabajar cada día en no ceder a la forma decadente de este mundo y dejar que el mal pase de largo, como cuando te empujan para quitarte el sitio en la cola del bus. Tire señora, tide para adelante!! Ja! Hola, querido Kevin!
Gracias por la cita. Me hace pensar en cuanto tenemos que aprender a templar nuestro genio. A sufrir entendiendo que lo que se pretende cuando se hiere es, que pierdas la mansedumbre y transformar al otro hacia el declive. La promesa es contundente y si echa raíces tiene mucho poder. Tenemos que trabajar cada día en no ceder a la forma decadente de este mundo y dejar que el mal pase de largo, como cuando te empujan para quitarte el sitio en la cola del bus. Tire señora, tide para adelante!! Ja! Hola, querido Kevin!
El apóstol Pablo tenía pensamientos similares.

2 Corinthians12:​

8 A favor de esto, tres veces+ rogué al Señor que se apartara de mí; 9 y, sin embargo, realmente me dijo: “Mi bondad inmerecida es suficiente+ para ti; porque [mi] poder se perfecciona en la debilidad”. + Por lo tanto, con mucho gusto prefiero jactarme de mis debilidades,+ para que el poder del Cristo permanezca como una tienda sobre mí. 10 Por eso me complazco en las debilidades, en las afrentas, en las necesidades, en las persecuciones y en las dificultades, por causa de Cristo. Porque cuando soy débil, entonces soy poderoso.+ https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/bi12/books/2-corinthians/12/

Filipenses 4:13
13 Para todo tengo fuerza en virtud de aquel que me da poder.
El apóstol Pablo tenía pensamientos similares.

2 Corinthians12:​

8 A favor de esto, tres veces+ rogué al Señor que se apartara de mí; 9 y, sin embargo, realmente me dijo: “Mi bondad inmerecida es suficiente+ para ti; porque [mi] poder se perfecciona en la debilidad”. + Por lo tanto, con mucho gusto prefiero jactarme de mis debilidades,+ para que el poder del Cristo permanezca como una tienda sobre mí. 10 Por eso me complazco en las debilidades, en las afrentas, en las necesidades, en las persecuciones y en las dificultades, por causa de Cristo. Porque cuando soy débil, entonces soy poderoso.+ https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/bi12/books/2-corinthians/12/

Filipenses 4:13
13 Para todo tengo fuerza en virtud de aquel que me da poder.
El capítulo del tercer cielo, el arrebatamiento al paraiso.
@Wide Awake enjoyed your posts and can fully relate. 99% of the elders in our kh are vaxxed. Not part of that club and yes, went thru challenging times myself. Regarding the special one-day program w/ branch representative and the comment made "...with health issues , how sad it was to see that even simple matters of public health such as wearing masks or hand washing or physical distancing or vaxxs, those things became controversial , even political, but those are all things Jehovah has given us direction on", was wondering if it's this assembly in the image? Attending soon, but in a different language, and if the same, will keep a keen ear to the wording. Maybe, if possible, will record it. If you can share when this comment was made during the program, that will help be alert during that time-frame. In the foreign lang I serve, they typically stop-short from using the word "vax" or anything specific about the jab, so, it would be interesting to hear if it's stated in the one-day program planning to attend soon. Thanks in advance.
@Wide Awake enjoyed your posts and can fully relate. 99% of the elders in our kh are vaxxed. Not part of that club and yes, went thru challenging times myself. Regarding the special one-day program w/ branch representative and the comment made "...with health issues , how sad it was to see that even simple matters of public health such as wearing masks or hand washing or physical distancing or vaxxs, those things became controversial , even political, but those are all things Jehovah has given us direction on", was wondering if it's this assembly in the image? Attending soon, but in a different language, and if the same, will keep a keen ear to the wording. Maybe, if possible, will record it. If you can share when this comment was made during the program, that will help be alert during that time-frame. In the foreign lang I serve, they typically stop-short from using the word "vax" or anything specific about the jab, so, it would be interesting to hear if it's stated in the one-day program planning to attend soon. Thanks in advance.
View attachment 5907
Yes it is that assembly with the branch representative. It is in the last talk entitled “Find Joy in your service to Jehovah” about midway through. If you have the link in english you can download it for yourself and listen to it. The title of the talk was very misleading as it did not bring us any joy!

Also, we learned a family member had their circuit assembly last weekend as well and the same assembly with the branch rep, only it was mentioned in the talk “Keep Looking to Jehovah for Direction” given by their local Circuit Overseer in the morning session. So those are the 2 talks to be on alert. Just know that on the streaming link, it is only mentioned in the final talk.

Let us know what you hear at your assembly and how it’s worded. It is a very quick statement in the last talk, so don’t go the bathroom or you might miss it!!
@Wide Awake ...with health issues , how sad it was to see that even simple matters of public health such as wearing masks or hand washing or physical distancing or vaxxs, those things became controversial , even political, but those are all things Jehovah has given us direction on",
It is interesting, I mean, come on, I learned about handwashing in kindergarten. In fact, as I put my hand to the keyboard a distant memory surfaced from 65 years ago: "Wash your hands every day. After toilet, after play." That's what we recited in kindergarten. No wonder my favorite activity in Mrs. Doleman's kindergarten was nap time. And here is the Watchtower, 100 years after they announced Jehovah's fiery judgments against all of Christendom and the world, calling down the bowls of God's wrath, hailstones, fire, and blood; now they are leading the refrain of a similar nursery rhyme. "Command after command, command after command, line by line, line by line, a little here, a little there...” Interestingly too, the Pharisees were sticklers for ritual handwashing. It all adds up. :unsure:
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Jehovah will hold those responsible for not being honest. There are currently those who got injured by the vax, yet they don't condone it or bring it up that they did get injured from it. By hiding that truth you are being held responsible for not speaking out and warning others. If a brother falls in a trap, we are supposed to speak out and warn others if we actually love our brothers and sisters. We don't hide information from them because that would not be loving.
Here is the Watchtower, 100 years after they announced Jehovah's fiery judgments against all of Christendom and the world, calling down the bowls of God's wrath, hailstones, fire, and blood; now they are leading the refrain of a similar nursery rhyme. "Command after command, command after command, line by line, line by line, a little here, a little there...” Interestingly too, the Pharisees were sticklers for ritual handwashing. It all adds up. :unsure:
Couldn't decide whether to "love" or "ha-ha" your post. "Love" the message of your post but, at the same time, it's "hilarious" (actually, sad and a little pathetic )that such a petty and childish thing as hand-washing is still up for consideration at an assembly.
Couldn't decide whether to "love" or "ha-ha" your post. "Love" the message of your post but, at the same time, it's "hilarious" (actually, sad and a little pathetic )that such a petty and childish thing as hand-washing is still up for consideration at an assembly.
Just a future reference...you can love something and still think it's funny...LOL...The truth is I was having the exact same problem...haha...