Stuck between Scripture and a hard place

@4JahandChrist Are you really in in a prison camp in Australia? And you’re able to communicate via internet?

Yes, unfortunately I lost my spouse almost 7 months ago and it’s been very difficult trying to cope. All of my close family non witnesses live out of town, although not far. Out of 4 children, the only one who’s a witness and lives closest is married to an elder but doesn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore because I asked some questions concerning the GB and their reaction to the vaccine. My daughter and I use to be so close, now she’s like a different person! It’s hard to take all of this in and be totally on my own!

And you’re right, isolation is no picnic when I’m grieving…but I can honestly say that coming on this forum and reading everyone’s comments has helped me to be lifted up. I’m gradually trying to taper off meetings…the elders do call and I’ve been sent emails requesting me to meet with them. I haven’t responded. I’m trying to be ‘discreet’ no pun intended. I never, in my wildest dreams would’ve thought I’d be going through this a year ago!

I can only pray to Jehovah, and I know that he’s with me and helping me to get through this. He’s truly the God of all comfort and he is also ‘ greater than our hearts and knows all things.’ 🥲
My apologies I was being flippant with the "Prison Camp" phrase. Australia's Covid Measures have been so full on that people have referred to the whole Country as being like a Prison Camp.

You certainly have been copping it from all angles. I bet you must sometimes feel like Job....every time you look up there is another trial on the horizon.

I try and meditate on ones like Joseph who had to put up with so much for so long before he saw any light at the end of the tunnel. Can't imagine the pain he must have felt sitting in a rotten Egyptian Prison and thinking about his family and Potiphar's wife.

Moses had to endure 40 years before he got clear direction as to what his flight from Egypt had meant. An 80 year old man get's a heads up from the Almighty after fleeing his royal position 4 decades previously and then he had to go another 40 years in a mobile tent city in the middle of Woop Woop.

Our trials are very much training for bigger things to come. It's so encouraging to see you keeping your faith alive and leaning on Jehovah. I buried a Romantic interest 7 years back and it's a completely different process to other deaths I had experienced. Time is definitely a healer but it was pretty shabby for a solid 18 months or so. The Sun keeps coming up and eventually the good days start to outnumber the bad. Small comfort I know but it does get better. (y)
@4JahandChrist Are you really in in a prison camp in Australia? And you’re able to communicate via internet?

Yes, unfortunately I lost my spouse almost 7 months ago and it’s been very difficult trying to cope. All of my close family non witnesses live out of town, although not far. Out of 4 children, the only one who’s a witness and lives closest is married to an elder but doesn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore because I asked some questions concerning the GB and their reaction to the vaccine. My daughter and I use to be so close, now she’s like a different person! It’s hard to take all of this in and be totally on my own!

And you’re right, isolation is no picnic when I’m grieving…but I can honestly say that coming on this forum and reading everyone’s comments has helped me to be lifted up. I’m gradually trying to taper off meetings…the elders do call and I’ve been sent emails requesting me to meet with them. I haven’t responded. I’m trying to be ‘discreet’ no pun intended. I never, in my wildest dreams would’ve thought I’d be going through this a year ago!

I can only pray to Jehovah, and I know that he’s with me and helping me to get through this. He’s truly the God of all comfort and he is also ‘ greater than our hearts and knows all things.’ 🥲
There is hope JG. I lost my first wife to her adultery and my second wife died of a virulent breast cancer in her 30’s we were both witnesses at the time. She had been a pioneer and had devoted her life to the truth. An undemanding soul, content with the poverty that watchtower life can bring, and rich in her spirituality. Time passes though, and loss matures into longing, and longing blossoms into reassuring and happy memories. In turn, the void matures into waiting. In the waiting, there is the hope that Jehovah gives that in its turn, gives the life to faith and at last, in faith, there is reassurance that all will come to a beautiful resolution. As we follow the natural course of our life and the paraphernalia of it all drops away as we age to reveal the true values of life, we come to grasp the meaning of Revelation 21, in that all that binds us now to misery and endurance dissolves away to reveal an existence par-excellence in its manifestation in the true meaning of love to and from the Creator. Certainly, as the scriptures tell us, we have neither heard nor seen of the things prepared for those that love Jehovah and along with that is the absolute demise of any suggestion of weariness and unhappiness, giving room and rise to the truth above all, that all things are complete within us, and so too, that such, with certainty, includes those whom we love, and have loved. That these things will come to pass is without doubt. That it is true, is without doubt and without doubt that you will heal.
Personally I no longer feel that it's my responsibility to warn any JWs about the GB deviations. We are all personally responsible to stay alert and keep on the watch. This would be especially true in regards to corruption from within. I really think Jehovah is allowing this to take place as a test of personal loyalty. This is why we are not having much success "waking up" brothers. Their own conscience has to recognize the wrongdoing and nudge them to action.
-That really does make sense. And Jehovah does read each heart individually, - even a child can have spiritual insight just by looking at creation, when it is lacking in the parents. Jesus knew that. If a person who has been in the org all their life chooses to continue being deluded, they are like people in christendom who want to keep worshiping the trinity. I know we want to help - but we really do have a 'gag order' on us , so to speak, and then besides that, they brand us as weak in faith,- like we are the ones that need saving! The g.b. has ' rigged the game' !
True, no one knows the contents of a frikandel, but then I didn’t know the contents of the bible either, so its just part of life’s rich tapestry of exploration. I still have lovely memories of Holland, and still use my work clogs! You know Paul H on this site lives in Holland? Very knowledgeable about the bible and would make seeking an explanation of questions in your own language perhaps easier for you?
Yes, Paul and I have been communicating for the past couple of days. A very sweet man and indeed very knowledgeable 😊
doesn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore because I asked some questions concerning the GB and their reaction to the vaccine. My daughter and I use to be so close, now she’s like a different person!
first off, she’s punishing you- and then she’s trying to manipulate you into submission.

She’s imitating her master the Gov Body and their master is. . . and Satan is trying to break you.

i’m so sorry- this is not right.

But you are a strong person- you’re stronger than you know.

right now, even though she doesn’t realize it yet, you’re the only spiritually stable person she has.

When she wakes up (i don’t doubt she will) she’s going to really need you.

Stay strong sweetie, all of us are here for you.
Yes, unfortunately I lost my spouse almost 7 months ago and it’s been very difficult trying to cope. All of my close family non witnesses live out of town, although not far. Out of 4 children, the only one who’s a witness and lives closest is married to an elder but doesn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore because I asked some questions concerning the GB and their reaction to the vaccine. My daughter and I use to be so close, now she’s like a different person! It’s hard to take all of this in and be totally on my own!
I am so sorry for you loss 😢 Especially if you have so much turmoil in your life right now. I’ll keep you in my prayers.
Time passes though, and loss matures into longing, and longing blossoms into reassuring and happy memories. In turn, the void matures into waiting. In the waiting, there is the hope that Jehovah gives that in its turn, gives the life to faith and at last, in faith, there is reassurance that all will come to a beautiful resolution.
This is pure poetry. so Beautiful @BARNABY THE DOG.

You really do have a beautiful command of the English language. :)))))
-That really does make sense. And Jehovah does read each heart individually, - even a child can have spiritual insight just by looking at creation, when it is lacking in the parents. Jesus knew that. If a person who has been in the org all their life chooses to continue being deluded, they are like people in christendom who want to keep worshiping the trinity. I know we want to help - but we really do have a 'gag order' on us , so to speak, and then besides that, they brand us as weak in faith,- like we are the ones that need saving! The g.b. has ' rigged the game' !
What you say is true. What concerns me is that the majority of the flock cannot see it, don’t want to see it and depend for their spirituality the watchtower being truthful. I know Jehovah has allowed blindness but how blind are Jehovah’s people! If I, as a prime mug of the watchtower can come to see it, why can they not? They are not even hungry for spiritual food.
What you say is true. What concerns me is that the majority of the flock cannot see it, don’t want to see it and depend for their spirituality the watchtower being truthful. I know Jehovah has allowed blindness but how blind are Jehovah’s people! If I, as a prime mug of the watchtower can come to see it, why can they not? They are not even hungry for spiritual food.
THIS! Why are they so blind as we are supposed to be the ones who have been waiting for these things to happen for as long as we can remember? I can’t get my head around the total lack of self study that people are willing to do. “We’ll wait for the brothers to speak up” Well, prepare for a long wait 😏
Hi Sunshower,
Welcome to the forum.
I'm originally from Belgium, but I lived/worked 5 years in Amsterdam before moving to Canada, 9 years ago.

I miss eating 'frikandellen'. I tried to make them myself, but they didn't really turn out great 🙄
Wish I could send you some but they’ll be frozen and yuck by the time they’ll get to Canada 😉

I do however have a video for you if you can understand the “Hagenees” accent to make some:

Sorry, he’s a bit of a nut job and you can skip to the 8 minute mark for the frikandel 😁
I am so sorry for you loss 😢 Especially if you have so much turmoil in your life right now. I’ll keep you in my prayers.
Thank you for that Sunshower and for your prayers as well. ❤️ By the way, welcome to the forum. We’re all in this together although we’re miles apart. It’s good to know that one day soon Jehovah is going to gather his people back together….ill keep you in my prayers too. 💗
If I, as a prime mug of the watchtower can come to see it, why can they not?
that’s the $64,000 question, isn’t it. I could quote Jer 5:30, 31 but i’ll just cite because i’m lazy this morning.

I believe it has to do with i) loving Jehovah with your whole heart, whole soul and whole mind, (Matt 22:35-40) ii) and loving your neighbor as YOURSELF. Let that sink in.
What you say is true. What concerns me is that the majority of the flock cannot see it, don’t want to see it and depend for their spirituality the watchtower being truthful. I know Jehovah has allowed blindness but how blind are Jehovah’s people! If I, as a prime mug of the watchtower can come to see it, why can they not? They are not even hungry for spiritual food.
BTD Robert King’s new video helps us to understand why Jehovah’s people are “blinded” or maybe it seems that way? The article “And my own people have loved it that way“ explains the reason clearly….as do the scriptures. But somehow, speaking for myself, I can’t quite understand what happened to their thinking abilities that led them to this? Last year when they were releasing all those updates I was thinking that they surely had gathered more information, especially learning about what these vaccines were doing to people. I finally had to admit to myself, as much as I hated to, that the GB was in on it. Then I thought about how many times Jehovah’s people turned away from Jehovah compromising their faith. So I started to make the connection and soon realized what was happening.

Then I asked myself “haven’t they ( Jehovah’s flock) been doing their Bible reading and study all these years??” How many times did we refer to accounts in the Bible concerning this? Not to mention WT study articles warning us “Now these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for a WARNING to US upon whom the ends of the systems of things have come.” After some time went by surely they should’ve realized that something wasn’t quite right! But as it turns out and I realized, they’re putting their trust in these men and not Jehovah, who says throughout his word ‘NOT TO PUT YOUR TRUST IN MEN!’ Not even ‘princes’ who represent the elders.

Such a clear warning that the apostle Paul gave I would imagine that the flock didn’t think it could apply to the GB. For example: My son-in-law (who’s an elder) even said to me when I questioned him about it, he said that he didn’t think Jehovah would allow them to turn away from him since we’re living so close to the end!
That would have never occurred to me! Where is that stated in the scriptures? Nowhere! In fact, at the start of this pandemic I was talking to him about some of my findings on alternative news. He said that the only news they were going to be watching would be jdub…Unbelievable, I thought…You can’t possibly find all sources of news on that website!

So, it’s like the scriptures say. Jeremiah 5:30,31 “Something appalling and horrible has occurred in the land: The prophets prophecy lies, and the priests dominate by their own authority. And my own people love it that way. But what will you do when the end comes?” What a sad ending for them if they don’t wake up. 😟
first off, she’s punishing you- and then she’s trying to manipulate you into submission.

She’s imitating her master the Gov Body and their master is. . . and Satan is trying to break you.

i’m so sorry- this is not right.

But you are a strong person- you’re stronger than you know.

right now, even though she doesn’t realize it yet, you’re the only spiritually stable person she has.

When she wakes up (i don’t doubt she will) she’s going to really need you.

Stay strong sweetie, all of us are here for you.
Asadour thanks for all your support and encouraging comments. Same goes for all of my brothers and sisters on this forum. And those are not just words, I mean this from my heart. ❤️ I know that it was Jehovah who directed me here and he knew exactly what I needed. I thank ewatchman Robert King for clarifying those prophecies in the Bible because for a few years now I’ve had doubts about what WT explanation was…bottom line…everything has already happened! That never made sense to me!
I’ve also been reading Robert’s book and sometimes I can’t put it down. It certainly has answered a lot of my questions.

I need to continue to build my faith in Jehovah my God, who never leaves us completely stranded with no way out. And this forum was what made the way out for me and I know for so many others.
. He said that the only news they were going to be watching would be jdub…
And the News JW DOT ORG was quoting came from the WHO/UN. If Elder's views didn't line up with this they were labelled "conspiracy theorists".

It's classical bait and switch. Establish JW.ORG as an unfailing and trusted source and then use this self same source to promote the very institution the Org was once so profuse in condemning....the UN.

On a Zoom Bible Study with an MS through 2021 I watched aghast as each update became more and more pro Jab. When the MS asked me what I thought of Update No.9 I said in my best Disc Jockey Voice...... "Brought to you by Pfizer". :rolleyes:🙃

The Bible Student and I became good mates and remain unjabbed. The MS got the Jabs and came down with a bad case of Pfizer ( Covid).

Trusting in "Jay Wubble You Dot Org" didn't exactly do my MS mate any favours.