Unless those days were cut short no flesh would be saved

I hope to develop this idea more in future articles on e-watchman, but others have expressed it well. We need to appreciate that the WT's view is askew. JW's imagine that Jehovah is just going to blow his top and start slaughtering everyone. That is not going to happen. The hour of judgment must surely coincide with the one hour of the eighth king. If it is apparent that God intervened to save mankind from Satan's intended nuclear holocaust why would anyone doubt God's existence or his ability to provide salvation? But most of humanity will choose to submit themselves to the beast and be judged unworthy of life. But at least everyone will have been given a choice.
This timeline of events might make a good video, Robert. Hint, hint. End times prophecy was always once of my favorite subjects.
This timeline of events might make a good video, Robert. Hint, hint. End times prophecy was always once of my favorite subjects.
Here is Robert King statement on an older thread:

Jah cuts those days short on account of the chosen ones, because they have a job to do. It's a temp gig but it's important. The tribulation, as I understand it, is the transitional phase between this current world and Satan's final earthly Government where God humbles and humiliates his people. The NWO, the Great Reset, it's all leading to the same end goal. Total world domination. Furthermore, this is also when the 42 months begins. Once the 8th king is ruling that's when the final clock starts ticking to Armageddon. Additionally, God cutting the tribulation short protects his earthly people too. This suggests that the 8th King will somehow restore some false since of order from the ashes of the great tribulation. That's when this image comes to life. But by this point everybody's allegiance will be clearly established. None of God's people will be overcome with fear anymore. Even before the 8th king is destroyed. It will be as if it has already fallen.
Very clear concise explanation. 💯
GT is the time before the one hour test. it Is cut short because as the Scriptures say no flesh would be saved. Nuclear War has a grim outcome if it went on a full scale level even small nuclear war would be absolute devastation on the earth. The chosen ones as you said have a Job to do which is to prophecy and whatever is sealed in the little scroll that John was told to eat will be revealed at that time during the NWO 8th king one hour The house of God judged the separation begins in between the opening of the 6th and 7th seal I believe (I may be wrong on that though) The 1 hour test would begin at the opening of the 7th seal and the 42 months of prophesying begins. There is a short period in between the revival when there will not be a government in between the opening of the 6th and 7th seal. Once the 7th seal is opened the angels are told to release the winds from the 4 corners and Jehovahs bowls of Judgements are poured out. Then comes Armegeddon.
So does Peace and Security come after the Great Tribulation and right before the 8th King rule?
I am of the opinion that they will be saying peace and security before the tribulation---before even nation arises against nation and all of that. The sudden destruction is not Armageddon but will be the tribulation. Whenever they are saying "peace and security" will be a signal for God's people, those who are awake and watching. I doubt the Watchtower will confirm it. So, it will be a test of faith for JWs. Will you wait for the WT to issue life-saving instructions or will you believe that God's word is being fulfilled when it obviously happens?

If the nations come to the brink of war, such as is happening now, and war erupts and everyone is freaked out and the UN Security Council has their emergency meetings and all that, and everyone is holding their breath and they all agree not to blow the world up and everyone is proclaiming that Armageddon has been averted that there is "peace and security," it would get everyone's attention. And then Kaboom. War! The sons of day and the sons of light would at least go into darkness knowing that Christ had come.
I am of the opinion that they will be saying peace and security before the tribulation---before even nation arises against nation and all of that. The sudden destruction is not Armageddon but will be the tribulation. Whenever they are saying "peace and security" will be a signal for God's people, those who are awake and watching. I doubt the Watchtower will confirm it. So, it will be a test of faith for JWs. Will you wait for the WT to issue life-saving instructions or will you believe that God's word is being fulfilled when it obviously happens?

If the nations come to the brink of war, such as is happening now, and war erupts and everyone is freaked out and the UN Security Council has their emergency meetings and all that, and everyone is holding their breath and they all agree not to blow the world up and everyone is proclaiming that Armageddon has been averted that there is "peace and security," it would get everyone's attention. And then Kaboom. War! The sons of day and the sons of light would at least go into darkness knowing that Christ had come.
Thank you! Now that makes sense. I am printing this thread. Such great information from everyone this subject.
What about the following scriptures stating:

29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened,+ and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.+ 30 Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief,+ and they will see the Son of man+ coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.+ 31 And he will send out his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity.+

If there is a several month/year "break" between the Tribulation and Armageddon then what is this referring to?
As we get closer and closer to the GT I am seeing that this has been the case all along. Our Faith in Jehovah not the organization was what it was always about.
Yes, that’s what it’s always been about…and that’s what I’ve always concluded....our faith in Jehovah.
I dedicated my life to Jehovah on March 13,1982…not to an organization.
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Yes, that’s what it’s always been about…and that’s what I’ve always concluded....our faith in Jehovah.
I dedicated my life to Jehovah on March 22, 1982…not to an organization.
My dedication and baptism was April 4, 1982 unfortunately...I think I was more dedicated to the organization at the time. Every day I am in awe of Jehovah's love and patience.
So basically we are presently in the beginning of pangs of distress (Mt24) and GT is full blown pangs of distress, in which the kingdom is born on the Earth? Is this when the presence is expected to begin?
I think so. The tribulation is the time span between the collapse of our current world and the beginning of Satan's Beast kingdom. For a minute there we will be without a Government, or at least in a seriously reduced capacity. Exactly how long that particular duration will be is unclear. Hopefully not long. I don't know if we'll know the exact moment the 42 months begin. I suspect we'll already be into the 42 months a little before we're certain. Eventually it will be obvious. Some order may be restored by the enemy. New requirements of citizenship or whatever will be mandated. They might start off seemingly reasonable then later spiral out of control. Who knows? Point is, after the tribulation God will eventually collect and protect his people. He has a tent and everything.
What about the following scriptures stating:

29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened,+ and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.+ 30 Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief,+ and they will see the Son of man+ coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.+ 31 And he will send out his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity.+

If there is a several month/year "break" between the Tribulation and Armageddon then what is this referring to?
I don't know if I'd call it a break for some people. It's really the beginning of a new phase in God's plan. It is in this period of time when people will finally come to know they are either with God or doomed.
If it is apparent that God intervened to save mankind from Satan's intended nuclear holocaust why would anyone doubt God's existence or his ability to provide salvation?
Given that the demons have worked over time for the last 70 since Roswell 1947, just a couple of years after the first atomic bombs were actually used on people, to impersonate aliens, I am convinced they will "stage" an "alien" intervention and they will take credit for the miraculous "cutting short" of the GT! I say convinced....I mean given what they have done in the past, coming to the earth before the flood, etc, I think it's a definite possibility.
I am of the opinion that they will be saying peace and security before the tribulation
I think this is a very distinct possibility, however I have speculated that when the 8th King arises they will engage in a purge of anyone who opposes them, and when they think they have succeeded, and the 8th King thinks his Kingdom has been established permanently, after the destruction of religion by creating a One World religion, then they will declare their "peace and security." Possibly or rather very likely if I am right about this, right after they executed the "Two Witnesses." In other words they establish their One World Religion and simultaneously, they kill the "remnant" "Christ's Brothers" , and they declare victory when they say "peace and security."