Unless those days were cut short no flesh would be saved

Curious to know how you define "Christ's Kingdom arrives" ?
I'd consider Matthew Ch.24. Plus, it's not going to be easy to see it since Jesus said this to the Pharisees:
(Luke 17:20, 21) 20 On being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God was coming, he answered them: “The Kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness; 21 nor will people say, ‘See here!’ or, ‘There!’ For look! the Kingdom of God is in your midst.”
Perhaps this might be of use:
This article, published a few weeks ago, is my latest thinking on this topic

Since reading and listening to Brother Robert King’s videos and articles the “minor” prophets now make sense. They really were very puzzling to me prior to this. After listening to the video at the end of the article, I found it amusing that people will “Google” the terms nuclear war and Armageddon but they often won’t read the Bible or discuss it. Such an odd world we live in.

It was also interesting to realize that Armageddon is only mentioned once in the bible and yet the entire world knows the term, although they often misunderstand what it actually means.

Recent events have been surprising to me in that the scriptures on brothers hating one another are taking on more significance now because I personally witnessed that with the COVID vaccine issue. The lack of love among many brothers and sisters was really exposed although it was probably underneath the surface all along. And, the appeal from Jehovah in the book of Joel to his dedicated people to “return to him with all your heart” really shows what we are all realizing that for many of the friends, their loyalty to the organization and the GB has resulted in their disloyalty to Jehovah. Sad and I would not have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes. But it does make me look forward with more zeal to the revealing of the Sons of God.
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I'd consider Matthew Ch.24. Plus, it's not going to be easy to see it since Jesus said this to the Pharisees:

Perhaps this might be of use:

In that case to your point “When the 8th king rules, Christ's Kingdom arrives. People will have to take a stand on whom they support. It'll be interesting times no doubt.”

1 Jesus comes into his Kingdom before the 8th King shows up ie Christ has already taken up his Kingship prior to 2 those asleep in Christ are resurrected, (the Kingdom is not fully operational ) 3 Satan and his hoods getting kicked out of heaven, and 4 the cry for peace, 5 the 7th head receiving the sword stroke. administered by Satan (speculation) triggering 6 WW3 which is the start of the G/T ( the rise of the 8th King appears in this part of the sequence) etc.

What I thought you meant is that the 8th King begins his rule in opposition to the already set up Christ's Kingdom which I think is the case.

I'll leave it there to avoid more confusion.
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Recent events have been surprising to me in that the scriptures on brothers hating one another are taking on more significance now because I personally witnessed that with the COVID vaccine issue. The lack of love among many brothers and sisters was really exposed although it was probably underneath the surface all along. And, the appeal from Jehovah in the book of Joel to his dedicated people to “return to him with all your heart” really shows what we are all realizing that for many of the friends, their loyalty to the organization and the GB has resulted in their disloyalty to Jehovah. Sad and I would not have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes. But it does make me look forward with more zeal to the revealing of the Sons of God.
I was talking to my 80 year old cousin today who has been dedicated to Jehovah most of her life... her and I talk every week...I turned her onto Robert about 8 months ago. Because her 2 grandsons who are elders monitor her emails and internet I can't email her Roberts info. So I mail to her all of Roberts Watchman posts. Today in our conversation she said.... her daughter stopped going to the meetings 5 years ago because of the Elders etc etc.. She is worried because she thinks her daughter is not going to make it....she said she was not as worried about her grands sons. I told her I think I would be more worried about her grandsons than her daughter. I believe there are many who know Jehovah and have left the organization for what ever reason will hear Jehovahs voice and have discernment ...the ones who are dedicated to the organization won't see it.
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I hope to develop this idea more in future articles on e-watchman, but others have expressed it well. We need to appreciate that the WT's view is askew. JW's imagine that Jehovah is just going to blow his top and start slaughtering everyone. That is not going to happen. The hour of judgment must surely coincide with the one hour of the eighth king. If it is apparent that God intervened to save mankind from Satan's intended nuclear holocaust why would anyone doubt God's existence or his ability to provide salvation? But most of humanity will choose to submit themselves to the beast and be judged unworthy of life. But at least everyone will have been given a choice.
When do you think the “peace and security” foretold by Paul will happen? Pre-tribulation, mid tribulation, or post tribulation? Will the call coincide on the start of the reign of the 8th King?
Given that the demons have worked over time for the last 70 since Roswell 1947, just a couple of years after the first atomic bombs were actually used on people, to impersonate aliens, I am convinced they will "stage" an "alien" intervention and they will take credit for the miraculous "cutting short" of the GT! I say convinced....I mean given what they have done in the past, coming to the earth before the flood, etc, I think it's a definite possibility.

I think this is a very distinct possibility, however I have speculated that when the 8th King arises they will engage in a purge of anyone who opposes them, and when they think they have succeeded, and the 8th King thinks his Kingdom has been established permanently, after the destruction of religion by creating a One World religion, then they will declare their "peace and security." Possibly or rather very likely if I am right about this, right after they executed the "Two Witnesses." In other words they establish their One World Religion and simultaneously, they kill the "remnant" "Christ's Brothers" , and they declare victory when they say "peace and security."
I too am expecting for them to call it in post tribulation. Though if it happens before, during or after the great tribulation, what we can do now is to keep on the watch and eagerly expect our Lord.(Mark 13:35,36)
Timeline of Events

Prior to onset of great tribulation:

Anointed are sealed/Angels stop holding restraint on winds destruction (Rev.7)
Lawless one is revealed (2Th.2)
False shepherds in congregation cry "peace and security" (1Th.5:1-5)
(Even though there is no peace or security in the congregation (Rev.2,3))

Jesus receives the kingdom in heaven, begins "ride"of conquest (Rev.5-6:2)
Satan is cast out of heaven (Rev.12:7-12)
UN begins world domination (Dan.7:25;8:10-14)

Great tribulation begins like a thief for false shepherds but we are sons of light so it doesn't take us by surprise (1Th.5:4,5)
Religious institutions are attacked for 5 months from the start of the great tribulation. The attack is cut short so that true worshippers will be saved. (Rev.9:5,10;Joel1:2-6;Mt.24:22)
1,150 days after the great tribulation begins, God's organization of true worship on earth will have been refined. Jesus will have sent out his angels to remove the teachings causing a stumbling and the people causing wickedness. (Dan.8:14;Mt.13:41) [Note: Genesis 1 shows that "an evening and a morning" equal one day. Therefore the 2,300 evenings and mornings in Dan.8:14 equal 1,150 days.]
1,260 days after the great tribulation begins anointed remnant on earth have finished their witnessing and are figuratively killed. (Rev.11:3,7)
1,290 days after the great tribulation begins (Dan.12:11)
At some point during the great tribulation, the dead anointed are resurrected. Living anointed transformed. Every eye will see them. (Jesus was seen on earth after he was resurrected and before he went up to heaven in a cloud.)(1Th.4:13-17;1Cor.15:51-54)
1,335 days after the great tribulation begins (Dan.12:12)
The marriage of the Lamb happens when all the anointed are brought home to him. Marriage in ancient Israel took place when the bridegroom brought home the bride. As soon as the marriage takes place, the kingdom abysses Satan and the demons and destroys God's human enemies on earth. Every eye will see Jesus and the anointed. Then the kingdom comes down from heaven. Those on earth will interact personally with visible Jesus and the visible anointed priests/kings throughout the 1000 year reign. (Acts10:34,35)
1000 years later final test, all opposers destroyed. Everyone alive truly a child of God. Children of God on earth now able to interact with Jehovah as Father in person as He comes to earth, since He Can Become Whatsoever He Chooses To Become, He can make a way to appear and interact one-on-one with his earthly kids and they won't burn up. "Jehovah Himself Will Be There" "God will wipe away every tear" The family is healed. Praise Jah!(Rev.20-22)

"There is a God in the heavens who is a Revealer of secrets."

May Jehovah be praised!
Prior to onset of great tribulation:
Welcome to the forum AnnaNana.

Rev 6:12 - 17 the sixth seal the G/T Rev 7:1 - 3 G/T is cut short on account of the chosen ones so that they can be sealed.

I agree with you. Jehovah is a revealer of secrets. Jehovah's word is also to teach us.

However we need to let it speak to us and to allow it to teach.
I think so. The tribulation is the time span between the collapse of our current world and the beginning of Satan's Beast kingdom. For a minute there we will be without a Government, or at least in a seriously reduced capacity. Exactly how long that particular duration will be is unclear. Hopefully not long. I don't know if we'll know the exact moment the 42 months begin. I suspect we'll already be into the 42 months a little before we're certain. Eventually it will be obvious. Some order may be restored by the enemy. New requirements of citizenship or whatever will be mandated. They might start off seemingly reasonable then later spiral out of control. Who knows? Point is, after the tribulation God will eventually collect and protect his people. He has a tent and everything.
I don't know why but this part is hilarious to me. Good job.
"Peace and security!"

The current governing body has been claiming there is peace and security in the congregations.

Jesus says there is no peace in the congregations, as recorded in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

A recent Watchtower said there has been a place of spiritual security for the anointed in the organization since 1919.

Many faithful anointed ones have been disfellowshipped from the organization by those taking the lead. There is no security for the faithful anointed in the organization.

Jesus said the congregation was like a field. There is wheat and there are weeds. Jehovah's organization is going to be cleansed. The weeds (teachings causing a stumbling and people doing wickedness) will be removed at the appointed time.

The lawless one has been revealed. They are saying "peace and security". The appointed time is near.

Praise Jehovah!
I hadn't noticed it either until recently, maybe a year prior to covid I remember thinking why is there so much emphasis being put on the gb now?!
I think it was much more subtle but always there. All through out the years I have struggled with the "goings on" within the various congregations I have been in. All the injustices and the very bad way I have been treated and seen others treated. Being a son of an elder, I had a lot of "inside baseball" I was privy too. I especially struggled with the scripture, "you will know my disciples if they have love among themselves." Which I knew from first hand experience over and over again, was a serious issue. And every time I would call attention to these things and here's the point, I would be told regarding leaving WT, "you don't want to take it out on Jehovah", by leaving the Org that is.

It wasn't until their handling of Covid etc, that I was finally ready to say enough is enough. It wasn't until then that I decided there must be something to the CSA scandal for example. And it wasn't until then that I realized I could "leave WT" without "leaving Jehovah."

To illustrate how disgusted I was with things almost 30 years ago even, I was at the WT Study and heard a comment by the P.O. that was so unloving, so judgemental...here I'll just post what he said, this was on the subject of DF'ing. His comment was about people complaining about being mistreated, so the context is even worse...this is what he said, "It's like when someone gets pulled over for speeding and they get a speeding ticket and they are complaining about the way the police treated them, and ignore they deserved the speeding ticket." So he was justifying mistreating Jehovah's sheep because "they deserve it." I was so upset I walked out into the parking lot and called my father who had been an elder for decades and he agreed, as always, something was very wrong.

In any case I think it's all a symptom of this idea that the "org" and Jehovah are synonymous but it is indeed idolatry! Now I am not denying that Jehovah has used the org, maybe I don't make that point enough in all my complaining, but it just means they are all the more in trouble for their mistreatment of Jehovah's sheep and why they are in so much trouble!
I hope to develop this idea more in future articles on e-watchman, but others have expressed it well. We need to appreciate that the WT's view is askew. JW's imagine that Jehovah is just going to blow his top and start slaughtering everyone. That is not going to happen. The hour of judgment must surely coincide with the one hour of the eighth king. If it is apparent that God intervened to save mankind from Satan's intended nuclear holocaust why would anyone doubt God's existence or his ability to provide salvation? But most of humanity will choose to submit themselves to the beast and be judged unworthy of life. But at least everyone will have been given a choice.
In spite of the super scripture " God's Kingdom and Christ's coming to power is, with no strikable observance.. Oddly enough, happens to be during worldwide horrors coming upon humanity... Definitely, nothing strikable about that.. Right! ..
In spite of the super scripture " God's Kingdom and Christ's coming to power is, with no strikable observance.. Oddly enough, happens to be during worldwide horrors coming upon humanity... Definitely, nothing strikable about that.. Right! ..
Here is an article on the topic

"Peace and security!"

The current governing body has been claiming there is peace and security in the congregations.

Jesus says there is no peace in the congregations, as recorded in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

A recent Watchtower said there has been a place of spiritual security for the anointed in the organization since 1919.

Many faithful anointed ones have been disfellowshipped from the organization by those taking the lead. There is no security for the faithful anointed in the organization.

Jesus said the congregation was like a field. There is wheat and there are weeds. Jehovah's organization is going to be cleansed. The weeds (teachings causing a stumbling and people doing wickedness) will be removed at the appointed time.

The lawless one has been revealed. They are saying "peace and security". The appointed time is near.

Praise Jehovah!
Sorry it says SUDDEN destruction, which obviously hasn’t happened.
Here is an article on the topic

Edited for misspelling & stupidity's sake.. .. I was thinking, if Christ's arrival is as irrelevant as the WT dogma, "Invisible" then why would he say, to keep our senses, and keep on the watch ? Not to mention along with wars and horror..how could anyone miss it , just saying
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