Will all human society ultimately descend into complete chaos?

I agree but I should explain the term I used and why.

People today seem to be addicted to outrage. We have plenty of threads like;

Trumps home raided by the FBI
New levels of child abuse uncovered
Trudeau has taken away guns and said Canadians don't have a right to defend themselves.

All these types of threads invoke outrage. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with them. We should examine the world to see where we are in the stream of prophecy and watch out for the Sign Christ mentioned and it's good to catch up on the news.

But we should be careful to always balance that with the spiritual. There are some now who are in an absolute hysterical frenzy regarding all the bad that's in the world today. It's tough not to be but balance is required.

That's why I mentioned that the spiritual should always come first.

We could ask ourselves; When I come to this site what's the first thing I do? Do I seek out the the daily scriptural recap of RK's articles that PJ is kind enough to post? Do I check out e-watchman for the newest article? Do I check out the newest discussions involving the scriptures. Or do I immediately head for the news threads that deal with "outrage"?

I can tell you, my experience is the latter. But I'm making a concerted effort to do the former.

I can't thank you enough PJ for the effort you bring to the forum with your daily...text, recaps...I don't know what to call them. And on the main page, Robert thank you so much for your excellent articles on the Psalms.

In the end, the spiritual will save us, not knowing how Trump feels about an FBI raid.
Excellent post. I think what's great about this place is exactly these points that you made. Thank you!
I think that was what drove Driven away.
It's what shrank my participation. And now is Carl gone too? I loved his posts since my finding this forum in March.

And as for Driven: Anyone who has read her heart felt comments knows what a loss it is for her to leave, OR... for her to shrink back from commenting.

I would like to humbly suggest to @Watchman that it is time to narrow the focus of the forums (forum headings/forum sections) so that all may return and participate. A forum heading of "general discussions" should be an indicator that everything under the sun is a-ok. A forum heading of "spiritual healing" implies a lot. Or a forum heading of "group bible study" would be great. I think it would be appropriate for a forum member to ask that a thread diversion into the 'book of Mormon' or the 'Koran' be started as a new thread somewhere other than a thread about Daniel in the forum heading of Bible Study.

A little nudge once in a while about what the original poster's topic was, to keep threads on topic are a good thing. Peace out.
It's what shrank my participation. And now is Carl gone too? I loved his posts since my finding this forum in March.

And as for Driven: Anyone who has read her heart felt comments knows what a loss it is for her to leave, OR... for her to shrink back from commenting.

I would like to humbly suggest to @Watchman that it is time to narrow the focus of the forums (forum headings/forum sections) so that all may return and participate. A forum heading of "general discussions" should be an indicator that everything under the sun is a-ok. A forum heading of "spiritual healing" implies a lot. Or a forum heading of "group bible study" would be great. I think it would be appropriate for a forum member to ask that a thread diversion into the 'book of Mormon' or the 'Koran' be started as a new thread somewhere other than a thread about Daniel in the forum heading of Bible Study.

A little nudge once in a while about what the original poster's topic was, to keep threads on topic are a good thing. Peace out.
I messaged Brother Carl and asked him to reconsider but got no response so he's gone. He'll probably drop in some time in the future. I have a pretty good idea why Driven left but I best not say. I have a feeling one day she'll return as well. Her husband Meditator is still on and will give the occasional comment so that's a plus.
I messaged Brother Carl and asked him to reconsider but got no response so he's gone. He'll probably drop in some time in the future. I have a pretty good idea why Driven left but I best not say. I have a feeling one day she'll return as well. Her husband Meditator is still on and will give the occasional comment so that's a plus.
I wonder if they'll still be on the main site. Hopefully they'll keep tabs there!
I messaged Brother Carl and asked him to reconsider
I talked to Carl last week and I don't want to speak for him or put words in his mouth, but I'm pretty sure he'll be back in a week or two. I think that will be true of Driven as well, perhaps it will take a little longer. One thing I think we should all keep in mind, and I am not singling anyone out, but unless it's a subject that you are an expert in, I think the best rule of thumb is to avoid any dogmatic attitudes about most subjects. Unless it's your area of expertise, like what you do for a living a life long hobby, our "expertise" is very limited. We should all allow people to have their own opinion, one of the biggest things lacking within WT!

I have pretty strong opinions on certain things but unless you want to force your ideas on me, I really don't care if you agree or disagree.

I've "coined" a phrase about vaccines that really illustrate what i am talking about. Your qualifications to agree with vaccine "science" are excatly the same if you disagree. Or another way i like to put it is, "you are qualified to agree with vaccine science, but you are not qualified to disagree." I.E. your qualifications are exactly the same either way. So the subject has a built in for lack of a better word "political" leaning to it.

So let's all keep in mind most of our understanding about so many things are at best our opinions! So much of what we "know" is what we have been told, and not really anything we have experienced or learned first hand!
And as for Driven: Anyone who has read her heart felt comments knows what a loss it is for her to leave, OR... for her to shrink back from commenting.
There is a time for everything. When the time comes that Driven has something that needs to be said, it will be said. One of the things we deal with is a certain number of unknowns. We don't know everything yet. We exchange a lot of knowledge and I feel that is important to avoiding things that this system will be pushing on the world.
A separate bible study category is appropriate for us I think.

A little nudge once in a while about what the original poster's topic was, to keep threads on topic are a good thing. Peace out.
I'm guilty of this sometimes. I confess. Sometimes it's like I have a million thoughts flying around in my head and every now and then I manage to snag one again before it's gone. They go round and round until I have my net ready and I try again. Could be minutes. Could be months.
Just ask my ex-wife about Beanie Weenie.
She made a casual comment about something that reminded me something else which reminded me of camping which reminded me of bivouac in the Army which reminded me of Specialist Daugherty who always packed cans of Beanie Weenie when we played war games. Minutes later I blurted out Beanie Weenie and started chuckling. Of course she looks over at me as if I'd lost my mind. I had to walk her back through that but then she understood. Now, when something I say isn't immediately obvious she says Beanie Weenie.
And as for Driven: Anyone who has read her heart felt comments knows what a loss it is for her to leave, OR... for her to shrink back from commenting.
Thanks Double L, I will let her know! To be clear, she is gone, she does not log in like I do. She has a ton of things that keep her spiritually engaged and encouraged. Regarding this forum, I am really being selective as to what I comment on or what I react to for my own personal comfort and serenity. Again, thank you for your care and concern!
I messaged Brother Carl and asked him to reconsider but got no response so he's gone. He'll probably drop in some time in the future. I have a pretty good idea why Driven left but I best not say. I have a feeling one day she'll return as well. Her husband Meditator is still on and will give the occasional comment so that's a plus.
Thank you Kirmmy!!
Thanks Double L, I will let her know! To be clear, she is gone, she does not log in like I do. She has a ton of things that keep her spiritually engaged and encouraged. Regarding this forum, I am really being selective as to what I comment on or what I react to for my own personal comfort and serenity. Again, thank you for your care and concern!
One of the things I do on the forum is when a thread gets too dicey for my taste, I "Unwatch" it. That way I don't have to keep seeing updates on a conflict on my Alerts.
Beanie Weenie
Thank you for explaining where that term came from...I didn't want to...ask? :LOL:

Unless it's your area of expertise, like what you do for a living a life long hobby, our "expertise" is very limited.
Well said. You know I always fall back on you for workplace safety and masking stuff...and some other stuff as well. With Carl, he gave me some great advice regarding eye health but he's a doctor of medicine, after all.

At this point I was going to go on a rant regarding science and physics and some of the wild theories that fly around this forum...But I thought better of it.

I guess sometimes it really is better to go along to get along.;)
I've been thinking about something and I don't know specifically where to post it. There are literally so many topics now that I started dozing off trying to look for the right one. My ex and I still talk some about spiritual things but even when we first married, I realized that even though she was around the Org her entire life, we saw things differently.
Two years ago I mentioned that there would be a push to this climate change insanity and that they would either try to stop producing gas or take away our vehicles. Something along those lines. While she talks along the company lines of the world is about to end and it's so bad and it can't get much worse and we need Jehovah's kingdom now.........she says to me that we won't see cars going away in our lifetime. Ours meaning older people like me.
I've been chewing on that for the last two years and I still don't know what to make of it. I want to ask her questions about how she actually views things we're seeing right now but I already suspect that she would do the double speak.
Not in our lifetime. Does that sound like someone who thinks that the Great Tribulation could occur any day now? To steal a line from a movie, I guess the problem with trying to help someone is not knowing what help to give or what is needed.
I've been thinking about something and I don't know specifically where to post it. There are literally so many topics now that I started dozing off trying to look for the right one. My ex and I still talk some about spiritual things but even when we first married, I realized that even though she was around the Org her entire life, we saw things differently.
Two years ago I mentioned that there would be a push to this climate change insanity and that they would either try to stop producing gas or take away our vehicles. Something along those lines. While she talks along the company lines of the world is about to end and it's so bad and it can't get much worse and we need Jehovah's kingdom now.........she says to me that we won't see cars going away in our lifetime. Ours meaning older people like me.
I've been chewing on that for the last two years and I still don't know what to make of it. I want to ask her questions about how she actually views things we're seeing right now but I already suspect that she would do the double speak.
Not in our lifetime. Does that sound like someone who thinks that the Great Tribulation could occur any day now? To steal a line from a movie, I guess the problem with trying to help someone is not knowing what help to give or what is needed.
Your last line sums it up nicely. Sometimes it's best to not say anything and let that person go their way. I'm beginning to realize that myself...

BTW, I think personal cars will slowly evaporate. More and more people won't be able to afford a car, electric or otherwise. Some will resort to mass transit and some to bicycles, etc. The fortunate ones will be able to afford small electric motorbikes or tricycles. In time, only the rich will be able to afford a car. It seems to be heading that way now. To your ex's credit that will probably take many years so you may not see it in your lifetime. This is barring a catastrophic event like the GT, which I think we will see. Oh Jehovah please, bring the Kingdom!

I went to an interview today and I mentioned the long commute for me and the bossman told me that many at the company take mass transit or ride a bike. That really surprised me and why I replied to your comment.
Your last line sums it up nicely. Sometimes it's best to not say anything and let that person go their way. I'm beginning to realize that myself...

BTW, I think personal cars will slowly evaporate. More and more people won't be able to afford a car, electric or otherwise. Some will resort to mass transit and some to bicycles, etc. The fortunate ones will be able to afford small electric motorbikes or tricycles. In time, only the rich will be able to afford a car. It seems to be heading that way now. To your ex's credit that will probably take many years so you may not see it in your lifetime. This is barring a catastrophic event like the GT, which I think we will see. Oh Jehovah please, bring the Kingdom!

I went to an interview today and I mentioned the long commute for me and the bossman told me that many at the company take mass transit or ride a bike. That really surprised me and why I replied to your comment.
Those not part of the system will have to go by foot it seems.
I just found this today. If things continue the Org will be in huge trouble!
Yikes! He even mentioned JWs. The pressure brought to bear will separate the real Christians from the fake so there's that... Not like I'm looking forward to it though.

BTW, when he said he had to call the IRS once in the 80s...and he's still on hold...cracked me up. :LOL: He's not kidding though. I had a question the last time I filed taxes in Kanada and fuggedaboutit! I just gave up and found some answers that were "close enough" online.

Thanks for the vid PJ!
Those not part of the system will have to go by foot it seems.
No problem my Brother. I like to walk. But Jehovah help me, I'll be walking to what he wants me to walk to and not the greedy Satan lovers of this world. Jehovah will provide...Jehovah-jireh.
In time, only the rich will be able to afford a car. It seems to be heading that way now. To your ex's credit that will probably take many years so you may not see it in your lifetime.
How will that work when some rich guy goes driving by and he's the only car on the road while the rest of the country has to hoof it? I don't see that going over too well. I don't think they thought everything through.
How will that work when some rich guy goes driving by and he's the only car on the road while the rest of the country has to hoof it? I don't see that going over too well. I don't think they thought everything through.
Especially if you need a truck since you do blue collar work.
Especially if you need a truck since you do blue collar work.
Universal Basic Income. If they let you live that is. They are already talking about the cars. They want to push the cricket agenda so I expect that gardens will become illegal at some point. Bad for the climate or whatever the lie turns into. There has to be a point this just doesn't work and people rebel. I don't have to eat meat but I won't be eating crickets. They aren't healthy to eat. Many of the hard lefties will repeat everything they're told to without question but I can't believe that the entire world is going to get on the bug eating bandwagon.
Civil war has been in the news nonstop. They're trying too hard.
Especially if you need a truck since you do blue collar work.
The truth is, I can't justify our way of life. Sucking out all the oil from the ground and using it up. The pollution and material waste dumps is off the charts. Everything is temporary so the vehicles we have now won't last and will need to be replaced. There are sound arguments for wanting to stop ruining the earth.
In fact it isn't what they are saying. It is the world they want to implement to solve it. Depopulation and slavery.
They naysayers are having their reward now but the day is rapidly approaching when the warnings about this global slavery system won't be needed. They will have taken control. Inch by inch they take it.