Our first time speaking out and experience!

Bienvenidos!!! Estos hilos cada vez me emocionan más. Se llega después de un gran fiasco y todos aquí podemos entender lo que se siente después de la gran decepción. Es como un gran duelo, me alegra que hoy en día exista este foro para los que ven lo que hay detrás del velo que Jehová ha permitido. Es algo que aún me pregunto, porque yo tengo el privilegio de ver más allá de ese velo? Que bendición tenemos aquí!! Un fuerte abrazo desde España y si, os voy a hacer trabajar y sacar el traductor!! Pero el amor es grande!!!💙
Mucho gusto¡Gracias por sus pensamientos! ¡España es un país precioso! ¡Las decisiones importantes de la vida se tomaron en las playas de España para uno de nosotros! ¡Hemos visto mucho de lo que está pasando en España en particular! ¡Nosotros también nos sentimos bendecidos! ¡Ha sido una montaña rusa emocional, por decir lo menos! ¡Nos alegra que se haya puesto en contacto con nosotros y esperamos más comentarios! Agradecemos su amabilidad! 🥰
Mucho gusto¡Gracias por sus pensamientos! ¡España es un país precioso! ¡Las decisiones importantes de la vida se tomaron en las playas de España para uno de nosotros! ¡Hemos visto mucho de lo que está pasando en España en particular! ¡Nosotros también nos sentimos bendecidos! ¡Ha sido una montaña rusa emocional, por decir lo menos! ¡Nos alegra que se haya puesto en contacto con nosotros y esperamos más comentarios! Agradecemos su amabilidad! 🥰
No dudéis en avisar si volvéis a sus playas, vivimos en ellas. Por desgracia ya nada de lo que podamos ver nos sorprende, en el declive hay montañas rusas para unos, pasajes del terror para otros, algunos terminan muy golpeados de los autos de choque...y aún queda la gran explosión cuando bajen todos desde el cielo a la fiesta maligna. Vamos a coger fuerzas aunque sea un poco de tiempo antes de eso. No falta mucho y nos vendrá a todos bien saber que compartimos una fe renovada, de la que más adelante seremos testigos con más plenitud Aguante queridos!!
Thank you for such a warm welcome!
Welcome to the forum. It was a wonderful comment to read and full of awakening wonder to the truth. I recall the zealousness for the “truth” that you wrote about and frequently look back upon my attitude to the “non-believers” at that time. I often feel ashamed of my attitude to others back them and ask myself often, which was the greater lie - myself and my attitude or the watchtower. Probably both. It makes us that way does it not? Yet in fact, we have all fallen for Satan’s lie - the GB too, yet there comes a time when at least for some of us, our reasoning upon faith becomes strong enough to be realised in our heart. As you so rightly mentioned in your letter, it is love of the foundations of the truth. They cannot easily be described, but are a part of us. And love describes truth in a far more eloquent manner than does learning. It moves the Spirit, something that came across in your letter also. How refreshing it was to read that acknowledgement to the spirit.

The vaccination appears to have been a catalyst for many in awakening. One would have thought that the outrage of the UN Library affiliation would have done the job, but rather it seems to have been a matter of personal direction or interference against the person that has moved the central bloc of witnesses in America and that as a natural course of events, filtered down world wide. No one in their right mind would challenge an American citizen on their “rights”; be it having a fully primed and loaded battle tank in their garden (yard), or what to wear - even if it IS one of those Aloha shirts!! - yet it seems that the GB are so insulated in their ivory tower that they saw fit to issue their own “cool aide” in exchange for money. A very fitting emulation of Judas it has come to be in retrospect.

Certainly the Australian Royal Commission exposed the truth about the lie, and Geoffrey Jackson‘s abdication of the position of the watchtower could not have been a greater betrayal of themselves. Their love of money and power being laid bare before all with the eyes to see. The prosecution had them in the palm of their hand but their ignorance of the watchtower let them down. So much more could have been made of it - but the time was not then. Maybe it soon is to be. Still - you and yours are awake and there is no better place to be than in the palm of Jehovah Himself. So welcome to the the love of the Truth. By the way, please do not keep you comments short - everything spoken here, related, spiritual, helpful and encouraging is worth its weight in gold. The bible comprises well over three quarters of a million words, and Jehovah demands that not a word be lost or added. 👍
My friend confided that she had been having seizures after her second Pfizer genetic therapy product (GTP). I was speaking to her on a Friday night in October of 2022. We hadn't seen each other for a while and were looking forward to meeting up at a retirement party. She was found dead in her bed the following Wednesday. Another friend of mine is very angry. She developed deep vein thrombosis (clots) and has had to have surgeries. She knows exactly what caused her issues. Even her vein doctor (whatever you call them) indicated that it was highly likely it was the jab. A retired co-worker of mine went suddenly and almost completely deaf a day after the second jab. Whatever the doc's are doing is working though. Much of his hearing is restored. My old manager complained of brain fog. Another co-worker still has pain in his legs after second jab from over a year ago. I know of others having issues, but it is all second hand, so I won't relate them here. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE for me who has a very small circle of friends and associates know so many affected by this? I am glad I waited to see how the jab might affect others before making my decision. Never got it.
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I have mentioned it elsewhere, but it bears repeating. Having gone over all the Hebrew prophecies and directed what seemed applicable to the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses, before the vax mandate I had understood that the blood guilt which Jehovah indicts the shepherds for had been metaphoric. I had assumed that God considered stumbling his sheep was why he stated in numerous places that they are murderers. Now, unfortunately, I realize it is quite literal.

Welcome to the forum Wide-Awake

I believe so many
We are a married couple who have been lurking on here for a couple of years. We are fortunate enough to both have woken up together. It has been a process and are still somewhat in due to caretaking for elderly parents. One seems to be PIMQ giving us hope. We have a lot to say but for now will keep it to an overview. This is the first online platform or outside online forum we discovered and really helped open our eyes.

We are thankful to Robert for having created this space for us to have a place to finally speak.

This is the first time we are speaking out. We have wanted to for a while and finally allowing ourselves to do so. Everyone has their reasons and pace and we will not encourage anyone to go any particular route. Everyone has to go at their own pace for their own reasons and if there is anything we have learned now it is not to judge others and to show more love. We were die hard pimi’s. We both have had “special privileges/titles” for many decades.

There are things we have read on some posts and we can answer some questions.

What woke us up? VAXX pressure. The absolute insanity and pressure to encourage people to take the VAXX which is a personal medical decision was beyond distressing. We do not say that lightly. The ENORMOUS pressure and HORRIBLE statements it allowed the “brothers and sisters” to say were beyond hurtful and unloving. In time, hopefully we can explain more, but for now know we are still seeing double talk. This weekend’s current one-day program with the branch representative literally said “…with health issues , how sad it was to see that even simple matters of public health such as wearing masks or hand washing or physical distancing or vaxxs, those things became controversial , even political, but those are all things Jehovah has given us direction on.” Yet a few days ago they just put out a letter saying they no longer require VAXX for theocratic schools. The requirements for those in special service were extremely strong. We could write a novel on this subject, but not now. We knew something was seriously wrong and this allowed us to give ourselves permission to research other things. We believe that if it is truth, it should be able to withstand scrutiny. The ARC was especially powerful. One of us has had this experience personally and believed it was a rare or not a common occurrence. Well, one of us sat and watched the whole thing straight with tears, hurt and anger and the other saw enough to know this is not Jehovah’s direction and knew what their spouse had been through. The husband stepped away from his position and would love to have unloaded but couldn’t. We also downloaded the court documents from the ARC. We are forever grateful to the ARC and even Geoffrey Jackson for showing who he really is as well as where the GB and WT stands.

The ARC led to the rabbit hole and while trying to fade finally during a zoom one of us stood up (after a ridiculous comment by an elder who has to talk about the VAXX still), and said I can’t do this anymore! So, in our own way though already we had started slowly fading for a year (at a snails pace), we stepped it up and though still connected we are hanging in barely for our parents and cannot fully detach at this time. You will understand later and it KILLS us to feel like we are living a double life. We still love God and believe Jesus is our mediator! Yes, we didn’t even realize the GB had taken that upon themselves. We need an outlet to speak more freely and with those who still have faith, though we do not judge anyone who has lost theirs. Its amazing anyone still has any faith after all we have seen. So, we believe each person can choose their own path as we want to walk on our own path. It has been a difficult, painful process, but we are in a better place now. We need friends with whom we can communicate freely. There are things we appreciate as JWs brought us to each other and helped us with other things, but this org is not directed by Jehovah in our opinion. As Jesus said: “You will recognize them by their fruits.” We have been reading the bible without the WT lens and are enjoying it.

Additional comments:
  • Regarding cart witnessing- actually, yes it has been effective in some areas and that is why they are doing it. We personally started studies, Rv’s and know of many who returned to the org from it.
  • Cart Crashing- you can do what you want but know it just re-reinforces in their minds persecution for the sake of Jah and they shut down their minds. Maybe ask a simple question and do not act like you know more than them as you know they think they know everything and honestly, we use to be those people.
  • Hawaii dress code: yes, last fall they allowed for Brothers to wear Aloha shirts even during conventions due to the “culture”. Instructed not to post on social media.
  • We are constantly reminding ourselves we were those people and to have grace as we know ones who are questioning, but don’t know if they will ever do anything about it. We are trying to be compassionate to the R&F as so many just don’t know. We have both been baptized between 30—40 yrs
  • They are reaching out to see where people stand and following up on inactive ones. We are preparing ourselves.
Thank you for bearing with this introduction and in the future will try to keep comments shorter. We have a lot bottled up inside and are keeping our identities and location private for now. Again, thank you for letting us be here. Side note…we have spent time on this site plenty of times while in service and meetings to keep sane! You all are so brave and courageous! We are fully aware we are blessed to at least have each other to talk about these matters. We love you all!
i believe so many brothers and sisters share your story. It has been an eye opener for me and at the same time sad to watch how the brothers and sisters treated each other over this vaccine. It has been horrible. My parents who have been in the truth for 50 years were treated horrible on there stand not to take the vaccine. there are so many other reasons but like you had mentioned, Jehovahs holy spirit is not guiding his people. One final thought because like yourselves i could write a book. The ARC report is just the beginning. My family has first hand experience esp. myself and my brother as to how the society allowed pedophiles to lurk in Jehovahs house. This sick disease has eaten away at the organization and it will all come out. The dam will burst. Dont lose your love for our creator.
We are a married couple who have been lurking on here for a couple of years. We are fortunate enough to both have woken up together. It has been a process and are still somewhat in due to caretaking for elderly parents. One seems to be PIMQ giving us hope. We have a lot to say but for now will keep it to an overview. This is the first online platform or outside online forum we discovered and really helped open our eyes.

We are thankful to Robert for having created this space for us to have a place to finally speak.

This is the first time we are speaking out. We have wanted to for a while and finally allowing ourselves to do so. Everyone has their reasons and pace and we will not encourage anyone to go any particular route. Everyone has to go at their own pace for their own reasons and if there is anything we have learned now it is not to judge others and to show more love. We were die hard pimi’s. We both have had “special privileges/titles” for many decades.

There are things we have read on some posts and we can answer some questions.

What woke us up? VAXX pressure. The absolute insanity and pressure to encourage people to take the VAXX which is a personal medical decision was beyond distressing. We do not say that lightly. The ENORMOUS pressure and HORRIBLE statements it allowed the “brothers and sisters” to say were beyond hurtful and unloving. In time, hopefully we can explain more, but for now know we are still seeing double talk. This weekend’s current one-day program with the branch representative literally said “…with health issues , how sad it was to see that even simple matters of public health such as wearing masks or hand washing or physical distancing or vaxxs, those things became controversial , even political, but those are all things Jehovah has given us direction on.” Yet a few days ago they just put out a letter saying they no longer require VAXX for theocratic schools. The requirements for those in special service were extremely strong. We could write a novel on this subject, but not now. We knew something was seriously wrong and this allowed us to give ourselves permission to research other things. We believe that if it is truth, it should be able to withstand scrutiny. The ARC was especially powerful. One of us has had this experience personally and believed it was a rare or not a common occurrence. Well, one of us sat and watched the whole thing straight with tears, hurt and anger and the other saw enough to know this is not Jehovah’s direction and knew what their spouse had been through. The husband stepped away from his position and would love to have unloaded but couldn’t. We also downloaded the court documents from the ARC. We are forever grateful to the ARC and even Geoffrey Jackson for showing who he really is as well as where the GB and WT stands.

The ARC led to the rabbit hole and while trying to fade finally during a zoom one of us stood up (after a ridiculous comment by an elder who has to talk about the VAXX still), and said I can’t do this anymore! So, in our own way though already we had started slowly fading for a year (at a snails pace), we stepped it up and though still connected we are hanging in barely for our parents and cannot fully detach at this time. You will understand later and it KILLS us to feel like we are living a double life. We still love God and believe Jesus is our mediator! Yes, we didn’t even realize the GB had taken that upon themselves. We need an outlet to speak more freely and with those who still have faith, though we do not judge anyone who has lost theirs. Its amazing anyone still has any faith after all we have seen. So, we believe each person can choose their own path as we want to walk on our own path. It has been a difficult, painful process, but we are in a better place now. We need friends with whom we can communicate freely. There are things we appreciate as JWs brought us to each other and helped us with other things, but this org is not directed by Jehovah in our opinion. As Jesus said: “You will recognize them by their fruits.” We have been reading the bible without the WT lens and are enjoying it.

Additional comments:
  • Regarding cart witnessing- actually, yes it has been effective in some areas and that is why they are doing it. We personally started studies, Rv’s and know of many who returned to the org from it.
  • Cart Crashing- you can do what you want but know it just re-reinforces in their minds persecution for the sake of Jah and they shut down their minds. Maybe ask a simple question and do not act like you know more than them as you know they think they know everything and honestly, we use to be those people.
  • Hawaii dress code: yes, last fall they allowed for Brothers to wear Aloha shirts even during conventions due to the “culture”. Instructed not to post on social media.
  • We are constantly reminding ourselves we were those people and to have grace as we know ones who are questioning, but don’t know if they will ever do anything about it. We are trying to be compassionate to the R&F as so many just don’t know. We have both been baptized between 30—40 yrs
  • They are reaching out to see where people stand and following up on inactive ones. We are preparing ourselves.
Thank you for bearing with this introduction and in the future will try to keep comments shorter. We have a lot bottled up inside and are keeping our identities and location private for now. Again, thank you for letting us be here. Side note…we have spent time on this site plenty of times while in service and meetings to keep sane! You all are so brave and courageous! We are fully aware we are blessed to at least have each other to talk about these matters. We love you all!

Welcome to the forum Wide Awake. I very much enjoyed reading your comment and please don't feel you have to make future comments shorter... you don't! Great to have you here..
We are a married couple who have been lurking on here for a couple of years. We are fortunate enough to both have woken up together. It has been a process and are still somewhat in due to caretaking for elderly parents. One seems to be PIMQ giving us hope. We have a lot to say but for now will keep it to an overview. This is the first online platform or outside online forum we discovered and really helped open our eyes.

We are thankful to Robert for having created this space for us to have a place to finally speak.

This is the first time we are speaking out. We have wanted to for a while and finally allowing ourselves to do so. Everyone has their reasons and pace and we will not encourage anyone to go any particular route. Everyone has to go at their own pace for their own reasons and if there is anything we have learned now it is not to judge others and to show more love. We were die hard pimi’s. We both have had “special privileges/titles” for many decades.

There are things we have read on some posts and we can answer some questions.

What woke us up? VAXX pressure. The absolute insanity and pressure to encourage people to take the VAXX which is a personal medical decision was beyond distressing. We do not say that lightly. The ENORMOUS pressure and HORRIBLE statements it allowed the “brothers and sisters” to say were beyond hurtful and unloving. In time, hopefully we can explain more, but for now know we are still seeing double talk. This weekend’s current one-day program with the branch representative literally said “…with health issues , how sad it was to see that even simple matters of public health such as wearing masks or hand washing or physical distancing or vaxxs, those things became controversial , even political, but those are all things Jehovah has given us direction on.” Yet a few days ago they just put out a letter saying they no longer require VAXX for theocratic schools. The requirements for those in special service were extremely strong. We could write a novel on this subject, but not now. We knew something was seriously wrong and this allowed us to give ourselves permission to research other things. We believe that if it is truth, it should be able to withstand scrutiny. The ARC was especially powerful. One of us has had this experience personally and believed it was a rare or not a common occurrence. Well, one of us sat and watched the whole thing straight with tears, hurt and anger and the other saw enough to know this is not Jehovah’s direction and knew what their spouse had been through. The husband stepped away from his position and would love to have unloaded but couldn’t. We also downloaded the court documents from the ARC. We are forever grateful to the ARC and even Geoffrey Jackson for showing who he really is as well as where the GB and WT stands.

The ARC led to the rabbit hole and while trying to fade finally during a zoom one of us stood up (after a ridiculous comment by an elder who has to talk about the VAXX still), and said I can’t do this anymore! So, in our own way though already we had started slowly fading for a year (at a snails pace), we stepped it up and though still connected we are hanging in barely for our parents and cannot fully detach at this time. You will understand later and it KILLS us to feel like we are living a double life. We still love God and believe Jesus is our mediator! Yes, we didn’t even realize the GB had taken that upon themselves. We need an outlet to speak more freely and with those who still have faith, though we do not judge anyone who has lost theirs. Its amazing anyone still has any faith after all we have seen. So, we believe each person can choose their own path as we want to walk on our own path. It has been a difficult, painful process, but we are in a better place now. We need friends with whom we can communicate freely. There are things we appreciate as JWs brought us to each other and helped us with other things, but this org is not directed by Jehovah in our opinion. As Jesus said: “You will recognize them by their fruits.” We have been reading the bible without the WT lens and are enjoying it.

Additional comments:
  • Regarding cart witnessing- actually, yes it has been effective in some areas and that is why they are doing it. We personally started studies, Rv’s and know of many who returned to the org from it.
  • Cart Crashing- you can do what you want but know it just re-reinforces in their minds persecution for the sake of Jah and they shut down their minds. Maybe ask a simple question and do not act like you know more than them as you know they think they know everything and honestly, we use to be those people.
  • Hawaii dress code: yes, last fall they allowed for Brothers to wear Aloha shirts even during conventions due to the “culture”. Instructed not to post on social media.
  • We are constantly reminding ourselves we were those people and to have grace as we know ones who are questioning, but don’t know if they will ever do anything about it. We are trying to be compassionate to the R&F as so many just don’t know. We have both been baptized between 30—40 yrs
  • They are reaching out to see where people stand and following up on inactive ones. We are preparing ourselves.
Thank you for bearing with this introduction and in the future will try to keep comments shorter. We have a lot bottled up inside and are keeping our identities and location private for now. Again, thank you for letting us be here. Side note…we have spent time on this site plenty of times while in service and meetings to keep sane! You all are so brave and courageous! We are fully aware we are blessed to at least have each other to talk about these matters. We love you all!
Welcome @Wide Awake to the forum. I wanted to cry after reading your story. You could never have too much to say about yourselves here. Most of us can relate. The vax is what did it for us too. But shortly thereafter I lost my husband of 38 years and have had to go through this alone. Now, for two years my daughter, still a witness has nothing to do with me because I questioned the GB.
So I can imagine the pain and heartache of your experience. However, we still keep our faith in Jah and Jesus intact. That’s what matters most. The Bible says that mere men cannot save us. Many of the friends are doing what Jesus warned us about…”Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
Sad to say but this is what they’ll have to be faced with if they don’t wake up.
I have mentioned it elsewhere, but it bears repeating. Having gone over all the Hebrew prophecies and directed what seemed applicable to the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses, before the vax mandate I had understood that the blood guilt which Jehovah indicts the shepherds for had been metaphoric. I had assumed that God considered stumbling his sheep was why he stated in numerous places that they are murderers. Now, unfortunately, I realize it is quite literal.

Welcome to the forum Wide-Awake

Can I ask a question on the “guilt“ issue? I ask it because judgement is definitive about guilt but there is leeway both scripturally and morally as to responsibility. We speak a good deal about watchtower and certainly, they had no right to put pressure upon the sheep about their medical decision making. Certainly their interference and motives are in a person‘s private affairs is echoed horrendously through their dealings with abuse victims within their assumed remit.

The question then is, are they aware of and were they aware beforehand, that the vaccination could be lethal? The question has some relevance if we are to assume an opinion of judgement: are they victims of their own isolation? If millions of witnesses believed that the vaccine was a “gift” of Jehovah, could this not also be the case with the deluded channel? They are blind and deaf are they not, just as much as the sheep. And were we not the same at one time? Is there really malice aforethought in this and are they deliberate in their blood guilt, or simply negligent through ignorance. Paul was off to murder the apostles was he not? I just wonder at times when I reflect on what I was like as a witness - so certain, so deceived, so ignorant as to the reality.
My friend confided that she had been having seizures after her second Pfizer genetic therapy product (GTP). I was speaking to her on a Friday night in October of 2022. We hadn't seen each other for a while and were looking forward to meeting up at a retirement party. She was found dead in her bed the following Wednesday. Another friend of mine is very angry. She developed deep vein thrombosis (clots) and has had to have surgeries. She knows exactly what caused her issues. Even her vein doctor (whatever you call them) indicated that it was highly likely it was the jab. A retired co-worker of mine went suddenly and almost completely deaf a day after the second jab. Whatever the doc's are doing is working though. Much of his hearing is restored. My old manager complained of brain fog. Another co-worker still has pain in his legs after second jab from over a year ago. I know of others having issues, but it is all second hand, so I won't relate them here. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE for me who has a very small circle of friends and associates know so many affected by this? I am glad I waited to see how the jab might affect others before making my decision. Never got it.
It is disturbing and sad isn't it. We have also seen many sudden heart attacks, strokes, high levels of inflammation and clots too. Many people aren't connecting the dots. We are so sorry to hear about your friend who died and the others who are suffering from it. Thank you for sharing!
I have mentioned it elsewhere, but it bears repeating. Having gone over all the Hebrew prophecies and directed what seemed applicable to the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses, before the vax mandate I had understood that the blood guilt which Jehovah indicts the shepherds for had been metaphoric. I had assumed that God considered stumbling his sheep was why he stated in numerous places that they are murderers. Now, unfortunately, I realize it is quite literal.

Welcome to the forum Wide-Awake

Thank you Robert! We appreciate the forum you have created!
Bienvenidos!!! Estos hilos cada vez me emocionan más. Se llega después de un gran fiasco y todos aquí podemos entender lo que se siente después de la gran decepción. Es como un gran duelo, me alegra que hoy en día exista este foro para los que ven lo que hay detrás del velo que Jehová ha permitido. Es algo que aún me pregunto, porque yo tengo el privilegio de ver más allá de ese velo? Que bendición tenemos aquí!! Un fuerte abrazo desde España y si, os voy a hacer trabajar y sacar el traductor!! Pero el amor es grande!!!💙
Translation: Welcome!!! These threads excite me more and more. It comes after a great fiasco and everyone here can understand what it feels like after the great disappointment. It's like a great mourning, I'm glad that today there is this forum for those who see what is behind the veil that Jehovah has allowed. It's something I still wonder, because I have the privilege of seeing beyond that veil? What a blessing we have here!! A big hug from Spain and yes, I'm going to make you work and get the translator!! But love is great!!! 💙
Welcome @Wide Awake to the forum. I wanted to cry after reading your story. You could never have too much to say about yourselves here. Most of us can relate. The vax is what did it for us too. But shortly thereafter I lost my husband of 38 years and have had to go through this alone. Now, for two years my daughter, still a witness has nothing to do with me because I questioned the GB.
So I can imagine the pain and heartache of your experience. However, we still keep our faith in Jah and Jesus intact. That’s what matters most. The Bible says that mere men cannot save us. Many of the friends are doing what Jesus warned us about…”Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
Sad to say but this is what they’ll have to be faced with if they don’t wake up.
We remember you had lost your husband during this time and can't imagine what you must have had to go through on your own dealing with all the nonsense. Your love for Jehovah is evident! Yes, we do hope your daughter and really everyone wakes up.
We can't recall for sure, but were you the one who had their voice commenting on a small documentary that came out a while back? We enjoyed watching it as we knew could hear voices saying what we were feeling.
We know that this is not Jehovah's fault and are in constant prayer and reading the bible to keep us strengthened. This forum was the association we needed. We have not found anyone we can FULLY be open with as of yet.
Thank you for your welcoming us to the forum!
We remember you had lost your husband during this time and can't imagine what you must have had to go through on your own dealing with all the nonsense. Your love for Jehovah is evident! Yes, we do hope your daughter and really everyone wakes up.
We can't recall for sure, but were you the one who had their voice commenting on a small documentary that came out a while back? We enjoyed watching it as we knew could hear voices saying what we were feeling.
We know that this is not Jehovah's fault and are in constant prayer and reading the bible to keep us strengthened. This forum was the association we needed. We have not found anyone we can FULLY be open with as of yet.
Thank you for your welcoming us to the forum!
Thank you for your kind words Wide Awake. I look forward to your comments and certainly know that you will fit right in on this forum of a small crowd. So happy you both can be here for encouragement. There is truly love among the friends here.

To answer your question, yes, that was my voice on the documentary from awhile back. Glad you enjoyed it. A lot had to be said about the brother’s handling of everything surrounding the so called pandemic.

We’re all going through a healing process. Jehovah will help us. Love you both. ❤️
Mucho gusto¡Gracias por sus pensamientos! ¡España es un país precioso! ¡Las decisiones importantes de la vida se tomaron en las playas de España para uno de nosotros! ¡Hemos visto mucho de lo que está pasando en España en particular! ¡Nosotros también nos sentimos bendecidos! ¡Ha sido una montaña rusa emocional, por decir lo menos! ¡Nos alegra que se haya puesto en contacto con nosotros y esperamos más comentarios! Agradecemos su amabilidad! 🥰
Translation: Nice to meet you. Thank you for your thoughts! Spain is a beautiful country! The important decisions of life were made on the beaches of Spain for one of us! We have seen a lot of what is happening in Spain in particular! We also feel blessed! It has been an emotional roller coaster, to say the least! We are glad that you have contacted us and we are waiting for more comments! We appreciate your kindness! 🥰
No dudéis en avisar si volvéis a sus playas, vivimos en ellas. Por desgracia ya nada de lo que podamos ver nos sorprende, en el declive hay montañas rusas para unos, pasajes del terror para otros, algunos terminan muy golpeados de los autos de choque...y aún queda la gran explosión cuando bajen todos desde el cielo a la fiesta maligna. Vamos a coger fuerzas aunque sea un poco de tiempo antes de eso. No falta mucho y nos vendrá a todos bien saber que compartimos una fe renovada, de la que más adelante seremos testigos con más
Translation: Do not hesitate to let us know if you return to their beaches, we live on them. Unfortunately nothing we can see surprises us anymore, in the decline there are roller coasters for some, passages of terror for others, some end up very beaten by the bumper cars ... and there is still the great explosion when everyone goes down from the sky to the evil party. Let's gain strength even a little time before that. There is not much left and it will be good for us all to know that we share a renewed faith, which we will later witness with more