Anyone experienced this negative state of mind before or now?


Well-known member
I have mentioned this in the past on the main site briefly but nowhere else. There are two phobias that aren't in the conventional realm of phobias. I'm sure many of you may have had of phobias such as arachnophobia (fear of spiders), thalassophobia (fear of deep bodies of water), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), acrophobia (fear of heights), etc. These phobias I am mentioning are more on the existential side where it's in the mind rather than something in the external world around you. The first one is cherophobia (fear of happiness/joy). There's even a wiki page on the matter: Aversion to happiness. The other is apeirophobia (fear/dread of eternity/infinity). There really isn't much info on the subject on the matter save one webpage I found: APEIROPHOBIA – OBSERVATIONS/ HYPOTHESIS/THEORY. Unfortunately, I have been suffering from these long before I learned the Truth & it has stifled me in faith at times. When I was studying my teacher was perplexed why I seldom mention what my hopes are for the new earth/new system of things/new age as well as mentioning the new system of things at all. Many of the friends noticed this over the years & wondered why. I never really talked about it except indirectly mentioning it to the elders in a shepherding call (before the global congregation merge). They didn't really know what to say since I suppose they never heard of anyone being afraid of the new system or shall I say eternal life itself. I hate being like this since it fills my with rage & despair to the point of borderline madness which brings along an existential crisis into the fray. Am I going crazy or is it something else?
During the dark days of the Great Depression and facing world war Roosevelt used to give these talks over the radio called "fireside chats." One famous expression was: "There is nothing to fear except fear itself." There is some truth to that. Jesus also repeatedly exhorted his disciples to have no fear. Don't let them tag you with some label, some disease, some new phobia. Love of God and faith throws fear aside.
Uno de los objetivos del diablo es que tengamos miedo. Nos conoce muy bien y hará todo lo posible porque lo tengamos. A veces he tenido miedos, considero que muchos de ellos fueron son irracionales, porque en cuanto les buscas una explicación y trabajas en ellos desaparecen. Sufrí de mucha ansiedad y miedos desde niña, fui suicida desde que tengo recuerdos en la infancia y se lo que es vivir con miedo. Me da igual el tipo de miedo, es miedo al fin y al cabo. Conseguí vencerlo tras vivir experiencias demoníacas, creeme cuando te digo que entendí lo que era realmente el miedo. Aunque los miedos se parezcan hay una diferencia entre los miedos que tenemos de forma irracional a el miedo a vivir una experiencia realmente aterradora enfrentándose al diablo directamente. Mi trabajo de recuperación ante el miedo fue la oración y una intensa lectura bíblica siempre pidiéndole a Jehová que me ofreciese entendiendo para tener herramientas. La espina en la carne de la que nos habla Pablo en 1 Corintios CAP. 11-13 fue crucial para comprender conceptos diversos. Saber que el diablo busca esa debilidad en nosotros y restarle ese poder, entendiendo que tenemos la herramienta de la oración y el poder de Jehová , es un arma que frena mucho del mal que quiera hacernos nuestro enemigo número uno. Efesios 6:11... Es normal sentir miedo, pero no es bueno dejar que dirija tu vida. Enfoca tu mente en Jehová. Trabaja en ello, verás lo que pasa y nos cuentas después!! Abrazo!!!
I do understand how are thinking, maybe there are things in your past that have stopped you feeling happy or deserving of eternal life.
I know in my past I have pressed the self destruct button on anything that may be good/going well for me, that is because of what I have suffered I didn’t feel I was worthy of these things?
Do you know what your fears are of living forever or is it a general feeling
I dont know if I understood you correctly.My own experience is that first you have to acknowledge that you have the problem.Then you have to accept these thoughts and feelings/emotions,wether you like them or not. Dont say:Jehovah hates it (your thoughts and feelings),because
it will give you a reason not to accept what you feel.
It wont change over night, its only a beginning of a long journey through the psychological layers of your mind.
I have mentioned this in the past on the main site briefly but nowhere else. There are two phobias that aren't in the conventional realm of phobias. I'm sure many of you may have had of phobias such as arachnophobia (fear of spiders), thalassophobia (fear of deep bodies of water), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), acrophobia (fear of heights), etc. These phobias I am mentioning are more on the existential side where it's in the mind rather than something in the external world around you. The first one is cherophobia (fear of happiness/joy). There's even a wiki page on the matter: Aversion to happiness. The other is apeirophobia (fear/dread of eternity/infinity). There really isn't much info on the subject on the matter save one webpage I found: APEIROPHOBIA – OBSERVATIONS/ HYPOTHESIS/THEORY. Unfortunately, I have been suffering from these long before I learned the Truth & it has stifled me in faith at times. When I was studying my teacher was perplexed why I seldom mention what my hopes are for the new earth/new system of things/new age as well as mentioning the new system of things at all. Many of the friends noticed this over the years & wondered why. I never really talked about it except indirectly mentioning it to the elders in a shepherding call (before the global congregation merge). They didn't really know what to say since I suppose they never heard of anyone being afraid of the new system or shall I say eternal life itself. I hate being like this since it fills my with rage & despair to the point of borderline madness which brings along an existential crisis into the fray. Am I going crazy or is it something else?

Interesting; joy hesitancy might result from the realization of its transitiveness and thus shallowness, also that it ought to be the result of, or reward for, something meaningful, not a frivolous indulgence of the mind for the sake of feeling good, as this hedonistic world is trying to inculcate; you might be on the right track there.

Then again, being 'afraid of the new system' should be a universal aspiration for all JWs - and the rest of mankind, if only they knew it - because if Jehovah's new system is a continuation of the present 'spiritual paradise,' then, to quote an old anointed brother I was friends with: 'You feel like wanting to run away form them!'

Fortunately, there won't be any WT in paradise.
The other is apeirophobia (fear/dread of eternity/infinity)

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is about perspective. When you say you 'fear' what do you mean? The definition of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Do you believe that eternity is dangerous? Or Joy is likely to cause pain? If not then maybe what you are describing to yourself(your perspective) as fear is not entirely accurate. Did somebody once ask you "what are you afraid of" and you associated your feelings that you are describing with fear when it's entirely something else? I don't know you, so hard to understand totally what you are describing as fear, for it sounds more like an internal belief that you simply haven't been able to quite define yet.

Honestly it sounds more like you are "afraid of the unknown", which I can assure you is a very common feeling for most people. In fact if you ask anybody on here, I bet pretty much everybody in the forum has a little anxiety when it comes to what is heading our way. It's perfectly normal, and a great way to practice your faith in Jehovah, and Jesus Christ our shepherd.

It's highly likely there isn't anything wrong with you at all, you just allowed somebody to suggest it was fear and somehow that potentiality stuck.

If you are going to fear something “Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man.”—ECCLESIASTES 12:13.
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is about perspective. When you say you 'fear' what do you mean? The definition of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Do you believe that eternity is dangerous? Or Joy is likely to cause pain? If not then maybe what you are describing to yourself(your perspective) as fear is not entirely accurate. Did somebody once ask you "what are you afraid of" and you associated your feelings that you are describing with fear when it's entirely something else? I don't know you, so hard to understand totally what you are describing as fear, for it sounds more like an internal belief that you simply haven't been able to quite define yet.

Honestly it sounds more like you are "afraid of the unknown", which I can assure you is a very common feeling for most people. In fact if you ask anybody on here, I bet pretty much everybody in the forum has a little anxiety when it comes to what is heading our way. It's perfectly normal, and a great way to practice your faith in Jehovah, and Jesus Christ our shepherd.

It's highly likely there isn't anything wrong with you at all, you just allowed somebody to suggest it was fear and somehow that potentiality stuck.

If you are going to fear something “Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man.”—ECCLESIASTES 12:13.
Well when I say fear I mean despair with feeling of imminent danger. There are times I wonder if I am in a situation like one of the protagonists in an H.P. Lovecraft story. If you have ever read his works he truly can be considered the father of cosmic horror with settings like knowing too much drives you into madness, scary beings that are bizarre in nature (like it influenced John Carpenter's movie "The Thing"), & cosmic gods that are amoral & horrifying seeing humans as mere vermin. I had this fear of Jehovah as well as his creation for some time where it made me wonder if we were dealing with a demiurge. I'd at times wonder if the who God vs Satan was to cosmic being fighting over mankind like two wolves over a piece of meat. It almost felt like earth was a prison or worse a farm. If that were the case heaven would be hell with a smile. There were plenty of nightmare's related to the new system (even one's with no cosmic horror but just being lost & out of place). I hate that I have to type this but had I spoke to the elders about it they would've thought I was possessed. I spoke to my therapist about it and he said it's best not to ponder on it.
This video might give an idea on the feeling:
As for the fear of happiness I have a tendency of being superstitious since usually bad things happen. I suppose once a smile is on my face I get a target on my back by life by some force (perchance the devil). Also, I sometimes wonder if happiness/joy are an illusion to reason in some form of psychological cage to imprison oneself.
En cuanto al miedo a la felicidad tengo tendencia a ser supersticioso ya que normalmente suceden cosas malas. Supongo que una vez que tengo una sonrisa en la cara, tengo un objetivo en mi espalda con la vida por alguna fuerza (tal vez el diablo). Además, a veces me pregunto si la felicidad / alegría son una ilusión para razonar en alguna forma de jaula psicológica para encerrarse a uno mismo.
Hola de nuevo. Teniendo claro que no soy terapeuta, solo puedo hablarte bajo mi experiencia, que fue la de mi familia, una experiencia común. Sabemos lo que se siente al ser un blanco demoniaco. Te coloca en otra dimensión. Primero te diría que para ser objeto del diablo o bien has abierto alguna puerta, consciente o no, bien cine o libros o contacto con gente que trabaja lo con lo oculto. En nuestro caso fue mudarnos puerta con puerta con una persona que estaba poseída y que era Testigo de Jehová, algo que nos resultó inimaginable. La otra opción es que seas un blanco del diablo y eso es algo que todo cristiano puede experimentar, acuérdate de Job. Examina bien tu vida y elimina cosas que puedan tener que ver con lo que no es limpio, positivo y bueno. La televisión es una puerta gigante para sentar en tu sofá a los demonios. Cuidado! No es ninguna tontería. Si ves películas sobre mundos maligno y te proporcionas sentimientos negativo deja de verlas. Recuerda siempre que si te opones al diablo y a su mundo el huirá de ti. La superstición no tiene base bíblica, nuestro destino no está escrito, y siempre tenemos la oportunidad de cambiar. Ordena tus emociones. Decía tu tiempo a lo positivo, ora intensamente y pídele guía a Jehová ofreciendo cambios en tu vida. Deja las películas negativas, nuestra mente en muy frágil, no está hecha para este mundo. Me encantaría tenerte cara a cara para conversar mejor. Ora y ten paciencia. A nosotros nos costó un tiempo dejar de sentirnos así. Pero se puede!!! Después de mis pesadillas siempre leía el foro e- watchman y me enfocaba en profecías. Convertí lo malo en bueno por el hábito. Así fue como dejé de tenerlas. El diablo intentó de muchas formas en nuestra vida de una forma muy directa. Apartaté de todo de lo que sospeche. Todo lo que sientes en este mundo desaparecerá en el paraíso y esa es la meta!!! Vamos!! Nos vemos allí con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja!!!! Domina tu mente, autodominio se llama. Que nunca te domine a ti.
I have mentioned this in the past on the main site briefly but nowhere else. There are two phobias that aren't in the conventional realm of phobias. I'm sure many of you may have had of phobias such as arachnophobia (fear of spiders), thalassophobia (fear of deep bodies of water), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), acrophobia (fear of heights), etc. These phobias I am mentioning are more on the existential side where it's in the mind rather than something in the external world around you. The first one is cherophobia (fear of happiness/joy). There's even a wiki page on the matter: Aversion to happiness. The other is apeirophobia (fear/dread of eternity/infinity). There really isn't much info on the subject on the matter save one webpage I found: APEIROPHOBIA – OBSERVATIONS/ HYPOTHESIS/THEORY. Unfortunately, I have been suffering from these long before I learned the Truth & it has stifled me in faith at times. When I was studying my teacher was perplexed why I seldom mention what my hopes are for the new earth/new system of things/new age as well as mentioning the new system of things at all. Many of the friends noticed this over the years & wondered why. I never really talked about it except indirectly mentioning it to the elders in a shepherding call (before the global congregation merge). They didn't really know what to say since I suppose they never heard of anyone being afraid of the new system or shall I say eternal life itself. I hate being like this since it fills my with rage & despair to the point of borderline madness which brings along an existential crisis into the fray. Am I going crazy or is it something else?
PJ54 . You are describing unresolved feelings from your past, but looking at the symptoms, rather than the causal roots of what has happened in your life to cause such feelings. I.e., life changing events. The fact that your mind has chosen to configure or express this in terms of a phobia is a typical symptom of such. It appears as though you have been trawling the Internet to find a label that matches your feelings, rather that reasoning on your expressions of fear and seeking out why you are so affected and to address that problem. Finding a description of what ails you will not repair it. You mention that you spoke with elders about it? Why? Do you not have anyone closer? It is better for you examine your resources and to utilise these to address your feelings. Itis better to look for analysis of your feelings, rather than sympathy from others in acknowledging them. For instance, which is more desirable to your state of mind - eternal life, or eternal death? Clearly you have not asked yourself this question because from what you write, you continue to skate on the surface of your fears, without acknowledging why you have such a fear in the first place and plumbing the depths of its meaning to your mind. What have you done to think about eternity and it’s meaning? Why for instance are Jehovah and his angels happy in their eternal prospects? Why is Satan so afraid of eternal death? The question is simple enough, but once you answer it within your own understanding you will begin at least to see the reasoning behind your fears. Stop looking at the symptoms. They have already occurred. Look at why they occurred. If you see a massive hole where New York used to be, you don’t run off to get a shovel to fill in the crater, but ask yourself what happened to cause it.
Hola de nuevo. Teniendo claro que no soy terapeuta, solo puedo hablarte bajo mi experiencia, que fue la de mi familia, una experiencia común. Sabemos lo que se siente al ser un blanco demoniaco. Te coloca en otra dimensión. Primero te diría que para ser objeto del diablo o bien has abierto alguna puerta, consciente o no, bien cine o libros o contacto con gente que trabaja lo con lo oculto. En nuestro caso fue mudarnos puerta con puerta con una persona que estaba poseída y que era Testigo de Jehová, algo que nos resultó inimaginable. La otra opción es que seas un blanco del diablo y eso es algo que todo cristiano puede experimentar, acuérdate de Job. Examina bien tu vida y elimina cosas que puedan tener que ver con lo que no es limpio, positivo y bueno. La televisión es una puerta gigante para sentar en tu sofá a los demonios. Cuidado! No es ninguna tontería. Si ves películas sobre mundos maligno y te proporcionas sentimientos negativo deja de verlas. Recuerda siempre que si te opones al diablo y a su mundo el huirá de ti. La superstición no tiene base bíblica, nuestro destino no está escrito, y siempre tenemos la oportunidad de cambiar. Ordena tus emociones. Decía tu tiempo a lo positivo, ora intensamente y pídele guía a Jehová ofreciendo cambios en tu vida. Deja las películas negativas, nuestra mente en muy frágil, no está hecha para este mundo. Me encantaría tenerte cara a cara para conversar mejor. Ora y ten paciencia. A nosotros nos costó un tiempo dejar de sentirnos así. Pero se puede!!! Después de mis pesadillas siempre leía el foro e- watchman y me enfocaba en profecías. Convertí lo malo en bueno por el hábito. Así fue como dejé de tenerlas. El diablo intentó de muchas formas en nuestra vida de una forma muy directa. Apartaté de todo de lo que sospeche. Todo lo que sientes en este mundo desaparecerá en el paraíso y esa es la meta!!! Vamos!! Nos vemos allí con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja!!!! Domina tu mente, autodominio se llama. Que nunca te domine a ti.
Hello again. Knowing that I am not a therapist, I can only speak to you from my experience, which was that of my family, a common experience. We know what it feels like to be a demon target. It places you in another dimension. First, I would tell you that to be the object of the devil, you have either opened a door, consciously or not, either movies or books or contact with people who work with the occult. In our case it was moving door to door with a person who was possessed and who was a Jehovah's Witness, something that was unimaginable. The other option is that you are a target of the devil and that is something that every Christian can experience, remember Job. He takes a good look at your life and eliminates things that may have to do with what is not clean, positive and good. Television is a giant door to lay demons on your couch. Watch out! It is not nonsense. If you watch movies about evil worlds and give yourself negative feelings, stop watching them. Always remember that if you oppose the devil and his world he will flee from you. Superstition has no biblical basis, our destiny is unwritten, and we always have the opportunity to change. Organize your emotions. Say your time to the positive, pray intensely and ask Jehovah for guidance by offering changes in your life. Leave negative films, our mind is very fragile, it is not made for this world. I would love to have you face to face to talk better. Pray and be patient. It took us a while to stop feeling that way. But it can!!! After my nightmares I always read the e-watchman forum and focused on prophecies. I turned bad into good out of habit. This is how I stopped having them. The devil tried in many ways in our life in a very direct way. Get away from everything he suspects. Everything you feel in this world will disappear in paradise and that is the goal! Let's go!! See you there with a smile from ear to ear !!!! Master your mind, self-control is called. May it never dominate you.
Hey thank you! I have been raised around that stuff so it goes back a long long way. I wasn't born in the Truth and didn't come by it till late high school to early college. So it wouldn't surprise me if I was targeted since I was born.
PJ54 . You are describing unresolved feelings from your past, but looking at the symptoms, rather than the causal roots of what has happened in your life to cause such feelings. I.e., life changing events. The fact that your mind has chosen to configure or express this in terms of a phobia is a typical symptom of such. It appears as though you have been trawling the Internet to find a label that matches your feelings, rather that reasoning on your expressions of fear and seeking out why you are so affected and to address that problem. Finding a description of what ails you will not repair it. You mention that you spoke with elders about it? Why? Do you not have anyone closer? It is better for you examine your resources and to utilise these to address your feelings. Itis better to look for analysis of your feelings, rather than sympathy from others in acknowledging them. For instance, which is more desirable to your state of mind - eternal life, or eternal death? Clearly you have not asked yourself this question because from what you write, you continue to skate on the surface of your fears, without acknowledging why you have such a fear in the first place and plumbing the depths of its meaning to your mind. What have you done to think about eternity and it’s meaning? Why for instance are Jehovah and his angels happy in their eternal prospects? Why is Satan so afraid of eternal death? The question is simple enough, but once you answer it within your own understanding you will begin at least to see the reasoning behind your fears. Stop looking at the symptoms. They have already occurred. Look at why they occurred. If you see a massive hole where New York used to be, you don’t run off to get a shovel to fill in the crater, but ask yourself what happened to cause it.
I've been trying to figure that out myself. I sometimes wonder if it's a generational curse since my family were never in the Truth and did worldly things. As for the name of the phobia, it helps give me an idea what it may be. I know my thinking isn't normal and it comes off as borderline suicidal. At this point all I can do is pray & hope for the best.
¡Hey, gracias! Me criaron con esas cosas, por lo que se remonta a mucho, mucho tiempo. No nací en la Verdad y no llegué a ella hasta finales de la escuela secundaria hasta principios de la universidad. Así que no me sorprendería que me atacaran desde que nací.
De nada!! Estamos para servir. Yo crecí en un hogar dividido por las creencias de mis padres y si recuerdo desde bien niña cosas muy extrañas y sentimientos muy autodestructivos. He convivido con el suicidio mucho pero Jehová es un Dios de vivos y le quiero con todo mi corazón. Con los años sufrimos varios ataques demoníacos y sentimos su protección de una forma muy clara. Mi marido no era creyente y desde entonces, tras vivir una presencia demoníaca y verlo con sus propios ojos me dijo, enséñame todo lo que sepas sobre tu Dios, porque si existe el diablo quiero saber cómo protegerme de esto!! Pobrecito, aún recuerdo su cara perplejo aterrado!!! Después de estudiar mucho La Biblia, también entendí que existen diferentes tipos de demonios, espíritus de debilidad, uno de los míos, por cierto. Tenemos herramientas para protegernos, la armadura cristiana de Efesios. 6 es infalible. A medida que se acerca el fin el ataque del mal a los que quieren a Jehová será más intenso. Fortalecerte ahora!!! No le des el gusto al diablo, si te vienen ese tipo de emociones, piensa en todo el daño que el diablo nos ha hecho a la raza humana, no se merece que suframos por el. Siempre ático!!! Nunca sótano querido hermano!!!! Cabeza bien alta!!! Tenemos un Dios todopoderoso AHI arriba!!! Ofrecele la mejor de tus sonrisas, se lo merece!!!
¡¡De nada!! Estamos para servir. Yo crecí en un hogar dividido por las creencias de mis padres y si recuerdo desde bien niña cosas muy extrañas y sentimientos muy autodestructivos. He convivido con el suicidio mucho pero Jehová es un Dios de vivos y le quiero con todo mi corazón. Con los años sufrimos varios ataques demoníacos y sentimos su protección de una forma muy clara. Mi marido no era creyente y desde entonces, tras vivir una presencia demoníaca y verlo con sus propios ojos me dijo, enséñame todo lo que sepas sobre tu Dios, porque si existe el diablo quiero saber cómo protegerme de esto !! Pobrecito, aún recuerdo su cara perplejo aterrado !!! Después de estudiar mucho La Biblia, también entendí que existen diferentes tipos de demonios, espíritus de debilidad, uno de los míos, por cierto. Tenemos herramientas para protegernos, la armadura cristiana de Efesios. 6 es infalible. A medida que se acerca el fin el ataque del mal a los que quieren a Jehová será más intenso. Fortalecerte ahora !!! No le des el gusto al diablo, si te vienen ese tipo de emociones, piensa en todo el daño que el diablo nos ha hecho a la raza humana, no se merece que suframos por el. Siempre ático !!! Nunca sótano querido hermano !!!! Cabeza bien alta !!! Tenemos un Dios todopoderoso AHI arriba !!! Ofrecele la mejor de tus sonrisas, se lo merece.
That sounds like a dilemma, and one that exists within your own mind and triggered by your own thoughts. Somehow you've developed a negative thought pattern with regard to happiness and living forever, is that correct? As a suggestion, you may find it helpful for you to determine the origin of that thought pattern, in other words what has caused you to feel the way you do about those things, and then prayerfully work to correct that erroroneous thought pattern, because I'm sure you realize that it is erroroneous and not logical. Happiness and eternal life are wonderful and positive things. I'm sure that Jehovah wants you to be able to look forward to the future, to have a happy outlook on the future. I can see how it would hinder you spiritually.

In line with the Scriptural principle to "make your mind over" you may find it helpful to write down Scriptures that you find especially encouraging to you about the future that Jehovah promises to faithful mankind and keep them handy, in your wallet or other ready place. Then anytime you feel those fears or negative feelings start to come up in your mind, pull out your list and prayerfully read those verses. The secret is to change the thought patterns that have been established in your mind from negative to positive, replace the bad thoughts with good ones. Of course, Jehovah's holy spirit is the powerful force that helps us to make over our minds, so it will help you to throw your burden on Jehovah and pray for his spirit and its fruitages in your life. Some people find it helpful to put a rubber band on their wrist and when a negative thought enters your mind, give the rubber band a snap on the inside of your wrist, and pray to get your mind on a positive track. As you develop new thought patterns, your brain will actually change and develop new thought patterns and it will become easier and easier to think in a more positive way. This can be helpful for other types of thought patterns that a person desires to change or "make over."
Excellent suggestions.
I have mentioned this in the past on the main site briefly but nowhere else. There are two phobias that aren't in the conventional realm of phobias. I'm sure many of you may have had of phobias such as arachnophobia (fear of spiders), thalassophobia (fear of deep bodies of water), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), acrophobia (fear of heights), etc. These phobias I am mentioning are more on the existential side where it's in the mind rather than something in the external world around you. The first one is cherophobia (fear of happiness/joy). There's even a wiki page on the matter: Aversion to happiness. The other is apeirophobia (fear/dread of eternity/infinity). There really isn't much info on the subject on the matter save one webpage I found: APEIROPHOBIA – OBSERVATIONS/ HYPOTHESIS/THEORY. Unfortunately, I have been suffering from these long before I learned the Truth & it has stifled me in faith at times. When I was studying my teacher was perplexed why I seldom mention what my hopes are for the new earth/new system of things/new age as well as mentioning the new system of things at all. Many of the friends noticed this over the years & wondered why. I never really talked about it except indirectly mentioning it to the elders in a shepherding call (before the global congregation merge). They didn't really know what to say since I suppose they never heard of anyone being afraid of the new system or shall I say eternal life itself. I hate being like this since it fills my with rage & despair to the point of borderline madness which brings along an existential crisis into the fray. Am I going crazy or is it something else?
Hi PJ54, I don’t want to say anything that would be negative to you or hurtful. But what I do want to say is that for me, I realize that with the current human “frame of reference” I think it is hard to understand just what living forever really means. But re-wiring my brain has included that I consciously focus on the things that I now enjoy or would like to enjoy but have little time. Such as playing a guitar, caring for animals, working in a garden. Some things I can never seem to get enough of, like exploring the ocean. Now to some people the beach may seem tedious. You get sand all over and the clean-up takes effort and time. But to me, the ocean is an incredible awe-inspiring universe. I never get tired of it. So, I look forward to living forever because I can then pick something I want to explore and spend years and years really getting to know all of the wonders and intricacies of that particular thing or subject. And, then once I have mastered that particular field, I can then focus on another incredible pastime or passion. Plus, I enjoy getting to know people and think of how we will have time to learn about the people too. The bible describes it as an interchange of encouragement. I love hearing other people’s expression of faith. I will never get bored or tired of that.

Last but not least is that we will have the opportunity to get to know our Creator, Jehovah. We will never know everything about him but we will have the opportunity to know so much more. Once I meditate on these types of things, my love of living forever increases and I want to be there. I will never tire of the beauty, the humor, the invigorating life on this planet. So, this is an appreciation that I never had before knowing the truth of the bible. Now that I imagine it and meditate on it, I desire it and hope for it. Not sure if this helps you but I thought I’d express my thoughts to you with the hope that I can impart something positive. Much love to you.
Hi PJ54, I don’t want to say anything that would be negative to you or hurtful. But what I do want to say is that for me, I realize that with the current human “frame of reference” I think it is hard to understand just what living forever really means. But re-wiring my brain has included that I consciously focus on the things that I now enjoy or would like to enjoy but have little time. Such as playing a guitar, caring for animals, working in a garden. Some things I can never seem to get enough of, like exploring the ocean. Now to some people the beach may seem tedious. You get sand all over and the clean-up takes effort and time. But to me, the ocean is an incredible awe-inspiring universe. I never get tired of it. So, I look forward to living forever because I can then pick something I want to explore and spend years and years really getting to know all of the wonders and intricacies of that particular thing or subject. And, then once I have mastered that particular field, I can then focus on another incredible pastime or passion. Plus, I enjoy getting to know people and think of how we will have time to learn about the people too. The bible describes it as an interchange of encouragement. I love hearing other people’s expression of faith. I will never get bored or tired of that.

Last but not least is that we will have the opportunity to get to know our Creator, Jehovah. We will never know everything about him but we will have the opportunity to know so much more. Once I meditate on these types of things, my love of living forever increases and I want to be there. I will never tire of the beauty, the humor, the invigorating life on this planet. So, this is an appreciation that I never had before knowing the truth of the bible. Now that I imagine it and meditate on it, I desire it and hope for it. Not sure if this helps you but I thought I’d express my thoughts to you with the hope that I can impart something positive. Much love to you.
It is a problem for many in that they look too far ahead. Living forever - we cannot even accurately imagine our old age, or looking back, see ourselves as in our youth. Like PjJ54 we all look for solutions to our seemingly unstable mental approach to life, but it will not be found. If there ever was a time that humans were living a lie, it is now. The norm of what we see about us, is dreadfully skewed in favour of Satan and we take for normal, the things that Adam would be horrified about. When Jehovah says that He ‘has in store for those that love him, undreamt of things’, I for one am happy to wait for that. How can we possibly be unhappy when our creator will restore perfection to us?
It is a problem for many in that they look too far ahead. Living forever - we cannot even accurately imagine our old age, or looking back, see ourselves as in our youth. Like PjJ54 we all look for solutions to our seemingly unstable mental approach to life, but it will not be found. If there ever was a time that humans were living a lie, it is now. The norm of what we see about us, is dreadfully skewed in favour of Satan and we take for normal, the things that Adam would be horrified about. When Jehovah says that He ‘has in store for those that love him, undreamt of things’, I for one am happy to wait for that. How can we possibly be unhappy when our creator will restore perfection to us?
So true. Can we really imagine something so foreign to our current life experiences? But our faith can get beyond our limited thinking.