Fire from heaven

Please don’t take my response the wrong way, because I’m not trying to bring negativity to your life… but remember 2 Peter 3:4 “and saying: “Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as they were from creation’s beginning.”

Satan wants us to lose focus and drop our guard. On the other hand, he also wants us to live in fear so the GT over takes us and we aren’t prepared. So my advice is to balance enjoying the day with preparing spiritually for the GT. I feel the same as you concerning my family… but I know Jehovah won’t forget the innocent ones.
I appreciate the balanced advice. I totally understand and agree. Good reminder. Thank you.
Hi folks, I haven't posted for a while since I've been taking advantage of my ability to travel again over the summer during this brief respite between tyranical pandemics. But I have been still attending meetings, convention and peering into the posts here on e-watchman from time to time. I'm just taking a break to digest it all and find a point of relative balance.
After reading this thread and some others like it, along with 30 years of WT prophecy interpretation, I have to admit I'm just kinda burnt out on all of the fear mongering and prophecy guesswork. I don't mean to disparage anyone here. Kudos to you for your zeal in trying to understand scripture. It's commendable, really. It shows a desire to know the "deep things of God" that even Angels want to know 1Pet 1:12. And I realize that prophecy has its place and purpose. I'm still trying to figure out just what that is, for the most part. That being the case though, can we really hope to come to an accurate understanding of these things if angels aren't even privy to such information (including Jesus) ? Look at this thread...10 different people, 10 different interpretations of 1 prophecy. Hasn't this so called, "understanding" of prophecy been the basis of the WTBTS's manipulation of innocent people for over a century now? The GT and Armageddon is always right around the corner, isn't it? I've been hearing it since I first came into contact with the witnesses...every turn in world events is "the beginning of the GT" ooooh be very afraid (1914 and 1974) Is that why we serve God? Not me...not anymore. I'm done with it. I want my peace back and I'm taking it back. I'm creating a different future for myself. If God's grand purpose is the destruction of everything around me, so be it. It's his creation, he can do as he sees fit. Does he want me destroyed? I hope not. Does he want my little innocent autistic "enemy of God" nephews destroyed? I hope not. Does he want my gun toting, beautiful, loving hearted America loving niece destroyed? I can't think of a reason why. Does he want my single father epileptic brother who loves his children and is struggling to care for them the best that he can under heavy medication destroyed? I don't know why he would. It makes me sad to think about that. But bring on the nukes, right? Fire from heaven for all! Hmmmm...
I'm not going to be manipulated or take part in the manipulation game anymore.
Do I believe the Bible's promise of a future where natural balance is restored to the earth and mankind...heck yes! I'm starting now! I'm balancing myself and the sphere of influence around me. I'm not going to dwell on fear and destruction anymore.
Of course there are real events happening around me that affect myself and loved ones that have to be addressed and dealt with but most of these things are ultimately out of our control and I just think we waste a lot of energy on "what ifs" and "could bes" and it seems that men with wicked desires like to keep us in mental slavery with such concepts. For some reason we seem to be easily duped into that state. I look back on my life and realize how much time and energy I've wasted on these things that never came to pass and it's really disappointing. I'm enjoying my time at this moment sipping my morning coffee and listening to the morning birds sing, making plans to improve and enjoy my life. There are no bombs dropping around me, I traveled for 2 weeks in 2 different states and countries and saw no food shortages. Gas prices were high, yes.. they've been there before. Men will continue to manipulate and struggle for control power as they always have. Remember when your children weren't going to grow up in this system? Remember when you were going to die from a nuclear holocaust as a child? Remember when you were going to die from rising ocean floods and asteroids and oil shortages and environmental disasters and Fukushima radiation and Y2K and hale Bop comet and the sun burning out and...keep it going folks...the sky is falling...we're all gonna a die! That's my thought process at this moment. Feel free to change my mind. Have a nice day.
I've felt like that too, many many times. There's nothing wrong with it. I've done everything I can afford to prepare so I don't much worry about it now. I keep a watch like Christ said and that's it. Discussing it with the friends here can be fun and enlightening but do take a break from time to time.

Regarding your Nieces, Nephews, etc remember what happened when the Israelites left Egypt. They went out with a vast mixed company. IMO, hundreds of millions of people will survive. God doesn't want to destroy anyone and that will become evident. The covering sacrifice of Christ is powerful and Jehovah will give a lot of leeway regarding our sin, I believe. It will be at the end of the 1000 years that a stringent measure will be brought to bear.
A memory just surfaced. Back nearly 50 years ago when I first came into contact with JWs I had been reading Revelation and I had also read the WT's commentaries on Revelation, and I asked the brothers if the fire from heaven was the detonation of the two bombs over Japan and they said no, because that is not what the Society said back then. Now, the WT is saying what I thought back before I was even a baptized JW. Of course, I was wrong then, just as they are now. The light just keeps getting dimmer and dimmer. :cool:
You were not wrong what you thought 50 years ago. The light was bright back then.
Do you know that there are actually people today that deny the existence of nukes?! Flat earth is just the tip of the iceberg apparently.

Pretty much. Every chemical reaction follows Einstein's equation; E=MC squared AFAIK. Binding mass is being changed to energy all around us (Exothermic). Sometime energy is being converted to binding mass. (Endothermic). Nukes release tremendous amounts of binding energy when the atoms are split is all.

w_Stone I'd suggest a visit to Wikipedia and have a look at what's discussed regarding Einstein's work and the equation he's famous for.

Be aware of the Dunning-kruger effect:

We all suffer from that in one way or another.
Thank you for your suggestion to read the article on Einstein writing I found his papers onPhotectrical effect And theory of special relativity interesting.But no where in article did it state how the atom could be slip.How did the scientist back in1945 put the mechanism inside a bomb about the size of 2 watermelon 22 lbs that would create nuclear fission.They would had to to achieve the right air fuel combination to created the right condition to produce fire.tThe nuclear bomb is like a security blanket we sleep well knowing that if your enemy attack we our secure knowing that we could destroy them.Now remove the nuclear thread.Mankind will lose it security .Then man wilL become faint out of fear
Hoping for death ( the bomb)to protect them Justa though
Thank you for your suggestion to read the article on Einstein writing I found his papers onPhotectrical effect And theory of special relativity interesting.But no where in article did it state how the atom could be slip.How did the scientist back in1945 put the mechanism inside a bomb about the size of 2 watermelon 22 lbs that would create nuclear fission.They would had to to achieve the right air fuel combination to created the right condition to produce fire.tThe nuclear bomb is like a security blanket we sleep well knowing that if your enemy attack we our secure knowing that we could destroy them.Now remove the nuclear thread.Mankind will lose it security .Then man wilL become faint out of fear
Hoping for death ( the bomb)to protect them Justa though
In the most primitive of the two Japanese bombs (little boy) they fired a slug of U235 into the opening of the cylinder of another slug of U235 (gun type fission weapon). That achieved a super critical mass. Critical mass is when enough fissionable material comes together. U235 is a neutron emitter and if you get enough of it together neutrons are flying all over the place. When a neutron strikes the nucleus of a U235 atom the nucleus becomes unstable and splits. This releases the "binding" energy of the atom as it breaks into 2 smaller elements.

You don't need fire to produce a nuclear explosion. A nuclear explosion releases enough energy to start fires though...

This also explains meltdowns in nuke reactors. Nuke plants use a moderator (neutron absorber) to slow down the reaction. At Chernobyl those moderators (Rods) were removed and that is what caused the meltdown, among other things. There may have even been a bit of a stifled nuclear explosion. Good ol' soviet engineering, eh?

Go down to: "Fizzled nuclear explosion hypothesis"

For another look at criticality look up "tickling the dragon's tail"
In the most primitive of the two Japanese bombs (little boy) they fired a slug of U235 into the opening of the cylinder of another slug of U235 (gun type fission weapon). That achieved a super critical mass. Critical mass is when enough fissionable material comes together. U235 is a neutron emitter and if you get enough of it together neutrons are flying all over the place. When a neutron strikes the nucleus of a U235 atom the nucleus becomes unstable and splits. This releases the "binding" energy of the atom as it breaks into 2 smaller elements.

You don't need fire to produce a nuclear explosion. A nuclear explosion releases enough energy to start fires though...

This also explains meltdowns in nuke reactors. Nuke plants use a moderator (neutron absorber) to slow down the reaction. At Chernobyl those moderators (Rods) were removed and that is what caused the meltdown, among other things. There may have even been a bit of a stifled nuclear explosion. Good ol' soviet engineering, eh?

Go down to: "Fizzled nuclear explosion hypothesis"

For another look at criticality look up "tickling the dragon's tail"
Same like a very simple process .Why so long for other countries not doing it is
Same like a very simple process .Why so long for other countries not doing it is
It's anything but simple. Look up the history of what they had to do to get enough U235 for the first bomb. It's an incredibly tough job. Common U238 won't do. The byproduct of nuclear reaction of U235 is plutonium. That's why they don't want to allow certain countries to have nuke's because they can get plutonium. Plutonium is U235 on steroids. Very deadly and easily induced into criticality. P239 & P241 make great nukes. Very efficient.

My Brother, I really don't care what you choose to believe or not. In the end the only thing that is going to matter is your standing with Jehovah. That is the truly important detail that we must all work on. Everything else is static.
It's anything but simple. Look up the history of what they had to do to get enough U235 for the first bomb. It's an incredibly tough job. Common U238 won't do. The byproduct of nuclear reaction of U235 is plutonium. That's why they don't want to allow certain countries to have nuke's because they can get plutonium. Plutonium is U235 on steroids. Very deadly and easily induced into criticality. P239 & P241 make great nukes. Very efficient.
The problem with science is it can't always be trusted.Did man come from Apes,is the earth flat did the Corvis
My Brother, I really don't care what you choose to believe or not. In the end, the only thing that is going to matter is your standing with Jehovah. That is the truly important detail that we must all work on. Everything else is static.
The problem with science is can it be trusted.Did man come from Apes, Is the world Flat did Covis come from bats? What the Bible says at Rev13:13 is true.The WT says that the bombing in 1945 was the fulfillment of that verse.But it's a deception a false happening.The science is false.U235 becomes U239How?And don't forget Kyptonite killed Superman.
The problem with science is can it be trusted.Did man come from Apes, Is the world Flat did Covis come from bats? What the Bible says at Rev13:13 is true.The WT says that the bombing in 1945 was the fulfillment of that verse.But it's a deception a false happening.The science is false.U235 becomes U239How?And don't forget Kyptonite killed Superman.
There's science and then there is political science lol. Real science showing real scientific evidence and political science contaminating evidence to be accepted culturally and politically.
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The problem with science is can it be trusted.Did man come from Apes, Is the world Flat did Covis come from bats? What the Bible says at Rev13:13 is true.The WT says that the bombing in 1945 was the fulfillment of that verse.But it's a deception a false happening.The science is false.U235 becomes U239How?And don't forget Kyptonite killed Superman.
I think we can all clearly see that some science can no longer be trusted, as it's been politicized. As someone with a university degree in Biology, I'm saddened by what I've come to understand about "science." I now question EVERYTHING, except my faith in Jehovah, Jesus and the Kingdom. I don't question the Bible as a whole, but I do question some interpretations, due to the fact that there have been men who've altered Jehovah's Word. I question the moon landing, nuclear weapons, Tesla technology, modern economic theory, germ theory, flat earth theory, QAnon... even E=MC2. I question it all because I know Satan is the father of the lie, and everything on this planet, except Jehovah's people, comes under his jurisdiction. Heck, CIA director William Casey openly admitted they lie about everything, as did Pompeo.

I'm finally at peace because my faith is absolute. I find it ironic that Satan's lies have only helped to solidify my faith. I don't care anymore if I'm right or wrong about any of the topics I listed, as they don't matter to me, and they certainly won't matter when Jesus cleanses this planet. I've come to wonder if my curiosity about these topics and others is a form of defiance against Jehovah. I'm not saying it is, because He certainly wants us to be as wise as serpents, which means we must know and understand Satan's system... but does my quest for knowledge ever border on Adam & Eve's desire for knowledge? Until I am warned by Jehovah to quit seeking knowledge I'll continue to research, but I would love to have all knowledge of the evils of the world wiped from my mind.
I think we can all clearly see that some science can no longer be trusted, as it's been politicized. As someone with a university degree in Biology, I'm saddened by what I've come to understand about "science." I now question EVERYTHING, except my faith in Jehovah, Jesus and the Kingdom. I don't question the Bible as a whole, but I do question some interpretations, due to the fact that there have been men who've altered Jehovah's Word. I question the moon landing, nuclear weapons, Tesla technology, modern economic theory, germ theory, flat earth theory, QAnon... even E=MC2. I question it all because I know Satan is the father of the lie, and everything on this planet, except Jehovah's people, comes under his jurisdiction. Heck, CIA director William Casey openly admitted they lie about everything, as did Pompeo.

I'm finally at peace because my faith is absolute. I find it ironic that Satan's lies have only helped to solidify my faith. I don't care anymore if I'm right or wrong about any of the topics I listed, as they don't matter to me, and they certainly won't matter when Jesus cleanses this planet. I've come to wonder if my curiosity about these topics and others is a form of defiance against Jehovah. I'm not saying it is, because He certainly wants us to be as wise as serpents, which means we must know and understand Satan's system... but does my quest for knowledge ever border on Adam & Eve's desire for knowledge? Until I am warned by Jehovah to quit seeking knowledge I'll continue to research, but I would love to have all knowledge of the evils of the world wiped from my mind.
Seeking knowledge wasn't the problem. The problem was this and I quote from Genesis 3:5. "For God knows that and the very day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and bad."
Emphasis on the "you will be like God." Adam and Eve were innocent like children but they chose to disobey.
Seeking knowledge wasn't the problem. The problem was this and I quote from Genesis 3:5. "For God knows that and the very day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and bad."
Emphasis on the "you will be like God." Adam and Eve were innocent like children but they chose to disobey.
I agree with you. The problem today is that seeking knowledge in a world of lies leads us down the road to losing our innocence. I don't believe we're under the same command as Adam & Eve were, so I'm not saying it's a sin to learn about the evils of Satan's system. I do sometimes wonder if it's a waste of time and peace of mind though. The more I learn about the evils of the world, the less happy I am to live in it. Take for example the pedophile problem in Hollywood. The more people I hear are pedos, the less movies I'm able to watch because they're in them. My dad used to say, "ignorance is bliss." While I disagree when it comes to Bible knowledge, I'm starting to agree when it comes to all the wickedness in the world. But, the cat's out of the bag for me, and there's no going back... I'll continue to try to understand Satan's wicked world so I can help my family & friends when the time comes.
Do you use a cell phone?
Do you use a computer?
In car GPS?

Or are all those based on lies and don't really exist? Are we, in fact, in the Matrix, and there is no spoon...or cell phone, as it were?

Whether you believe certain science or not, you certainly use devices based on that science. Modern GPS wouldn't function properly without applying Einsteins theory of relativity. It would be very inaccurate. I'd post "the science" but why bother, no one is going to actually read it.

I love having electricity in my home. Another provision of men and women sitting down and exploring nature to see if it can be used to give us a better life(science/engineering). The electricity in your home may well be generated by way of a nuclear reactor. More proven science, no matter what some believe.

Science isn't your enemy and has given a lot of modern conveniences. I'm not talking about "scientism", modern day politicized science as Soul Sage already pointed out. And I know science can be used for bad, lots of bad and is being used that way today. Weapons, like nukes, for instance.

I've got no problem living without the things science provides in the new system. That will be up to Jah. Maybe we should start separating worship from science on this forum because some seem to be getting the two mixed up. Jehovah gave man an incredible gift, the brain. He wants us to use it as long as it's within the limits he sets. Otherwise we're just cattle.

The kryptonite to Superman is called the Dunning-Kruger effect. A little humility in the face of the so much that we don't know will help us avoid it. If you're interested in some aspect of science there is plenty of research you can delve into. There are even scientific experiments you can do at home, if you'd like to prove it to yourself. Just because we don't understand something fully doesn't mean someone else doesn't. Or again, you can reject reality and substitute your own, I guess. For instance, I'm always blown away at the absolute arrogance of those that assert the earth is flat. No matter how much math, how much photographic evidence, how much geometry you show them it's never enough. In the end when their "evidence" is shredded then we get the "It's Satan, he's lying to us!" because it fits their model of how everything should work.

And no I'm not talking about the obviously harmful vaccines or the theory of evolution or many other things I consider soft science or science being applied for bad. I'm talking about hard, provable science; material physics, particle and energy physics, and many others that give us insight into God's creation and the deep things of God's mind regarding his material creation. And no, the science is never "settled". It's a continually refining process that leads us to a better understanding of Jehovah's creation and how it works. That being said, our first priority should be God's spiritual creation and direction.

Anyway, after my little Joshua said: As for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah. Jos 24:15. Whatever we believe that should be the priority.
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Do you use a cell phone?
Do you use a computer?
In car GPS?

Or are all those based on lies and don't really exist? Are we, in fact, in the Matrix, and there is no spoon...or cell phone, as it were?

Whether you believe certain science or not, you certainly use devices based on that science. Modern GPS wouldn't function properly without applying Einsteins theory of relativity. It would be very inaccurate. I'd post "the science" but why bother, no one is going to actually read it.

I love having electricity in my home. Another provision of men and women sitting down and exploring nature to see if it can be used to give us a better life(science/engineering). The electricity in your home may well be generated by way of a nuclear reactor. More proven science, no matter what some believe.

Science isn't your enemy and has given a lot of modern conveniences. I'm not talking about "scientism", modern day politicized science as Soul Sage already pointed out. And I know science can be used for bad, lots of bad and is being used that way today. Weapons, like nukes, for instance.

I've got no problem living without the things science provides in the new system. That will be up to Jah. Maybe we should start separating worship from science on this forum because some seem to be getting the two mixed up. Jehovah gave man an incredible gift, the brain. He wants us to use it as long as it's within the limits he sets. Otherwise we're just cattle.

The kryptonite to Superman is called the Dunning-Kruger effect. A little humility in the face of the so much that we don't know will help us avoid it. If you're interested in some aspect of science there is plenty of research you can delve into. There are even scientific experiments you can do at home, if you'd like to prove it to yourself. Just because we don't understand something fully doesn't mean someone else doesn't. Or again, you can reject reality and substitute your own, I guess. For instance, I'm always blown away at the absolute arrogance of those that assert the earth is flat. No matter how much math, how much photographic evidence, how much geometry you show them it's never enough. In the end when their "evidence" is shredded then we get the "It's Satan, he's lying to us!" because it fits their model of how everything should work.

And no I'm not talking about the obviously harmful vaccines or the theory of evolution or many other things I consider soft science or science being applied for bad. I'm talking about hard, provable science; material physics, particle and energy physics, and many others that give us insight into God's creation and the deep things of God's mind regarding his material creation. And no, the science is never "settled". It's a continually refining process that leads us to a better understanding of Jehovah's creation and how it works. That being said, our first priority should be God's spiritual creation and direction.

Anyway, after my little Joshua said: As for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah. Jos 24:15. Whatever we believe that should be the priority.
I never said I was anti-science. My issue is with the lies being perpetrated in the name of science. I love science, which is defined as "the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence."
Speaking of science... Jehovah is the greatest scientist ever. He gave Jesus the power and authority to create all the wonderful things we see in this world, which was an incredible gift to His son. It's Satan who perverts it with lies. My problem is that I've gone down too many rabbit holes, which have clouded my sense of what is and isn't true. I've seen excellent arguments for and against nuclear weapons. I tend to believe they're real, but since I've never seen one go off, I can't say for sure. I've heard Einstein was a fraud who married his cousin and her 2 daughters, but I don't concern myself with this since I can't go back in time to verify this rumor one way or the other. I do know the Theory of Relativity is unproven, thus it's not called the Law of Relativity. I've read that the sun is electric and not nuclear. There are so many lies out there that it's just not possible to say with any certainty who's correct. Atheists swear by the Theory of Evolution, yet I know 100% we were created, but I can't prove it. So... I don't bother with an "I'm right, you're wrong" mentality.
I understand that some may not want to hear about science however, being informed about it just may save lives. I will mention once again my cousin who died from a brain aneurysm due to blood clotting within a week of taking the magic potion.
Whatever the mark proves to be, you can bet it will be tech/science related and they will use every deception available to push it.

i hear ya loud and clear. I feel this way too sometimes- i am just tired, more like mentally and emotionally exhausted, and burned out. But i need my faith, and i need it to be strong, entant, it lifts me up over this sick world into Jehovah’s loving arms, where i’m the happiest.

WT isn’t an option for me because i refuse to lend my support to a lie, and at the end of the day, ALL things considered, I am fully convinced that 1914 really is a lie.

but, to be honest, I would really love to ride out the GT in the Galapagos with the tropical penguins, sipping on jugo de maracuya.
I‘m sorry to burst your bubble but those coming food shortages are very real.
Clues to this two horned false prophet's id.
Revelation 13:11 Identity of this two horned beast looks like a lamb but speaks as a dragon somewhat familiar to the wolf in sheep's clothing logo of the Fabians. Vs 12 Makes inhabitants worship the first wild beast the British Empire fulfilling Rhodes idealogue of transferring Empire to position of God! The British Empire and it's masonic tentacles must achieve it's end!
Clues to this two horned false prophet's id.
Revelation 13:11 Identity of this two horned beast looks like a lamb but speaks as a dragon somewhat familiar to the wolf in sheep's clothing logo of the Fabians. Vs 12 Makes inhabitants worship the first wild beast the British Empire fulfilling Rhodes idealogue of transferring Empire to position of God! The British Empire and it's masonic tentacles must achieve it's end!
Why the two horns though? Are they like the two horns on the warring Anglo/American seventh head? Are they too conspiring against one another within the Cabals? Hence all their mistakes?