Is the GB endorsing the vaccine a sin against God's Spirit?

Hope I’m sharing this in the correct heading. A sister sent this to me about a couple just wanting to ask questions about the jab info the org required.
Wow. That is an eye opener. Now I know why so many vaccinees (mRNA altered) in the org wouldn’t allow the unvaccinated into their homes. It makes sense now. So despicable and so many brothers involved and not one seemed to care anything about this young couple. Nearly unbelievable but now with all that has happened within the org, it is now believable.
Hope I’m sharing this in the correct heading. A sister sent this to me about a couple just wanting to ask questions about the jab info the org required.
Love it. They laid it bare. Excellent job. Echoing PJ here but is there any way to contact that couple with RK's site and this forum?

Thanks for posting that video.

ETA: Great to see that a couple of you posted in the Youtube comments. If they read the comments they should be by shortly. :)