Strange, illogical and impractical, the “New Doctrine”

oh i see thank you for enligtening me, yes i remember the rote of the catholic Prayer named the i believe the last part of the verbal contract went
i believe in one holy catholic apostolic church, one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and the life of the world to come AMEN!
in other words i will not question the Papal catholic authority put in place by God
oh i see thank you for enligtening me, yes i remember the rote of the catholic Prayer named the i believe the last part of the verbal contract went
i believe in one holy catholic apostolic church, one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and the life of the world to come AMEN!
in other words i will not question the Papal catholic authority put in place by God
Bingo! Looking back at history, doing so would get you imprisoned, tortured, accused of witchcraft mixed in with heresy, & killed. Plus, in some instances your family's name would be defamed & dishonored. It was all about power & control.
When I first started studying in the 90's, a sister said to me that we just do whatever the GB tells us. She said that even if they gave us a really bizarre command like "stop washing your hair" she would be fed up but still obey them. ...... I think this has been there all the time but more subtle than it is now. I think they are gearing up for something scary.
In the corporate world they used to refer to that as a "loyalty test". Cults and gangs unfortunately do it all the time as well.
2 Timothy 4:5: "You, though, keep your senses in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry."
1 John 4:1 "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world"
Proverbs 21:16: "The man who strays from the way of insight will rest in the company of those powerless in death"
Matthew 15:14 "...If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit."
In my morning meditation, I was considering the new doctrine being slyly worked into the JW psyche. And, I know pretty much all of this forum members agree with my conclusions but perhaps you each can add something thoughtful that may help new ones or lurkers. In my opinion, you may as well add unscriptural to the description of illogical etc., because that is what they are prepping the friends for. I personally know friends who have sacrificed their health and in one instance I know of a brother who sacrificed his life in compliance with this new “doctrine” by following their advice on the vaccine. In addition to creating a vulnerability for unscriptural ideas, it also seems to promote the idea of once saved, always saved, since they believe Jehovah would never allow the GB to become apostate or lead them in the wrong direction.

One of the members here pointed out that from his recollection they have been teaching this new doctrine since about 2013 and I do recall it being promoted well before the pandemic.

Ezekiel 18:24: “‘But when someone righteous abandons his righteousness and does what is wrong, doing all the detestable things the wicked do, will he live? None of the righteous acts that he did will be remembered. For his unfaithfulness and the sin he has committed, he will die.”
Sorry for stating the obvious, but A false Parousia is new doctrine in that it is not an original bible teaching? Just curious to know what this recent new doctrine is? I haven't picked up anything too out of the way over zoom apart from the vaxx and hold on the house to house, and non KH attendance.
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Sorry for stating the obvious, but A false Parousia is new doctrine in that it is not an original bible teaching? Just curious to know what this recent new doctrine is? I haven't picked up anything too out of the way over zoom apart from the vaxx and hold on the house to house, and non KH attendance.
It’s something that is literally preparing the friends to blindly follow instructions from the GB even is they are “strange, impractical or illogical. The example coming up is in the February Study Watchtower that will be studied in April. See paragraph 15. Here is a link:
It’s something that is literally preparing the friends to blindly follow instructions from the GB even is they are “strange, impractical or illogical. The example coming up is in the February Study Watchtower that will be studied in April. See paragraph 15. Here is a link:
20 years ago I told an elder that counterfeit Christians are here in the congregation They are not the clergy. I showed him 2 Thess :2. After a while he asked "do you believe that what the GB says is from Jehovah? I said yeah as long as what they say comes from the bible. Around the same time I asked a sister the elders wife, "if the GB told you to jump off a cliff, would you?" without flinching she said YES. Brother Losch said something like, If Jehovah and Jesus trust the FADS, should we not do the same? All through the years when I was active in the congregation, elders have said to me that I have trouble taking direction. So this "new doctrine" I don't believe is new. The GB is just doing what it has always done. Trying to get the congregation to jump off a cliff. Thing is many in the congregation have never learned to think for themselves. They need to make an exit from the org to learn how to think for themselves.
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In my morning meditation, I was considering the new doctrine being slyly worked into the JW psyche. And, I know pretty much all of this forum members agree with my conclusions but perhaps you each can add something thoughtful that may help new ones or lurkers. In my opinion, you may as well add unscriptural to the description of illogical etc., because that is what they are prepping the friends for. I personally know friends who have sacrificed their health and in one instance I know of a brother who sacrificed his life in compliance with this new “doctrine” by following their advice on the vaccine. In addition to creating a vulnerability for unscriptural ideas, it also seems to promote the idea of once saved, always saved, since they believe Jehovah would never allow the GB to become apostate or lead them in the wrong direction.

One of the members here pointed out that from his recollection they have been teaching this new doctrine since about 2013 and I do recall it being promoted well before the pandemic.

Ezekiel 18:24: “‘But when someone righteous abandons his righteousness and does what is wrong, doing all the detestable things the wicked do, will he live? None of the righteous acts that he did will be remembered. For his unfaithfulness and the sin he has committed, he will die.”
The critical issue betwixt watchtower and truth is motive. This is what the newcomer would be wise to investigate because truth and watchtower are presented as a gift wrapped in the same paper. In my first bible study, the elder started off with a watchtower book, and though I was ignorant in bible teaching, I wondered why he was using a book written by a man, rather than explaining scripture. I asked my sister the same question and she, already having been indoctrinated, said “They use a book to explain the scripture.” And this is the subtlety or slight of hand by which watchtower deceives. I took my sister‘s reply in trust. And the element of trust that surrounds the watchtower today was born of that very issue. Uninformed Trust.
Therefore, in approaching the issue of illogical requests stemming from the Ivory Tower, the new one searching for answers will require truth, rather than explanation! How can that be done when the same degree of trust is required to understand the bible from both sources? The answer is to let the bible speak for itself and for those whose faith is proven within themselves - they will know who they are - to help the enquirer build the construct of faith within themselves. We don’t serve words, we prepare the grounds for faith to grow. The one being instructed will plant the seed for themselves. The scripture says so. ”They will know my (Jesus) voice.” And that voice, you can guarantee it, will speak reason. Thus teaching is about listening to the question, not providing answers. It is about enablement, giving the interested one reasoning and insight. These are the elements of spirit that till the soil in which the seed will plant itself…just as the bible says “LET (allow) the reader use (their own) discernment.” You said it yourself. “In my morning meditation…”. What better place can their be, to make the truth your own? You are more wise than you think you are!
20 years ago I told an elder that counterfeit Christians are here in the congregation They are not the clergy. I showed him 2 Thess :2. After a while he asked "do you believe that what the GB says is from Jehovah? I said yeah as long as what they say comes from the bible. Around the same time I asked a sister the elders wife, "if the GB told you to jump off a cliff, would you?" without flinching she said YES. Brother Losch said something like, If Jehovah and Jesus trust the FADS, should we not do the same? All through the years when I was active in the congregation, elders have said to me that I have trouble taking direction. So this "new doctrine" I don't believe is new. The GB is just doing what it has always done. Trying to get the congregation to jump off a cliff. Thing is many in the congregation have never learned to think for themselves. They need to make an exit from the org to learn how to think for themselves.
I think you’re right.
The new doctrine is clearly unbiblical
Jesus said, "If a blind man leads a blind man, BOTH fall into the hole."
Clearly Jesus is saying not to blindly follow anyone.
The GB says he's not blind
In fact, in the magazine that was studied, it puts a drawing of a person with fogged glasses
That person with dirty glasses represents all of us
This is how the GB sees us
But they forget that Pablo a similar illustration
Paul said
1 Corinthians 13:12
12 For at present we see in hazy outline* by means of a metal mirror,+ but then it will be face to face.+ At present I partially know,* but then I will know accurately just as I am accurately known.+
The difference between the GB and Pablo
Pablo recognized that he also had "dirty glasses"
Paul put himself on the same level as his brothers
Paul recognized that he did not know everything
Yesterday I was reading Psalm 19 and I was amazed at the contradiction
The "counsel of Jehovah is trustworthy and makes the eyes shine"
"In keeping the advice of Jehovah there is a great reward"
Jehovah's advice "makes the inexperienced wise"
But the GB's advice to vaccinate "makes us sick" and will make us close our eyes and cry
In fact by following them we become fools who must deny reality
The only thing that awaits us following the GB and his pernicious new doctrine is a "big pain"

Hi Driven, it does make you wonder how long things have been going on but it put me in mind of the Revelation grand climax book in the 90s and that awful picture depicting Jesus with the six men with smashing weapons, the artist had drawn just one hand as a reptile/dragon hand on one of the men, very sneaky as I didn’t even notice it until a decade ago when it was pointed out in a YouTube video and also more subtle the weapon Jesus is holding has a wooden handle so inferior to the iron weapons of the 6 men 😳 this is shameful 🥺 that book would have been checked by quality control so it shows that the wolves within have been getting away with these “hidden in plain sight” things for decades 😩😠
I looked on the library and there's no pics, only text.
In my morning meditation, I was considering the new doctrine being slyly worked into the JW psyche. And, I know pretty much all of this forum members agree with my conclusions but perhaps you each can add something thoughtful that may help new ones or lurkers. In my opinion, you may as well add unscriptural to the description of illogical etc., because that is what they are prepping the friends for. I personally know friends who have sacrificed their health and in one instance I know of a brother who sacrificed his life in compliance with this new “doctrine” by following their advice on the vaccine. In addition to creating a vulnerability for unscriptural ideas, it also seems to promote the idea of once saved, always saved, since they believe Jehovah would never allow the GB to become apostate or lead them in the wrong direction.

One of the members here pointed out that from his recollection they have been teaching this new doctrine since about 2013 and I do recall it being promoted well before the pandemic.

Ezekiel 18:24: “‘But when someone righteous abandons his righteousness and does what is wrong, doing all the detestable things the wicked do, will he live? None of the righteous acts that he did will be remembered. For his unfaithfulness and the sin he has committed, he will die.”
You have said among other things: "I personally know friends who have sacrificed their health and in one instance I know of a brother who sacrificed his life in compliance with this new “doctrine” by following their advice on the vaccine."

That same idea can be applied to the doctrine of blood. If the GC can bring illness and death to the JWs by their misapplication of Scripture regarding these experimental vaccines, why shouldn't they be wrong in their interpretation of the blood doctrine?

In my perception, this doctrine has been taken to the extreme, causing unnecessary deaths in many cases. Of course, a transfusion is not life-saving security, but at least trying it if there is no other option is better than losing a life doing nothing.

Worse still is putting a vaccine that ends up making you sick and very likely could cause death, not only by eliminating the immune system, but also by myocarditis, stroke, and other serious adverse effects.

But as always, if the GC says so, it must be the correct interpretation of the Scriptures. We JWs have been programmed to accept without questioning, so that the simple fact of questioning the GC is questioning Jehovah God himself. The CG certainly claims to be God.
You have said among other things: "I personally know friends who have sacrificed their health and in one instance I know of a brother who sacrificed his life in compliance with this new “doctrine” by following their advice on the vaccine."

That same idea can be applied to the doctrine of blood. If the GC can bring illness and death to the JWs by their misapplication of Scripture regarding these experimental vaccines, why shouldn't they be wrong in their interpretation of the blood doctrine?

In my perception, this doctrine has been taken to the extreme, causing unnecessary deaths in many cases. Of course, a transfusion is not life-saving security, but at least trying it if there is no other option is better than losing a life doing nothing.

Worse still is putting a vaccine that ends up making you sick and very likely could cause death, not only by eliminating the immune system, but also by myocarditis, stroke, and other serious adverse effects.

But as always, if the GC says so, it must be the correct interpretation of the Scriptures. We JWs have been programmed to accept without questioning, so that the simple fact of questioning the GC is questioning Jehovah God himself. The CG certainly claims to be God.
Hi Sister Cherry,

Thank you for your commentary and I have so, so much appreciation for all of the work that you have done with regard to keeping us informed on world events. I respect your viewpoint on this. I wish to add that each of us will render an account to Jehovah for himself/herself based on our ability to reason on the scriptures and we may in fact come to different conclusions. What helped me to arrive at my convictions regarding blood transfusions, the vaccine and any type of health or medical treatment is these 2 scriptures (and related scriptures too).

Leviticus 17:10-12: “If any man of the house of Israel or any foreigner who is residing in your midst eats any sort of blood, I will certainly set my face against the one who is eating the blood, and I will cut him off from among his people. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have given it on the altar for you to make atonement for yourselves, because it is the blood that makes atonement by means of the life in it. That is why I have said to the Israelites: “None of you should eat blood, and no foreigner who is residing in your midst should eat blood.”


1 Corinthians 6:19 & 20: “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit within you, which you have from God? Also, you do not belong to yourselves, for you were bought with a price. By all means, glorify God in your body.

So, in reasoning on these 2 scriptures, we can come to different conclusions. But nevertheless these are the ones we must reason on. These scriptures tell me that blood and life are sacred to Jehovah and he wants us to have the same viewpoint. That is not to say that we should preserve life at the cost of loyalty to Jehovah. So, there is a balance. It is Satan who says that humans will do anything, including being disloyal to God if it means saving our physical life. My conclusion on the vaccine became a conviction for me to avoid the COVID vaccines at all costs based on these scriptures. But I have also concluded that I will never take a blood transfusion nor knowingly take any treatment that was developed by use of aborted baby cells or cell lines or animal DNA. I do appreciate that your reasoning brings to you to another conclusion. These decisions are complicated but what is important is that we can stand before Jehovah, each with a clean conscience that has been molded to the best of our reasoning abilities on his word.
Hi Driven, it does make you wonder how long things have been going on but it put me in mind of the Revelation grand climax book in the 90s and that awful picture depicting Jesus with the six men with smashing weapons, the artist had drawn just one hand as a reptile/dragon hand on one of the men, very sneaky as I didn’t even notice it until a decade ago when it was pointed out in a YouTube video and also more subtle the weapon Jesus is holding has a wooden handle so inferior to the iron weapons of the 6 men 😳 this is shameful 🥺 that book would have been checked by quality control so it shows that the wolves within have been getting away with these “hidden in plain sight” things for decades 😩😠
Is it possible you're thinking of some other book or maybe a Watchtower article? I would love to find that picture if it exists. I looked in the Revelation book and it's not there, so then I looked up the scripture reference and realized it's not in Revelation, it's in Ezekiel.
Hi Sister Cherry,

Thank you for your commentary and I have so, so much appreciation for all of the work that you have done with regard to keeping us informed on world events. I respect your viewpoint on this. I wish to add that each of us will render an account to Jehovah for himself/herself based on our ability to reason on the scriptures and we may in fact come to different conclusions. What helped me to arrive at my convictions regarding blood transfusions, the vaccine and any type of health or medical treatment is these 2 scriptures (and related scriptures too).

Leviticus 17:10-12: “If any man of the house of Israel or any foreigner who is residing in your midst eats any sort of blood, I will certainly set my face against the one who is eating the blood, and I will cut him off from among his people. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have given it on the altar for you to make atonement for yourselves, because it is the blood that makes atonement by means of the life in it. That is why I have said to the Israelites: “None of you should eat blood, and no foreigner who is residing in your midst should eat blood.”


1 Corinthians 6:19 & 20: “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit within you, which you have from God? Also, you do not belong to yourselves, for you were bought with a price. By all means, glorify God in your body.

So, in reasoning on these 2 scriptures, we can come to different conclusions. But nevertheless these are the ones we must reason on. These scriptures tell me that blood and life are sacred to Jehovah and he wants us to have the same viewpoint. That is not to say that we should preserve life at the cost of loyalty to Jehovah. So, there is a balance. It is Satan who says that humans will do anything, including being disloyal to God if it means saving our physical life. My conclusion on the vaccine became a conviction for me to avoid the COVID vaccines at all costs based on these scriptures. But I have also concluded that I will never take a blood transfusion nor knowingly take any treatment that was developed by use of aborted baby cells or cell lines or animal DNA. I do appreciate that your reasoning brings to you to another conclusion. These decisions are complicated but what is important is that we can stand before Jehovah, each with a clean conscience that has been molded to the best of our reasoning abilities on his word.
Hello Driven!

Sure, every Christian should do his own research on it. And if you have come to certain conclusions about blood, you must act on your conscience trained by your study of the Bible. You should never go against her.

In my case, I have come to understand that blood is sacred because life is sacred. And that strict compliance with a law should not be above the well-being of a human being's life. Christ said so: "What is permitted on the Sabbath? To do good, or to harm? To save a life, or to destroy it?". Luke 6:1-9

My conscience tells me that saving a life is above strictly complying with a law. In the end, we must act depending on our conscience in relation to our spiritual understanding of the Scriptures.

(Now for me the danger is the blood of the vaccinated)