The beast's timeline Part 1 : Elite numerology and the 1914 deception

I thought according to the UN 2030 Agenda that the worlds population has to be 500 million by 2030. It's obvious that the powers that be are in a panic to establish the NWO. Very interesting about the 1914 connection. I agree with Robert Satan's time line does not effect Jehovah's timeline. One thing is for sure....everything is in focus now...Satan's plan and Bible prophecy are lining up

The GB, at least the bible students made a mistake with 1914. It was a statement after the so-called fact. The students thought that the Kingdom came in 1874. It wasn't till the 1930s that the W/T shifted the dates around.
The Bible doesn't give us a timeline to Christ's return.
I think everything in your posts are so thought provoking so engaging, I truly enjoy everything you post. I agree, Satan and his demons are working a "timeline", it seems that is not a question. They most likely understand Bible prophecy on a level us mere humans cannot comprehend. And yet, when Jesus was born, all Herod had was a 5 year time period and ordered all males killed!

However, I think part of what's happening are things beyond their Trump. They threw a monkey wrench into their machinery like nothing in modern history!

Your grasp of the development of the 8Th King, and what it will actual be, is like what was in my mind, but like the saying, "on the tip of my tongue." IMO, it's the best explanation I have ever heard...and I like the way you laid out how that could take place.

So I think you are on the money there. But with Trump comes uncertainty, someone they cannot control, and someone willing to take them on! This was not something they were NOT prepared for, or ready for. Almost certainly, their timeline has been moved up because of it, not to mention, almost certainly, Putin, also, is not a NWO puppet! Maybe he's not a good guy, but even Satan isn't going to tell him what to do! Putin is not going to back down.

I agree with Robert, they may have a "time line" but that only exists as long as Jehovah allows it to exist. And IMO, that time lineline has been moved up, almost certainly. I also think you are on the money with the "New Age Religion" but I think that will come as a result of the GT, religion will not be "destroyed" but replaced.

Let me say this, my only disagreement would be that their timeline actually works out!
Can you support that? What did they bring?
When you look at what the Bible says about the pre-flood era, it says almost nothing. But what it does say, says everything. Think about this. Do you think the demons came to the earth and lived in mud huts? You think they didn't have running water? Did they live in luxury? What did the flood do? Why is there no record any where in archeology of super natural giants, and their fathers except in Greek mythology? If the giants were offspring of "angels" what "hidden knowledge" did demons teach their children? What kind of power did they have and display? How long were the demons on the earth? (Somewhere in the neighborhood of a thousand years.) What were they doing while on the earth?

"So the days of Noah" I am convinced will mean bringing back everything they did back then, but they cheated, and tried to change the "time line" and stop the Messiah from ever being born. But I think this time they will be allowed to do what they were trying to do before the flood. They will come back and "materialize" bodies. But they will claim to be "aliens" with advanced knowledge and technology. It's what newest "Alien" movies are propagandizing. Also, the whole "Ancient Alien" "history" crap they are pushing.

The one thing missing in all this, is when war breaks out in heaven, the "time line" ends, and the demons and Satan are cast down to the earth, and they have to move forward with their plan on God's time line!
What I don't understand is WHY Jehovah would allow Satan to deceive his people?
Jehovah knows that those who truly love the Truth can’t be deceived, because they live it as best as an imperfect human can, and that starts with seeking meekness and humility. If we remain under the influence of those 2 qualities, I believe Jehovah will always protect and guide us on the path. It’s when we become arrogant in our knowledge that we open the door for Satan to try to trick us.

We must be the opposite of Satan, who is arrogant, proud and dishonest. Being honest is easy, but setting aside pride can be tough... especially if we've always been the top dog personality in social groups. Luckily I was never the best in any group, be it athletics, school or Bible knowledge. Instead I was runner up quite often. Even in the good looks department, I was never the hottest guy in the room or the strongest... so choosing to be humble was easy for me. It's not so easy for others.

Now meekness has been a challenge at times. Going to college for 10 years causes you place too much confidence in your book knowledge instead of your street smarts. You can easily become a know it all, or someone who places too much trust in mankind's knowledge, while ignoring wisdom. When you're highly educated you tend to respect your peers over those less formally educated. My experience has been that the wisest people I've met have had the least formal education. They tend to be more meek.

You are very brave to list your weaknesses or past weaknesses. You sound like a very humble man.
Thanks. I feel that by admitting my flaws, they lose their hold over me. I'm still amazed at my lack of being triggered by my flesh anymore. It's truly a prayer that's been answered. I could literally walk into a strip club and feel nothing... not that I ever would. It's just that Satan has no hold on me in that regard. I'm not going to allow myself to be overly confident though, as I'm planning on being severely tested in one way or another.
What I don't understand is WHY Jehovah would allow Satan to deceive his people?
This is something that has always been at the heart of my understanding. Eve was deceived. But why was she deceived? How did Satan deceive her?

There is a saying in sales, "don't sell the steak, sell the sizzle". Satan sold Eve, "the sizzle", "you will be like God." Eve's sin was not being sold god-ship, it was wanting it!
their timeline has been moved up
I tend to agree. Their timeline may well have been 2030, but it's been adjusted forward it seems. They're almost panicked in their actions right now.
How long were the demons on the earth? (Somewhere in the neighborhood of a thousand years.) What were they doing while on the earth?
Think of what humans could do if they had 1,000 IQs and a thousand years to work on their projects. Who knows how intelligent the giants were, but I think it's safe to say they were way above our pay grade.
"So the days of Noah" I am convinced will mean bringing back everything they did back then
Jesus warned of this for a reason, it wasn't just idle talk. He won't return unless the world is as it was in Noah's day. How the giants return is anyone's guess, but the alien talk is real. Will Jehovah allow them to materialize human bodies or will they possess willing humans? I remember Beyoncé admitting that she allows a being to inhabit her body while on stage. So what if the giants are actually possessing the "giants" or elites of our world today via séances and other satanic rituals?
I tend to agree. Their timeline may well have been 2030, but it's been adjusted forward it seems. They're almost panicked in their actions right now.

Think of what humans could do if they had 1,000 IQs and a thousand years to work on their projects. Who knows how intelligent the giants were, but I think it's safe to say they were way above our pay grade.

Jesus warned of this for a reason, it wasn't just idle talk. He won't return unless the world is as it was in Noah's day. How the giants return is anyone's guess, but the alien talk is real. Will Jehovah allow them to materialize human bodies or will they possess willing humans? I remember Beyoncé admitting that she allows a being to inhabit her body while on stage. So what if the giants are actually possessing the "giants" or elites of our world today via séances and other satanic rituals?
Yeah but the Flood did not happen until the end of the demon occupation. ...
When you look at what the Bible says about the pre-flood era, it says almost nothing.
This part is of interest about pre-flood. 5 "consequently Jehovah saw that man's wickedness was great on the earth and that every inclination of his was only bad all the time. 6 Jehovah regretted that he had made men on the earth, and his heart was saddened. 7 So Jehovah said I am going to wipe men whom I have created off the surface of the ground, man together with domestic animals, creeping animals, and flying creatures of the heavens, for I regret that I have made them. Ge 6:5-7

The implications are clear that there were no righteous ones on the earth other than Noah, his wife, their 3 sons and their wives, for at least 100 years before the floods came. The bible does not specify but righteousness disappeared earlier is my guess? When the floods came the demons went back to the spirit realm. But what of their wives and offspring? Oh wait a minute they got drowned.
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Can you support that? What did they bring?

Just speculating, but the demons could have passed their skills to at least their offspring and other humans they came into contact with? After all the demons were more intelligent than the locals and I suspect so would their offspring have been too? But it seems that the scriptures do not specifically inform us where the different skill sets came from that were evident later on? Just the wickedness that developed pre-flood.
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When you look at what the Bible says about the pre-flood era, it says almost nothing. But what it does say, says everything. Think about this. Do you think the demons came to the earth and lived in mud huts? You think they didn't have running water? Did they live in luxury? What did the flood do? Why is there no record any where in archeology of super natural giants, and their fathers except in Greek mythology? If the giants were offspring of "angels" what "hidden knowledge" did demons teach their children? What kind of power did they have and display? How long were the demons on the earth? (Somewhere in the neighborhood of a thousand years.) What were they doing while on the earth?
The alien/pre-flood world topic would require a mile-long post of its own to do it justice. When you study the ancient world and ruins, there's obviously something missing, architectural feats made with such perfection and technique that they can't be explained away by the use of primitive tools. Some of these buildings and artifacts being found underwater on the sea floor.
There are a number of channels on Youtube exploring this topic, helping to form a mental picture of what that very advanced global civilization must have been like.
"So the days of Noah" I am convinced will mean bringing back everything they did back then, but they cheated, and tried to change the "time line" and stop the Messiah from ever being born. But I think this time they will be allowed to do what they were trying to do before the flood. They will come back and "materialize" bodies. But they will claim to be "aliens" with advanced knowledge and technology. It's what newest "Alien" movies are propagandizing. Also, the whole "Ancient Alien" "history" crap they are pushing.
I don't know how it will take place, but we've definitely been prepared through predictive programming for the appearance of an "otherwordly" element, something above mankind, that will unlock its "ascension". That's the cover fallen angels will use to mislead mankind to go along with Satan's blasphemous beast.

So I think you are on the money there. But with Trump comes uncertainty, someone they cannot control, and someone willing to take them on! This was not something they were NOT prepared for, or ready for. Almost certainly, their timeline has been moved up because of it, not to mention, almost certainly, Putin, also, is not a NWO puppet! Maybe he's not a good guy, but even Satan isn't going to tell him what to do! Putin is not going to back down.
The problem is, there are many layers to this deception. People such as Trump can be disrupting their layer, the political world and the people around him, but I don't think they change the overall game, which takes place at a much higher level than the public figures people "vote" for.

As for the timeline itself, it's the targets that human work is organized along. The elites could be deluding themselves, and their perfect plan could be cut short, but I don't think it will. The reason is the questions raised by Satan, about the legitimacy of Jehovah's rule, have to be solved once and for all. He has to be allowed to run the most advanced alternative to Christ's rule he can conceive, so that no creature can say in the future: "Satan was unfairly stopped when he was succeeding".

I tend to agree. Their timeline may well have been 2030, but it's been adjusted forward it seems. They're almost panicked in their actions right now.
Of course, what they are doing, with the injections for example, is pure madness. They are kicking the status quo, the somewhat stable world we have always known down the drain. Some of the lower minions making it happen must be starting to realize what they are doing...
Because all these numerological explanations are quite abstract, in part 2 we'll make the numbers above come to life, considering a few examples of predictive programming where they appear prominently, like this one from The Matrix, and what world-changing events are announced through them.

Interesting story you weave. Much of your assessment is good but maybe a little/lot miss-placed. I agree that the Globalists have been telling us their plans for the future. from as far back as the 20s I think? Anyway Jesus said, Just as the days of Noah, so the presence of the son of man will be. The message I want to point out here is mentioned in verse 39 specifically the part that says "...they took no note until the flood came and swept them away..."

When the Christ takes up his kingship the door to the arc closes. The time for repentance is past. Jehovah too has been telling us his plans for the future too, but thousands of years in advance. I'm afraid when the last days begin, no-one
( who has not already ) will have the opportunity to put faith in Jesus. No more witnessing, no more bible students. Our allegiance if they have not already been, must be established, before it is too late? Christ taking up his Kingship is too late.The presence of the son of man, will be too late.
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Interesting story you weave. Much of your assessment is good but maybe a little/lot miss-placed. I agree that the Globalists have been telling us their plans for the future. from as far back as the 20s I think? Anyway Jesus said, Just as the days of Noah, so the presence of the some of man will be. The message I want to point out here is mentioned in verse 39 specifically the part that says "...they took no note until the flood came and swept them away..."

When the Christ takes up his kingship the door to the arc closes. The time for repentance is past. Jehovah too has been telling us his plans for the future too, but thousands of years in advance. I'm afraid when the last days begin, no-one
( who has not already ) will have the opportunity to put faith in Jesus. No more witnessing, no more bible students. Our allegiance if they are not already been, must be established, before it is too late? Christ taking up his Kingship is too late.
The presence of the son of man, will be too late. Unless I have missed something?
The world is one great story, and everyone reads it differently and draws from it what they read. That’s why the bible keeps on saying to make sure of all things, from the bible - not soothsayers. There are countless answers out in the world, but only one from the bible.. .. and that in itself takes a blessing from Jehovah to understand in any sense of continuity. I stick to the basic message, ergo, He is coming. Get ready, and prayer. It is the only prophesy that one can put faith in. Tomorrow will bring a new theory, a new twist, and new ’certainty’, and indeed, will contain elements of truth - just as watchtower does with their ‘new light’ and ‘extended generations’ and ‘go-bag’. As you rightly point out, ‘interesting weaving’. I gave up listening to that when I left. The answer was elsewhere and the facsimile truth still follows in its wake to distract and draw attention.
The Watchtower's 1914 deception and the future

It is already puzzling to see how the start of this timeline is eerily similar to the one pushed by the WT. But the story gets weirder. I don't know if it ever appeared in WT publications, but I've already heard brothers mention that the end has to happen in 2034, even September 2034, as it matches September 1914 + the 120 years mentioned in Genesis 6:3. Our present day end times being, as Jesus said, "like in the days of Noah".
The 1914 narrative was made believable by the world-changing events that actually started to unfold then. The Watchtower was right: in 1913/14, the world entered a new era. An extremely powerful spiritual being acted decisively towards his full dominance over the human realm. The only problem is that it was never Christ, but Satan...

So the following questions arise: who really devised the WT 1914 chronology? Why is it so similar to the NWO's timeline above? Did it originate from the same secret societies, these organizations that the WT has never mentioned in 140+ years of publishing?
Trying to wrap your mind around this incredible deception that Satan has created, and looking at the WT's purposely misleading picture of end times events, a very disturbing picture emerges. It's as if the Watchtower has always been subtly programming JWs, to welcome Satan's great deception as Christ's Kingdom. Why they have completely erased from their doctrine notions familiar to many other churches, like a great deception, an antichrist, or the mark of the beast.

They can't fix the 1914 "mistake", because it's not a mistake, but a willful deception, and it's still ongoing.

The Watchtower's "Christ's presence" 1914 timeline IS the beast's takeover timeline.

Now let's have a look at the future, and think where this could be going. The WT has been repeating over and over which events will precede (in their view) the GT. A peculiar announcement of peace and security, and the UN turning against organized religion. Despite their deceptive prophetic perspective, what if they were right? What if that information was channeled to them by a very well informed source, the same that created the 1914 timeline? Not only would their prophetic perspective be vindicated, but their authority and power of mind-control over those under their spell would become stronger than ever. If "Babylon the Great" is destroyed and biblical prophecy has "ended", then the new world that emerges after the GT must be from Christ, right?

The new universal religion will "fulfill" the expectations created by today's false religions and entertainment. Christians will get their second coming of "Christ", Jews the return of the Messiah, Muslims the appearance of the Mahdi, and other faiths like Buddhism or Hinduism will be fine with this new supernatural source of wisdom and peace. Everyone will be in awe with the advanced knowledge and superhuman abilities displayed. It will feel like being in a science-fiction or superhero blockbuster movie, but in real life.
The Vatican and the rest of today's organized religion are not needed in that picture. I personally think that no organization that endorsed the covidian cult and the injections will survive the coming years, and that includes the Vatican and the Watchtower. Today's outdated materialistic creed, and its gatekeepers holding mankind back, politicians, big pharma "doctors", big business management, media figures, celebrities, religious leaders, law enforcement, etc., have all been compromised by the ongoing vaccination genocide. This is a part of the reset, to ensure that infuriated people eventually remove them and the worldview they stood for, clearing the way for brand new power structure and belief system.

Satan always looks to first and foremost corrupt what has been set apart to belong to Jehovah. In my view, JWs are a "nation" separated and consecrated to God, like the ancient Israel was, or Levites within Israel. They don't make up all those who belong to Christ, but were set apart to be at the forefront, to offer in these last days the purest form of worship to Jehovah. Despite the apostasy of the WT, growing from the beginning, there were still many sincere brothers and sisters within that nation, offering a regular and acceptable sacrifice to God. That was all suddenly stopped.

This brings us back to Daniel's 1290 days topic that I mentioned in my previous post. Now you probably understand better what I meant when I said that 9/23/23 was a very familiar date to me, and that I expected some symbolic event linked to the appearance of the new beast to happen on that day. What were the odds, that the rollout of global lockdown policies, and the stopping of the "regular sacrifice" by the Watchtower, would happen exactly 1290 days before that date?

The Bible doesn't give us a timeline to Christ's return. But it provides a few clues, temporal markers, like Daniel's 1290 days, to help us recognize prophetic events and act upon them. In that case, the "disgusting thing" being established, and the instruction, when we see it "standing in a holy place", to leave the apostate "Jerusalem". Though we'll only know what it all means when we get there, there was enough uncanny evidence around 9/23/23 to deserve a mile-long post or two :)

Looking back sometimes at what we were taught by the Watchtower regarding prophecy, I smile at the total nonsense of it all and think: "What were we thinking?" lol. But then I remember that my outlook on prophecy was very different just 3 years ago. We all had to start at some point, and grow in our understanding, through trials and grief sometimes. The spiritual beings behind this global conspiracy were already there in 1913, in 1792, and before. They were masterminding today's events long before any of us was born. While we humans are only here for a short time, and the amount of knowledge we can acquire in the meantime is very limited.

As much as we would all love to see Jesus intervene tomorrow and end this crazy world, that's not what is in store. Satan will first take his place and appear as an angel of light, Lucifer, to mislead humans. He will end the madness and hardship that his evil alter ego Satan has created. Evil rulers and their matrix of total enslavement will fail, and a new world will emerge. "A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible", the "System 239", the eighth king.

Because all these numerological explanations are quite abstract, in part 2 we'll make the numbers above come to life, considering a few examples of predictive programming where they appear prominently, like this one from The Matrix, and what world-changing events are announced through them.

Thank you for reading.
I feel that your argument is somewhat compromised by its reliance on a film. As for numbers, there are as many ways of interpreting numbers as there are numbers. If the laws of physics and biology were your cue, I.e., the construct of creation and the laws that govern them, then I might give my attention, somewhat, but for me, I shall be staying with the bible, whose word is “faithful and true”. If how we are to arrive at the end of days was important, then it would say so. It gives an outline only. If it could be worked out in numbers, then the bible would contradict itself, for is says “No one knows the day or the hour, only the father.” The end is a work of faith alone. And that faith is based on love. And that love is built on the Word of Jehovah and in the evidence of his love and provision. The test of which, all of it, is faith. “Blessed are those whom have not seen, yet believe.”

There is a degree of correctness in your numerology, but that in terms of truth is (I do not mean it unkindly) irrelevant. The bible gives us a few signs for those who cannot in faith see for themselves that this system is so corrupt it cannot stand and is an affront to Jehovah where even His own people turn to following men. The same is said of Noah’s day, and there was precious little evidence that did not point to the coming destruction then, including a massive eyesore of an Ark on dry land and coming rain when no rain had been ever before. The test was faith.

For all its complexity in your synopsis, numerology within the bible is significant in noting degrees of perfection and also with creation, and “days”, and yes, there are always description of behaviours that can support those times, but faith is always the standard of measure. Divining the times through numbers is unwise when set against the issues of survival. It reduces the need for faith to simply waking up in time to catch the bus. Perhaps that is why Jehovah Keeps that time to Himself.
The implications are clear that there were no righteous ones on the earth other than Noah, his wife, their 3 sons and their wives, for at least 100 years
Indeed, but why? My feeling is, the demons had so corrupted mankind, and "taken wives for themselves, namely all whom they chose," that there wasn't anyone left that the demons didn't control or had bred out! I think the theory that the Nephlim could not bread is also in error. I think the real reason Noah, his sons and their wives were the only ones to make it on to the ark, is they were the only ones left that were not hybrid sons and daughters of demons., with the exception of those who were left that the demons allowed to live who worshiped them. Only by means of Jehovah protection did they survive. Not just by means of the flood, but certainly Jehovah had to protect them from the demons living in the flesh as "demi-gods" and indeed they were.
Just speculating, but the demons could have passed their skills to at least their offspring and other humans they came into contact with? After all the demons were more intelligent than the locals and I suspect so would their offspring have been too? But it seems that the scriptures do not specifically inform us where the different skill sets came from that were evident later on? Just the wickedness that developed pre-flood.
I think it went well beyond that. Almost certainly, they were creating advanced civilization 5000 years ahead of where they were then, and perhaps well beyond where we are now. The demons were so pissed off after the flood, they tried it again as soon as possible with the Tower of Babel. What does that scripture say about the the Tower of Babel, "there is nothing they won't be able to do"?

So like wise, just as Jehovah disrupted Satan's "timeline" with the flood, the same thing is going to happen in our day. I think also, lots of people will choose to side this time with Jehovah and Jesus, because this time will involve the "second coming of Christ" where before Jesus had not even come to the earth.

So the "days of Noah" will have many similarities, but also differences. But we have the clues.
Indeed, but why? My feeling is, the demons had so corrupted mankind, and "taken wives for themselves, namely all whom they chose," that there wasn't anyone left that the demons didn't control or had bred out! I think the theory that the Nephlim could not bread is also in error. I think the real reason Noah, his sons and their wives were the only ones to make it on to the ark, is they were the only ones left that were not hybrid sons and daughters of demons., with the exception of those who were left that the demons allowed to live who worshiped them. Only by means of Jehovah protection did they survive. Not just by means of the flood, but certainly Jehovah had to protect them from the demons living in the flesh as "demi-gods" and indeed they were.
Interesting points. I assumed that the Nephalim would not be able to breed, simply on the fact that they were not naturally of the same ilk so to speak. They were not perfect. Mules so to speak as the number of chromosomes would I assume, be different. Were they perfect, I would have thought that they could breed with mankind, as the fallen angels did back then, but that it would only be first generation. There surely must have been potential some of mankind if for no other reason that Jehovah allowed time for repentance. Yet the bible says that Jehovah regretted that He made man and if I recall correctly, that Noah was the only righteous man. So I expect you are right (as always of course). The scene is rather reflective of Sodom where ABRAHAM, NOT LOT (Sunflower!) found that there was not one righteous person left! 👍
Indeed, but why? My feeling is, the demons had so corrupted mankind, and "taken wives for themselves, namely all whom they chose," that there wasn't anyone left that the demons didn't control or had bred out! I think the theory that the Nephlim could not bread is also in error. I think the real reason Noah, his sons and their wives were the only ones to make it on to the ark, is they were the only ones left that were not hybrid sons and daughters of demons., with the exception of those who were left that the demons allowed to live who worshiped them. Only by means of Jehovah protection did they survive. Not just by means of the flood, but certainly Jehovah had to protect them from the demons living in the flesh as "demi-gods" and indeed they were.

Sorry for the double take I was writing when our brother BTG posted. I posted anyway.
Recall the time when Abraham asked Jehovah are you going to sweep the righteous away with the wicked, what if there is 50, ...40...30...20 righteous ones in the place? finally Jehovah said "I will not destroy it for the sake of the 10" Gen 18:22-32 Guess what Jehovah zapped Sodom and Gomorrah, because there was no righteous ones there. So it was in those days before the flood. "but Noah found favor in the eyes of Jehovah" Ge 6:8. When the flood came the demons went back to heaven and their wives and offspring drowned."...Noah was a righteous man. He proved himself faultless among his contemporaries. Noah walked with the true God? Who were Noah's contemporaries when he was building the Arc? Try Ge 6:5
I feel that your argument is somewhat compromised by its reliance on a film. As for numbers, there are as many ways of interpreting numbers as there are numbers. If the laws of physics and biology were your cue, I.e., the construct of creation and the laws that govern them, then I might give my attention, somewhat, but for me, I shall be staying with the bible, whose word is “faithful and true”. If how we are to arrive at the end of days was important, then it would say so. It gives an outline only. If it could be worked out in numbers, then the bible would contradict itself, for is says “No one knows the day or the hour, only the father.” The end is a work of faith alone. And that faith is based on love. And that love is built on the Word of Jehovah and in the evidence of his love and provision. The test of which, all of it, is faith. “Blessed are those whom have not seen, yet believe.”

There is a degree of correctness in your numerology, but that in terms of truth is (I do not mean it unkindly) irrelevant. The bible gives us a few signs for those who cannot in faith see for themselves that this system is so corrupt it cannot stand and is an affront to Jehovah where even His own people turn to following men. The same is said of Noah’s day, and there was precious little evidence that did not point to the coming destruction then, including a massive eyesore of an Ark on dry land and coming rain when no rain had been ever before. The test was faith.

For all its complexity in your synopsis, numerology within the bible is significant in noting degrees of perfection and also with creation, and “days”, and yes, there are always description of behaviours that can support those times, but faith is always the standard of measure. Divining the times through numbers is unwise when set against the issues of survival. It reduces the need for faith to simply waking up in time to catch the bus. Perhaps that is why Jehovah Keeps that time to Himself.
The issue I have with your conclusion here is the Bible does indeed use numerology of sorts, Daniel's timelines and those of Revelation come to mind. So IMHO, Jehovah placed them there for the spiritually discerning mind to decipher. I have to admit they are confusing. I enjoy discussing them with an open mind, such as this discussion, so long as things don't get heated. It's all conjecture at this point. Honestly, I hope David1982 is wrong about his conclusions, because being right means we have up to 12 more years until Paradise begins. That said, Jesus promised that Jehovah will have to cut things short, which to me means Satan's timeline gets cut due to the destruction it's bringing once it starts to affect Jehovah's people. So I imagine the truth lies somewhere in the middle of David's calculations and our expectations of the end coming sooner rather than later... but we must gird ourselves for the possibility it's later.

The fact that Jesus said most won't notice the "days of Noah," makes me pause and rethink what that could mean. His statement about the pre-parousia world being like Sodom makes me think his arrival is imminent due to today's LGBTQ focused world. Also, his words about only Jehovah knowing the time the parousia begins makes me rethink any discussions about numerology, but I can't totally dismiss all talk of timelines completely due to the Biblical timelines placed in the Bible by Jehovah Himself, as well as Satan's minions use of numerology being well documented. As long as we discuss these topics with humility, meekness and love, then I will continue to enjoy participating. David1982 put a lot of work into his post, so I appreciate that, as well as all the comments pro and con. This site is meant for building us up, not just venting about COVID and the evils of Satan's system.
Like Carl, I was never good at sports. I’m a ginger, so the boys always wanted to date my friends, not me. I wasn’t exactly the brightest in high school. Like Barnaby, I don’t know all bible prophecies and I know scriptures but never know where to find them in the bible (I need that search function). I’m mainly self taught in about everything I do know, so yeah, I can safely say I’m not capable of writing essays like David did here or like Robert does.

So with that being out of the way, I do want to state that I find this very interesting. We seem to be stuck in some way of thinking and posts like these make you step out of your comfort zone and look at things differently, for that I am thankful. Paul encouraged us to “Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.”

The thing I take away from all this is that Satan knows of Jehovah’s plan, he knows Jesus will return, so why not try to trick those who are waiting for the parousia that it has begun when it hasn’t? That certainly is something to think about and to prayerfully consider.

Jesus said: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children.” So it must be possible for people like me to be able to understand what is happening and therefor I must agree with Barnaby that it all comes down to true faith. Not the following of man, but faith in Jehovah, being meek, being teachable, having an open mind.

So thank you, David for posting this and giving us something to mull over.
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humanos o poseerán humanos dispuestos? Recuerdo que Beyoncé admitió que le permite a un ser habitar su cuerpo mientras estaba en el escenario. ¿Y si los gigantes están realmente poseiendo a los "gigantes" o elites de nuestro mundo hoy a través de sesiones y otros rituales satánicos?