The beast's timeline Part 1 : Elite numerology and the 1914 deception

Lol…you criticize David for throwing out an interpretation of how he sees things possibly transpiring,

I have know problem with someone sharing his/her views about how things may play out. I don't need to concern myself with pet stories they are trying push. However I will call someone out ( right or wrong on my part, ) for making what appears to me to be false statements and miss-application of scripture. But we will continue the discussion when the brother is ready to talk? or not?
The alien/pre-flood world topic would require a mile-long post of its own to do it justice. When you study the ancient world and ruins, there's obviously something missing, architectural feats made with such perfection and technique that they can't be explained away by the use of primitive tools. Some of these buildings and artifacts being found underwater on the sea floor.
There are a number of channels on Youtube exploring this topic, helping to form a mental picture of what that very advanced global civilization must have been like.

I don't know how it will take place, but we've definitely been prepared through predictive programming for the appearance of an "otherwordly" element, something above mankind, that will unlock its "ascension". That's the cover fallen angels will use to mislead mankind to go along with Satan's blasphemous beast.

The problem is, there are many layers to this deception. People such as Trump can be disrupting their layer, the political world and the people around him, but I don't think they change the overall game, which takes place at a much higher level than the public figures people "vote" for.

As for the timeline itself, it's the targets that human work is organized along. The elites could be deluding themselves, and their perfect plan could be cut short, but I don't think it will. The reason is the questions raised by Satan, about the legitimacy of Jehovah's rule, have to be solved once and for all. He has to be allowed to run the most advanced alternative to Christ's rule he can conceive, so that no creature can say in the future: "Satan was unfairly stopped when he was succeeding".

Of course, what they are doing, with the injections for example, is pure madness. They are kicking the status quo, the somewhat stable world we have always known down the drain. Some of the lower minions making it happen must be starting to realize what they are doing...
I also think the same about the alien thing before the flood. Obviously, there was a highly advanced civilization maybe even more advanced than ours. The demons were materialized and their sons helped them to govern that world. The communication among the demons and the people of those times was much more clear and faster than now. It seems that when they were hurled to the Tartarus it became more difficult to them to communicate with mankind and their servants here. We could also say that that world was filled with marvels, but it was filled with violence too and that lead to their demise. Not to mention that it was not natural for the demons to adopt that form and it seems that they wanted to replace mankind with their hybrid sons. Jehovah would have never allowed that to happen. That was against His purpose and was not natural. That's why that world was destroyed, and I think that's why many ruins are underwater now because they existed before the flood but sank at the bottom of the ocean that fell from the sky and came out of the depths of ground.

I personally believe that there are extraterrestrial beings like us, civilizations and worlds distributed throughout the Universe. I don't think that we are the only ones in this vast cosmos, neither that the only extraterrestrial life is the spiritual one like the Watchtower has said several times. I just think that they are not allowed to intervene in our world, but are aware of what's going on here.

There is obviously a wicked intention behind all the alien thing now, but that's another story. That does not necessarily invalid the possibility of the existence of real alien civilizations.
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I also think the same about the alien thing before the flood. Obviously, there was a highly advanced civilization maybe even more advanced than ours. The demons were materialized and their sons helped them to govern that world. The communication among the demons and the people of those times was much more clear and faster than now. It seems that when they were hurled to the Tartarus it became more difficult to them to communicate with mankind and their servants here. We could also say that that world was filled with marvels, but it was filled with violence too and that lead to their demise. Not to mention that it was not natural for the demons to adopt that form and it seems that they wanted to replace mankind with their hybrid sons. Jehovah would have never allowed that to happen. That was against His purpose and was not natural. That's why that world was destroyed, and I think that's why many ruins are underwater now because they existed before the flood but sank at the bottom of the ocean that fell from the sky and came out of the depths of ground.

I personally believe that there are extraterrestrial beings like us, civilizations and worlds distributed throughout the Universe. I don't think that we are the only ones in this vast cosmos, neither that the only extraterrestrial life is the spiritual one like the Watchtower has said several times. I just think that they are not allowed to intervene in our world, but are aware of what's going on here.

There is obviously a wicked intention behind all the alien thing now, but that's another story. That does not necessarily invalid the possibility of the existence of real alien civilizations.
The scriptures refer to the beginning. “In the beginning…”, and thus it is unlikely -impossible in this universe, given the laws that govern it - for there to be an alien life form. If that were the case though, for arguments sake, it would be subject to the same issues that Satan has caused for us - would it not, unless you wish to ditch the entire ethos of one God. Given that, the bible says that angels materialised a body and took wives. Given that they were able to take the science of creation with them to construct something so complex as a human body and inhabit it, it stands to reason that they would have access to such sciences that even today, we are ignorant of. Support for this thinking is pretty obvious really when the flood wiped out every last one of them from habitual bodies and were then confined in that regard, and also their technology that came with them. The pyramids were probably built with such knowledge and survived the flood because of their weight - also in other lands, - and at least the plausible clue at least is in their alignment across the globe and their measurement accurate to within a hair breadth. Try achieving that without having witnessed the creator at work.

The event, paradoxically, gives us insight into Jehovah’s consideration of all options, as they develop, to show mercy and in His provision to provide every last option for those that love Him to change their lives to be in accordance with Him. The original sentence was upon Satan, alone (I understand) but then he convinced others to go with him and inhabit the earth. Thus making Jehovah regret that He had ever made men - given what they had become. That did not make Him untrue to Himself though and again, He provided an escape, but did away with the odds set against mankind that they had no power to fight against. All mankind would have been corrupted against such odds as they will be again until Jehovah intervenes. So Jehovah forced the fallen back into their realm and jailed them there. Until now (or soon). Those are the only aliens you should worry about.
I personally believe that there are extraterrestrial beings like us, civilizations and worlds distributed throughout the Universe. I don't think that we are the only ones in this vast cosmos, neither that the only extraterrestrial life is the spiritual one like the Watchtower has said several times. I just think that they are not allowed to intervene in our world, but are aware of what's going on here.

There is obviously a wicked intention behind all the alien thing now, but that's another story. That does not necessarily invalid the possibility of the existence of real alien civilizations.

I understand the desire to want to believe in ET's, given that the universe is enormous. And to argue that there is or isn't would be in vain, for we have no proof otherwise whether there is, or is not, other intelligent life forms in the universe. The scriptures do provide some insight however, which would tend to lean to the fact that we are the first intelligent creation in the universe. That does not mean there is not other life such as plant, and animal life on other planets which I do think there is, however when it comes to a creation in Gods image, I feel we are the first in the universe, and here's why.

First, we are special, made in Gods image, and Jesus said that the thing he was fond of was mankind. (Pr 8:31) “. . .being glad at the productive land of his earth, and the things I was fond of were with the sons of men.

As far as we know according to the scriptures, Adam was the very first of a new creation, the first son of man. When we look at the creative process that has been revealed to us through the scriptures we find that it is very Godlike to begin with one. Jehovah started with one when he created Jesus Christ. He started with one, when he formed Adam as the first of mankind. And when mankind was given the ability to produce progeny, again it starts with one. One cell, and then two, then four, then eight etc, etc, etc. It is very simple yet very effective. It is Godlike.

For this reason, I feel that Jehovah started it all here on earth with one individual, becoming two, with the plan to fill the earth and subdue it, and ultimately to fill the universe for eternity, and to forever discover the infinite wisdom of our creator in this grand creation.

Secondly, the issue of free will, and the ability to sin needed to be reconciled which is occurring now. To think that there are countless other worlds that may not have sinned, or others that possibly did like us throughout the universe, to me just doesn't seem Godlike. It seems rather untidy if you ask me. Just my opinion.

If you, or anybody, wants to believe in intelligent lifeforms I have no qualms with you or them, I am merely presenting why I do not think along those lines. I'd be just as happy to be wrong about it, as I would be to be correct. Meeting another intelligent species made in Gods image would be fascinating!
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Secondly, the issue of free will, and the ability to sin needed to be reconciled which is occurring now. To think that there are other countless other worlds that may not have sinned, or others that possibly did like us throughout the universe, to me just doesn't seem Godlike. It seems rather untidy if you ask me. Just my opinion.
Not to mention, and this has be written about by the WBTS; If there were other sentient life in the universe and it had fallen in the past, then there would be no need for the universal court case on this planet. God's right to rule would have already been firmly established and a precedent set with his son providing the ransom. Adam and Eve would have been destroyed and a new couple created as the matter had been firmly established on another planet by another group of sentient beings.

On the other hand, had there not been a falling, but many, many years (millions?) of happy theocracy, then other civilizations would have already proven the righteousness and wisdom of God's rule in beings' lives and there would be no need for the court case either.

I can't remember their exact reasoning but it went something like that.

So sorry, but I can't believe in sentient aliens. Other life? Sure...maybe... I'm not sure why though as God created life to be shared and enjoyed by his sons and daughters. Where there are no sons or daughters why bother. But who knows really.
Not to mention, and this has be written about by the WBTS; If there were other sentient life in the universe and it had fallen in the past, then there would be no need for the universal court case on this planet. God's right to rule would have already been firmly established and a precedent set with his son providing the ransom. Adam and Eve would have been destroyed and a new couple created as the matter had been firmly established on another planet by another group of sentient beings.

On the other hand, had there not been a falling, but many, many years (millions?) of happy theocracy, then other civilizations would have already proven the righteousness and wisdom of God's rule in beings' lives and there would be no need for the court case either.

I can't remember their exact reasoning but it went something like that.

So sorry, but I can't believe in sentient aliens. Other life? Sure...maybe... I'm not sure why though as God created life to be shared and enjoyed by his sons and daughters. Where there are no sons or daughters why bother. But who knows really.
Yes there would always be a need to prove the right to exclusive devotion, even if it had run successfully for generations. Being perfect does not answer the question of loyalty, only that it has not been challenged. That can only be tested by its own mettle. Christ repeated the observance of truth practically every time he spoke - “Truly I tell you…”. Therefore trust is the key element. “Taste and see…” as Jehovah says. That phrase, to “taste“ or trust, put another way, illustrates that to push the boundaries of loyalty in love, is an acceptable way to confirm that Jehovah is true to His word. That is similar to the adventure in trying new foods is it not? You soon get an answer, and it far from being a challenge to do something wrong, it is an opportunity to develop the relationship on a personal level. It is a test of personality, and the reason why with age, our values become far wider, more accommodating and our opinion more rational - in some, anyway!

The “right” to re-set what Jehovah created as necessary for our benefit however is a contradiction in loyalty no matter how one looks at it. It was inevitable that it would need to be tested because it’s value is the essence of life. That is why Jesus was tested right up until his last moment. “Come down from the stake if you are the son of God and save yourself.“ Satan was tested by his own desire, just as was Judas and Eve. We ourselves are about to choose to destroy ourselves in the vain hope that we will some how survive. Jehovah points out that the outcome of this test is that it need never be repeated, or will be because the spirituality of our existence demands that we have of our own choice, chosen to understand and reject in ourselves anything contrary to the attributes of the spirit. Perfection is in its attainment, adherence thereof to the culmination of values set for our existence (or of the pots the potter makes). Yes our bodies were perfect, but loyalty cannot be proven unless it is proved. A test was therefore inevitable, even if only by default. Hence the tree. The other tree was a reward was it not? When then? At what point is someone rewarded for nothing?
I mean it’s not so hard to write that for the sake of us slower ones😢
I know what you mean. I don’t do acronyms either. It’s not a question of ‘slowness’ though, but of association. That is why their use is attractive to organisations, especially those seeking control. The intent is the same with “buzz words”. My boss, a bullying vacuous acidic bovine, a harridan, a tyrant of an unfulfilled unquenchable vitriolic bitterness and insecurity; a domineering psychopath of a woman and self confessed control freak that would have shamed Stalin and made Hitler blush, simply oozed buzz words and I used to protest the only way I could by reflecting them back to her both at the beginning and end of my comment. Moving forward, I was too subtle it seems. I should have thought of something else moving forward. I actually “quiet-quitted” myself before anyone thought of the term - which was lucky for her because I would have only ended up saying something nasty about her. So be proud! Your not slow, but up here with the free independent thinkers!
Yes there would always be a need to prove the right to exclusive devotion, even if it had run successfully for generations. Being perfect does not answer the question of loyalty, only that it has not been challenged. That can only be tested by its own mettle. Christ repeated the observance of truth practically every time he spoke - “Truly I tell you…”. Therefore trust is the key element. “Taste and see…” as Jehovah says. That phrase, to “taste“ or trust, put another way, illustrates that to push the boundaries of loyalty in love, is an acceptable way to confirm that Jehovah is true to His word. That is similar to the adventure in trying new foods is it not? You soon get an answer, and it far from being a challenge to do something wrong, it is an opportunity to develop the relationship on a personal level. It is a test of personality, and the reason why with age, our values become far wider, more accommodating and our opinion more rational - in some, anyway!

The “right” to re-set what Jehovah created as necessary for our benefit however is a contradiction in loyalty no matter how one looks at it. It was inevitable that it would need to be tested because it’s value is the essence of life. That is why Jesus was tested right up until his last moment. “Come down from the stake if you are the son of God and save yourself.“ Satan was tested by his own desire, just as was Judas and Eve. We ourselves are about to choose to destroy ourselves in the vain hope that we will some how survive. Jehovah points out that the outcome of this test is that it need never be repeated, or will be because the spirituality of our existence demands that we have of our own choice, chosen to understand and reject in ourselves anything contrary to the attributes of the spirit. Perfection is in its attainment, adherence thereof to the culmination of values set for our existence (or of the pots the potter makes). Yes our bodies were perfect, but loyalty cannot be proven unless it is proved. A test was therefore inevitable, even if only by default. Hence the tree. The other tree was a reward was it not? When then? At what point is someone rewarded for nothing?
Yes, BtD, you're right. The second part of my argument was flawed but as I said, I couldn't quite remember what the WBTS's reasoning was on that point. I was obviously wrong. I should probably see if I can find the article as it was pretty much flawless from what I remember.

I'll see if I can find it. Don't wait up. :)
I know what you mean. I don’t do acronyms either. It’s not a question of ‘slowness’ though, but of association. That is why their use is attractive to organisations, especially those seeking control. The intent is the same with “buzz words”. My boss, a bullying vacuous acidic bovine, a harridan, a tyrant of an unfulfilled unquenchable vitriolic bitterness and insecurity; a domineering psychopath of a woman and self confessed control freak that would have shamed Stalin and made Hitler blush, simply oozed buzz words and I used to protest the only way I could by reflecting them back to her both at the beginning and end of my comment. Moving forward, I was too subtle it seems. I should have thought of something else moving forward. I actually “quiet-quitted” myself before anyone thought of the term - which was lucky for her because I would have only ended up saying something nasty about her. So be proud! Your not slow, but up here with the free independent thinkers!
BTW, AFAIK you are both RAR. I've got it on my SCSI drive here in my HSH. It deals with the HoT written by the WBTS as they put on the MoL through the MoTB :LOL:

BtD, some of what you wrote is worthy of a Shakespearean sonnet.

"My boss, a bullying vacuous acidic bovine, a harridan, a tyrant of an unfulfilled unquenchable vitriolic bitterness and insecurity; a domineering psychopath of a woman and self confessed control freak that would have shamed Stalin and made Hitler blush"

Haha, this is great stuff.
BTW, AFAIK you are both RAR. I've got it on my SCSI drive here in my HSH. It deals with the HoT written by the WBTS as they put on the MoL through the MoTB :LOL:

BtD, some of what you wrote is worthy of a Shakespearean sonnet.

"My boss, a bullying vacuous acidic bovine, a harridan, a tyrant of an unfulfilled unquenchable vitriolic bitterness and insecurity; a domineering psychopath of a woman and self confessed control freak that would have shamed Stalin and made Hitler blush"

Haha, this is great stuff.
I does not count if you have to look them up kirmmy. That’s cheating. That is the same as calling someone a Sagger Maker’s Bottom Knocker without knowing what it means. You’ll just have to look it up!
Yes, BtD, you're right. The second part of my argument was flawed but as I said, I couldn't quite remember what the WBTS's reasoning was on that point. I was obviously wrong. I should probably see if I can find the article as it was pretty much flawless from what I remember.

I'll see if I can find it. Don't wait up. :)
I did not mean to suggest what you said was flawed. To extrapolate a definitive reasoning from the depths of Jehovah’s insight is rather akin to plumbing the intricacies of a spiritual rocket science on nuclear fusion, in that it gives out more substance than anyone of us can put in. I found the thought that perfection in body may not necessarily confirm the adherence to and Union of ethical reasoning between the creator and created to be the significant factor in the test placed before Adam. Watchtower always implied (in my understanding) that the perfection in man was complete, but I am not certain that perfection can be complete if it does not have the agreement in the meaning of perfection from the created being. One has to appreciate the other in the total understanding of what perfection is. If one is given choice then agreement is an imperative understanding in and of perfection and the sole enabler of continuance. What other alternative can there be in offering the symbolic other tree?
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I'm surprised I am stumbling upon this original post as I also believe in the same time line. Albeit, you have more details than I thought of like the assassination of the monarch in France. Which was the beginning decline of the Monarchy. Brother Russell declared later on that the "gentile" times have ended in 1914. Which makes sense as the Federal Reserve began in late 1913. And America has started to enter a globalist period ever since. I too also believe 2034 is going to be a very important year. I don't know if that's the start of the great tribulation or the end of it but the 120 years aligns well with a generation of a family as well as a planet-solar time line which is the clock that God has created. All planets moving in orbit as like hours and minute hands on a universe time clock. As it's not a number man sees but a number that God sees. As we live on earth time.

9-23-23 is another interesting date you added. During that time. Politics in America will be extremely intense. I can see something politically noteworthy going on during that time. As of yesterday, there are forces out there in the political sphere that are attempting to arrest former president Trump this upcoming Tuesday. This could cause great upheaval and an acceleration to hard times ahead. As no president has ever been arrested in this nations history. It's really the sign of the times. The justice system is beyond corrupt and targets political opponents. And we are already seeing a form of Gog of Magog here, the intelligence agencies that control the mainstream media and other organizations and it's alignment with the federal reserve system. All these events can't be ignored even if Watchtower shames us for reading too much into politics. We know they will be blindsided as they have blinders on as bible prophecy says. They already have to make corrections to their 1914 timeline. As they went with a timeline from a human perspective and not God's perspective. 120 years marks a generation for an entire family unit. Humans today don't live that long. Otherwise, we would be in paradise right now since 2014. 100 years since 1914.
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I'm surprised I am stumbling upon this original post as I also believe in the same time line. Albeit, you have more details than I thought of like the assassination of the monarch in France. Which was the beginning decline of the Monarchy. Brother Russell declared later on that the "gentile" times have ended in 1914. Which makes sense as the Federal Reserve began in late 1913. And America has started to enter a globalist period ever since. I too also believe 2034 is going to be a very important year. I don't know if that's the start of the great tribulation or the end of it but the 120 years aligns well with a generation of a family as well as a planet-solar time line which is the clock that God has created. All planets moving in orbit as like hours and minute hands on a universe time clock. As it's not a number man sees but a number that God sees. As we live on earth time.

9-23-23 is another interesting date you added. During that time. Politics in America will be extremely intense. I can see something politically noteworthy going on during that time. As of yesterday, there are forces out there in the political sphere that are attempting to arrest former president Trump this upcoming Tuesday. This could cause great upheaval and an acceleration to hard times ahead. As no president has ever been arrested in this nations history. It's really the sign of the times. The justice system is beyond corrupt and targets political opponents. And we are already seeing a form of Gog of Magog here, the intelligence agencies that control the mainstream media and other organizations and it's alignment with the federal reserve system. All these events can't be ignored even if Watchtower shames us for reading too much into politics. We know they will be blindsided as they have blinders on as bible prophecy says. They already have to make corrections to their 1914 timeline. As they went with a timeline from a human perspective and not God's perspective. 120 years marks a generation for an entire family unit. Humans today don't live that long. Otherwise, we would be in paradise right now since 2014. 100 years since 1914.
Thank you. That is true.
Yes there would always be a need to prove the right to exclusive devotion, even if it had run successfully for generations. Being perfect does not answer the question of loyalty, only that it has not been challenged. That can only be tested by its own mettle. Christ repeated the observance of truth practically every time he spoke - “Truly I tell you…”. Therefore trust is the key element. “Taste and see…” as Jehovah says. That phrase, to “taste“ or trust, put another way, illustrates that to push the boundaries of loyalty in love, is an acceptable way to confirm that Jehovah is true to His word. That is similar to the adventure in trying new foods is it not? You soon get an answer, and it far from being a challenge to do something wrong, it is an opportunity to develop the relationship on a personal level. It is a test of personality, and the reason why with age, our values become far wider, more accommodating and our opinion more rational - in some, anyway!

The “right” to re-set what Jehovah created as necessary for our benefit however is a contradiction in loyalty no matter how one looks at it. It was inevitable that it would need to be tested because it’s value is the essence of life. That is why Jesus was tested right up until his last moment. “Come down from the stake if you are the son of God and save yourself.“ Satan was tested by his own desire, just as was Judas and Eve. We ourselves are about to choose to destroy ourselves in the vain hope that we will some how survive. Jehovah points out that the outcome of this test is that it need never be repeated, or will be because the spirituality of our existence demands that we have of our own choice, chosen to understand and reject in ourselves anything contrary to the attributes of the spirit. Perfection is in its attainment, adherence thereof to the culmination of values set for our existence (or of the pots the potter makes). Yes our bodies were perfect, but loyalty cannot be proven unless it is proved. A test was therefore inevitable, even if only by default. Hence the tree. The other tree was a reward was it not? When then? At what point is someone rewarded for nothing?
I found that article and to my immense surprise I remembered it fairly accurately:

What About Life on Other Planets?

Some influential religious figures have insisted that God would not create any world without purpose and that all habitable worlds must therefore be inhabited. Is that what the Bible says? No. The Bible indicates that it is very unlikely that God at this point has created intelligent physical creatures on any planets other than our own. How so?

If God did create such beings, he did so before he created Adam and Eve. Such beings either remained faithful to their Creator, or like Adam and Eve, they sinned and fell into imperfection.

But if they became imperfect, they needed a redeemer. As one essayist put it: “One has this dreadful thought that on Friday [the day Jesus Christ was executed], every Friday, somewhere in the universe Jesus is being hanged high for someone’s sins.” But that is not Scriptural. The Bible tells us that Jesus “died with reference to sin once for all time.”Romans 6:10.

What if these beings had remained perfect? Well, when Adam and Eve sinned, they were, in effect, questioning God’s right to rule over a world of intelligent physical beings. If another planet existed at that time, a world full of intelligent physical beings who were living harmoniously and loyally under God’s rule, would they not have been called in as witnesses to testify that God’s rule does indeed work? This conclusion seems inescapable, since he has already used even imperfect humans as witnesses in his behalf on that very issue.Isaiah 43:10.

Agree with it completely or not, at least I was able to find it and prove I'm not losing my mind. :)
I found that article and to my immense surprise I remembered it fairly accurately:

What About Life on Other Planets?

Some influential religious figures have insisted that God would not create any world without purpose and that all habitable worlds must therefore be inhabited. Is that what the Bible says? No. The Bible indicates that it is very unlikely that God at this point has created intelligent physical creatures on any planets other than our own. How so?

If God did create such beings, he did so before he created Adam and Eve. Such beings either remained faithful to their Creator, or like Adam and Eve, they sinned and fell into imperfection.

But if they became imperfect, they needed a redeemer. As one essayist put it: “One has this dreadful thought that on Friday [the day Jesus Christ was executed], every Friday, somewhere in the universe Jesus is being hanged high for someone’s sins.” But that is not Scriptural. The Bible tells us that Jesus “died with reference to sin once for all time.”Romans 6:10.

What if these beings had remained perfect? Well, when Adam and Eve sinned, they were, in effect, questioning God’s right to rule over a world of intelligent physical beings. If another planet existed at that time, a world full of intelligent physical beings who were living harmoniously and loyally under God’s rule, would they not have been called in as witnesses to testify that God’s rule does indeed work? This conclusion seems inescapable, since he has already used even imperfect humans as witnesses in his behalf on that very issue.Isaiah 43:10.

Agree with it completely or not, at least I was able to find it and prove I'm not losing my mind. :)
The longer this system goes on, the more obvious it becomes that it is not we who are losing our minds, but them! Fear not! For in the world of the blind, the one eyed man is king.
Following my previous post about September 23, 2023, I had this feeling that I had stopped halfway in my explanations. I mentioned the elite's timeline along which world events are scripted, but didn't expand on it. It's not an easy topic to deal with, and I'm normally reluctant to expose this kind of information to JWs. I know that people here are open-minded and think for themselves, but sadly that's not the case with "regular" JWs. Whether they realize it or not, they are usually under a very strong groupthink and mind-control spell. They've been trained to self-censor themselves in their pursuit of the truth, and to only consider whatever emanates from "God's Channel".
To me however, it is a central question to those whose hope is in Christ, in these last days, to understand the kind of deceptions that are coming our way. With or without the Watchtower's blessing and authorization, which has made it a taboo to look where we are going to look. And for a very good reason, as these forbidden sources reveal the true origins of their deceptive narrative. Using the elites' numerology, we are going to see how the WT's, "Christ's presence" 1914 timeline, and the NWO's takeover timeline, are one and the same. But first, let's start by summarizing briefly what the coming world government is about.

Annuit Coeptis

According to the Watchtower's end times perspective, as the world descends into the chaos and despair of the great tribulation, Christ will eventually step in. He will trigger the war of Armaggedon and end the rule of evil, forever. Seems simple enough, yet there are a number of things that are not right with that chronology. If Jesus comes at a time mankind is in dire straits, and desperately waiting for a savior, how is it that he said that he comes at an hour no one will be expecting him, not even his followers? With Christ's return would come the hope of peace and order being restored. All humans would be welcoming, not rejecting him. In that case, why would they battle him at Armaggedon? If the post-tribulation world is in disarray, what structure would be powerful enough to wage that war in the first place?

What the study of prophecy and of world's affairs reveals is a very different picture. Satan is preparing an alternative to Christ's rule, a powerful global system described as a wild beast and an eighth king in the book of Revelation, that will subjugate and mesmerize the world with great signs and wonders. As Jesus told Peter, "Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat". This scheme comes as his challenge against Jesus: "Of course all humans are going to follow you if you end hardship and promise them everlasting life. Now, let me impersonate my own depiction of you and offer them all these things, and see if they remain faithful to you".

Humanity's woes find their source in a spiritual disease, man being alienated from God and in a state of imperfection. During his millenial Kingdom, Christ will apply the value of his perfect sacrifice to humble humans willing to follow his leadership. Truth, justice, love, will prevail, allowing humans to heal spiritually, and be reconciled with God, which in turn will make the Earth and all earthly life heal physically as well.
Satan can't offer such spiritual healing, but he can create a world light years better than what we have today. He can throw at us all the toys and wonders at his disposal, including mind-blowing advanced technology, and supernatural "alien" knowledge, similar to what his demons brought to the pre-flood world. He can solve a lot of the damage that his agents are working overtime to create today, for example, unlocking new health and energy paradigms, and reverting ecological damage. That's what his wild beast is about, with a universal new age religion component added into the mix, make-believe justice and peace, preached by "false Christs and false prophets, so as to fool, if possible, even the very elect".

To understand better where we are in the birth process of this new order, let's consider one of its most famous depictions.
The all-seeing eye on top of the pyramid represents Satan's final goal, a world united under luciferian illumination. That illumination could not be unveiled in the primitive world that existed back then in the 1700s, while most everyone was living peacefully in their towns and farms. To make a full impact, it needed to take place in a world that has been previously prepared, indoctrinated into a "one-world" mindset, with advanced lifestyles and technology, and the ability to convey instant propaganda everywhere, through the magic of information networks and screens. This is what the lower stone degrees depict, centuries of required material development, produced by infinite growth schemes of fiat currency printing and endless economic expansion.

Today however, we find ourselves at the point in time where the world's setting that Satan envisioned is almost complete. The perpetual growth mindset, no longer needed, is being replaced by environmental awareness, "sustainable development" and "green" everything. Under the guise of climate change, covid, and now war and energy scarcity, a controlled shutdown of the global economy has been initiated.
Now, instead of the picture on the dollar bill, imagine one that represents our current situation. The project looking anything but finished, with the capstone missing, lots of scaffolding and building material waste everywhere, idle workers fooling around...
Satan can't unveil his new world utopia in today's mess. The success of that advanced world requires an equally advanced citizenry, capable of evolving to a superior, non-materialistic paradigm. A global, traumatic cataclysm, a "cleansing" fire unlike anything in history, will transform the world and "reshape" human population, eliminating those not resilient enough to survive, and refining the rest. The Bible describes this process as the Great Tribulation, "a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then".

While the stone degrees of the pyramid were being built, Satan has misled mankind primarily by removing God out of the picture, corrupting Christianity, and pushing atheism, consumerism and all kinds of degeneracy onto the world. But the final luciferian deception is something else. Its main target are those who weren't corrupted by the previous permissive era, and standing out among those, of course, the great crowd that belongs to Christ, and comes out of the great tribulation. Such an advanced deception cannot be achieved by the current godless system, but requires its meltdown, a seemingly "divine" removal of evildoers, and a spiritual rebirth of mankind.
I agree with you, even David Spangler an ex UN member said that nobody will enter the new world order without a luciferian pledge. How that pledge will manifest only time will tell, it will probably be something quite inconspicuous like the vaccine, when mankind has reached all despair, hungry and terrified, that any offer of help will be grabbed with both hands no questions asked.
What I don't understand is WHY Jehovah would allow Satan to deceive his people? If it is a true deception, it isn't really fair is it? I knew about the jab & saw how others were clearly deceived into taking it. When it comes to The mark of the beast...I truly hope that I am again discerning enough to know better! I am continually praying that we won't be deceived but know clearly what the choices are.
Carl the agenda 2030 date as their date of completion has now been put back to the year 2025 which so happens to tie in with the year of a mass world population decline on the Deagel report.
Carl the agenda 2030 date as their date of completion has now been put back to the year 2025 which so happens to tie in with the year of a mass world population decline on the Deagel report.
You can lead a horse to water... It makes me wonder how exactly a small group of maniacs can control and murder billions with literally no resistance even when told of the plan ahead of time.