I want to elaborate on this a little more also.
@White Stone @The God Pill God
@TheJehuChariot @BARNABY THE DOG.
The WT does this all the time, but so do a lot of people. They say, "it happened this way in the bible, so..." and they use that to justify their interpretations of things they imagine to be true in their own lives. The most famous WT example is they love to compare themselves to Moses, and Korah's rebellion, to discourage anyone from questioning WT.
Like I said, they leave out context, and there is no better example of "context is King" than this false equivalency of WT and Moses.
Let's dig into this with context shall we???!!!
Jehovah first of all chose Moses, why? "Meekest man on the earth." Even the bible compares Moses as foreshadowing Jesus.
So what did Moses do when God chose him by appearing to him by means of a burning bush? Did he go declaring his special greatness at having been chosen by God? No, he basically told God, "who am I to be given this great blessing, I don't want it." Why didn't Mose want it? "Meekest man on the earth."
Yet every chance WT gets they not so meekly, compare themselves to Moses!
What about the other instances you mentioned about dreams revealed to people in the bible? Again, "context is king." Who were they reveal to and why!!??? That is the context. The cup bearer and baker, so Joseph could interpret the dream. Jehovah revealed himself through Joseph, Moses, Daniel, and Joseph Jesus step father, why? Because of who those exemplary people were who made it into the bible and because one of them is God's son. By claiming you had a dream from God, you make yourself equal to a man like Moses, who would have never without the prodding of Jehovah himself, be posting about "dreams from God," you think you had.
Sorry to be so blunt, but if you were wise, even if this was true, you'd keep this to yourself. Jesus didn't even begin his ministry until he was 30 years old and until after the Holy Spirirt had been poured out onto him, and then he backed it up with miracles, just like Moses! Oh, the other context WT likes to leave out when comparing themselves to Moses, all the miracles he performed by means of God's spirit....still waiting!